
  • adj.(有)…座位的;(有)…座垫的;根深的;固定的
  • v.“seat”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络就座的;坐;坐着的




英语选择题 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... vt. 容纳 seated adj. 就座的 seat n. 位子 ...

瑞瑜伽: 七月 2010 ... •构成常设瑜伽 Standing yoga poses • Seated •弯 Twists ...


新编许国璋英语(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... marble n. 大理石 seated a. 坐着的 statue n. 雕像, 塑像 ...


英文翻译_百度知道 ... motorcycle- 摩托车 seated - 坐在 behind- 身后 ...


Difference between... ... sit on 为…的成员;压制 seated adj. 就座的, 固定的 a bicycle seat. 自行车车座 ...


坐立(Seated)时完成本运动双手握紧,并将手臂举起到头部上方强化背部的贴士 强化背部的关键事项。


...态血压心脉仪-DP5000A」与听诊法测量人体在「坐姿(Seated),立姿(Standing) 及卧姿 (Supine)」不同位置的血压,并将两 …


stay是什么意思_ stay翻译_ stay解释... ... The weather ~ed hot for a week. 天气连续热了一周 Please ~ seated. 请坐著 ...

When one is seated far from the windows, one sees only the sky and, silhouetted against it, the faces of the dancers passing in succession. 如果一个人坐得远离窗户,他只能看到天空,以及衬托其上,一对对依次走过舞伴的面庞。
It turned out that the person seated next to me on the train was one of my old friends. 火车上坐在我旁边的那个人原来是我一个老朋友。
and she seated herself on the bird's back, with her feet on his outstretched wings, and tied her girdle to one of his strongest feathers. 拇指姑娘说。她坐鸟儿的背上,把脚搁在他展开的双翼上,把用腰带紧紧地系在他最结实的一根羽毛上。
The visitor showed the least amount of status when he stopped just inside the door to talk across the room to the seated man. 如果来访者只是停留在门旁边与坐着的人说话,说明这个人的地位很低。
As he was thirsty and eager to get a little rest he went into the tea house and seated himself at a little table by the window. 由于口渴,又渴望休息片刻,他就走进茶馆,在靠窗的一张小桌旁坐下。
Rumor is often a series of deep-seated problems of information through non-normal reflection of the abnormal pathway. 谣言常常是一系列深层次不足通过非正常信息途径的畸形反映。
The assembly shall also include two resilient seated isolation valves, four resilient seated test cocks and an air gap drain fitting. 这种总成还应该包括两个弹性密封隔离阀,四个弹性密封测试旋塞和一个气隙排放连接件。
He made a very blank and rueful face when he saw Mr. Arthur seated upon a table. 他看见亚瑟先生高踞在桌子上,不觉一愣,露出了无可奈何的伤心脸色。
Perhaps, he recalled, he said it twice. A flight attendant seated near Sayegh took offense. Soon he was being led off the plane by police. 他回忆道,自己可能说了两遍。一个坐在他附近的空服员觉得受到了冒犯。很快他就被警察护送下了飞机。
And I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it had a bow; and there was given to him a crown: and he went out with power to overcome. 我就观看、见有一匹白马、骑在马上的拿著弓.并有冠冕赐给他.他便出来、胜了又要胜。
She was seated at the prosecutor's table with five other young assistant district attorneys who had been sworn in with her that morning. 她和另外五个年轻的地区律师坐在公诉人席上。他们六人都是那天早上宣誓就职的。
The male speaker began to read: he was a young man, respectably dressed and seated at a table, having a book before him. 那说话的勇人开始读了。他是一个年轻人,穿得很体面,坐在一张桌子旁,在他面前有一本书。
At the next instant, a youthful warrior passed between them, with a noiseless step, and seated himself on the bank of the rapid stream. 接着,一个年轻的战士脚步很轻地走过他们两人之间,在急湍的小河边坐了下来。
for part of the day he went into the court - yard , seated himself on a stone with his head bare and exposed to the blazing sun. 那天下午他走到天井里,光着头坐在一块石头上,曝晒在炽热的阳光底下。
In Totentanz 2, a crimson tinted flood is superimposed over a magisterial robed figure, an Aryan blonde seated as if on a throne. 在《死亡之舞》2里,染成深红的洪水叠加在一个威风凛凛、身着长袍的人物上——一个金发碧眼的雅利安人,如同坐在国王的宝座上一般。
You are to be seated in a cubicle from where you'll only be able to see the control box for your 'truck' and the experimenter. 你会坐在一个小隔间里,在那里你只能看到一个表示你的“卡车”的控制箱,以及实验者。
The couples were seated only a few rows apart but didn't speak during the show. They also managed to avoid one another on the red carpet. 两队座位仅隔几排,但是全程他们没讲一句话。在红地毯上他们也是刻意避开对方。
Seated inside a small isolation booth with wires trailing from the helmet on her head, the subject seems deep in concentration. 在一个由尾随在她头上的头盔隔离线的小摊位上时,似乎在专心的主题。
With his son seated on his lap, the king announced that he would be the crown prince, and his mother would be the number one queen. 小男孩坐在国王的腿上,国王当众宣布小男孩就是太子,而他的母亲成为了皇后。
The lovely Lucy honored me with her presence as she seated me in the first table for 2 against the glass near the left workstation. 可爱的露西过来让我坐在靠首的那张桌子,背对着工作区左边的那面玻璃。
Schopenhauer is often cited, as a fit subject for laughter, because he praised suicide while seated at a well-set table. 叔本华(Schopenhauer)常被人引做笑柄,因为他坐在摆满酒席的桌上称赞自杀。
A carter came by and had pity on her. He seated her on his mule and took her to his house. 这时一个马夫正好路过,他很同情她,扶她上了自己的驴背,好把她带回家。
As if to make clear that she had given up, she now remained seated when speaking. 好像要表明她已放弃,她现在说话时仍坐在凳子上。
She had already finished washing. Seated on a stone beside the stream, she wiped her perspiring face with her tunic. 她已经洗完了衣服,坐在小溪边的石头上撩起布衫揩脸上的汗水。
Official photographs showed him seated, his head back against the top of his chair. 官方照片显示他是坐着的,头靠在椅子顶部。
It's a deep-seated thing. They used to say that if there is no shark-fin soup, the bride is marrying into a poor family. 这是一件根深蒂固的事情。以前他们总是说,如果不上鱼翅汤,新娘就是嫁到了一个穷人家。
All right. Please be seated over here. . . Yes, sir. You're a perfect eight and a half. Just a moment, please. 好的,请这边坐……,是的,先生,你的刚好是八号半,请稍候。
After being seated at his table, Mr Bean takes out a card, writes a few words on it, seals it in an envelope and places it on the table. 在餐桌就座后,憨豆先生拿出一张卡片,在上面写了几个字,然后将卡片封入信封,桌上。
Burton came into the lounge presently and caught sight of me. He seated himself in the chair next to mine. 不一会儿,伯顿走过休息室,看见我,就坐在我旁边的椅子上。
He remained seated in the bathroom, with the letter in his hands, trying to think, but he couldn't think. 他呆坐在盥洗室里,手中拿着那封信,努力想些什么,但是他无法思考。