
  • abbr.平方(用于度量)
  • 网络新加坡航空;灵商(Spiritual Quotient);新加坡航空公司



1.平方(用于度量)(in measurements) square


比如新加坡航空SQ)上月宣布,由于运营成本过高,公司决定明年年末停飞洛杉矶和纽约的直飞航线,标志着两条全球最长 …

灵商(Spiritual Quotient)

  9.灵商(SQ):就是对事物本质的顿悟能力和直觉思维能力。  10.健商(HQ):是指个人所具有的健康意识、健康知识和健康能力的 …


新加坡航空公司SQ) 东南亚,西亚,非洲,澳,新西兰航线托运1件,20公斤,手提1件,7公斤(不含手提),北美地区航 …


磺胺喹恶啉SQ):0.05%~0.1%拌饲,0.025%~0.05%饮水,连用2~3d,停2d,再用3d。(2)硝基呋喃类 呋喃唑酮:0.0…


石油英语词汇(S6)--石油百科 ... SQ 超快的 SQ 平方;正方形 sq 平方的 ...


硬件专有名词中英文对照_谜蚁工作室 ... Syntek= 太欣 SQ= 倚强 Silicon Motion= 慧荣 ...

He invited me in and I saw that his office was only 1, 500 sq ft, and the only employee was a secretary. 他请我进去,我发现他的办公室只有1500平方英尺,并且那里的唯一雇员就是一名秘书。
He said the data centers will be able to scale to about 30, 000 sq m, the same as all its other Australian operations. 他说,这两个数据中心将会扩展到约30000平方米,与所有其他澳洲业务相同。
Resto is only brought for mana tide totem at the moment, the healing shamans do isn't good enough compared to paladins and priests. 目前带回复萨的唯一原因就是潮汐图腾了,恢复萨和SQ和牧师相比做的不够好。
So I was trying to persuade the Hondurans, if you build a new city, you've got to start with a site that's at least 1, 000 sq. km. 我试着说服洪都拉斯总统如果你要建一座新城你就要在至少1000平方千米的区域入手。
Simpson retired, and now is managing an investment firm, called SQ Advisors LLC, with his wife in Naples, Florida. 目前,辛普森与他的妻子在美国佛罗里达州的那不勒斯共同经营一家名为SQAdvisorsLLC的投资顾问公司。
This 750 sq ft Grand Duplex Suite is one of three similarly styled rooms housed in what was once the ballroom of the original city club. 这套750平方英尺的豪华复式套房是3套类似风格的客房之一,这里曾是最初这个城市俱乐部的舞厅。
Small electric heaters with heat performance up to 2 kW sufficient up to 360 sq ft, mainly intended for the heating of a single room. 这种小型电加热器热性能高达2千瓦,覆盖区域360平方英尺,主要用于单个房间的取暖。
The rodent is one of the most endangered mammals in North America, with less than 40 individuals found in an area less than 10 sq. km. 在北美这种啮齿类动物是最濒危哺乳动物,只有不到40个体在只有不到10平方公里的范围内生存。
ft. (790 sq m) office near the White House, equipped with a studio for upcoming Facebook Live episodes with lawmakers. (790平方米)的办公室在白宫附近,有一个为即将到来的国会议员赶快注册Facebook,现场发作与工作室配备。
Sense Quotient (SQ ) : SQ refers to the ability of insight and intuition thinking to nature of things . 灵商(SQ):就是对事物本质的顿悟能力和直觉思维能力。
Commercial markings on the front of a shooter's headgear (cap) must not exceed 6 sq. com. in total. 运动员帽子前部的商业标志的总面积不得大于6平方厘米。
Mr Toledano estimates more than 1, 000 sq m is necessary for ready-to-wear, whereas bags need less than half that. 托莱达诺估计,成衣销售需要超过1000平方米的空间,而皮包需要的空间只有不到一半。
A large number of the proposed SEZs are tiny: out of the total of 267, Morgan Stanley has calculated that 133 are less than 1 sq km in size. 大量拟建的经济特区面积都很小:摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)估计,在267个经济特区中,有133个占地不足1平方公里。
The total area of Taiwan is about 36, 000 sq. km, and mountains account for 30% of the surface area. 台湾的总面积大约36000平方公里,山林就佔了百分之三十。
The historical center of London is now a relatively small area still known as the City, which covers only about 2. 6 sq km. 历史上的伦敦市中心现在只是一个较小的区域,仍被称之为伦敦城,面积只有2.6平方公里。
Commercial properties that have been sold so far this year in Beijing equate to an area of 8. 19m sq m, the Legal Evening News reported. 据《法制晚报》报道,今年以来,北京商品房住宅销售面积合计为819万平方米。
Ashort car journey from her offices, Ms Wu shows off the three floors of the new 4, 000 sq m factory and warehouse in Songjiang District. 吴女士展示了距离她的办公室车程很近、位于松江区的三层高的新工厂和仓库,面积达4000平方米。
Thursday's satellite pictures showed that about 20 sq km of blue algae has formed on the northwestern and southeastern parts of the lake. 气象卫星最新遥感图片显示,巢湖湖区5日共有约20平方公里蓝藻集聚,集中分布于湖区的西北部和东南部。
"The new cars will need another 60 sq km of parking space , which equals the total area within the Second Ring Road, " Guo said . “这些新增车辆将需要增加60平方千米的停车位,这相当于整个二环范围内的总面积。”郭主任表示。
Across the road, the company is undertaking a 100, 000 sq m expansion project. 路的对面,这家公司正在进行一项10万平方米的扩建项目。
Ye Dong made it to a 10-sq-m room, at 60 yuan ($9) a month, next door to his old college in Shaoguan, Guangdong province. 叶东(音译)曾就读于广东韶关某大学,他就在母校附近租了一个10平米的小屋,每月租金60元(合9美元)。
Suspended from the ceiling, thi s novel furniture piece can be accommodated in 4 sq mt space of your apartment. 从天花板悬挂而下,这个新奇的家具可以为你的公寓空出4平米的空间。
New Zealand, in the South Pacific, consists of two large islands plus other smaller islands with an area of 270000 sq km. 位于南太平洋的新西兰由两个大的岛屿和一些小岛组成,面积27万平方千米。
To achieve the TanDEM level of detail on all 150 million sq km of the Earth's land surface will require three years of operation. 为了得到地球1.5亿平方公里的陆地面积的所有这种水平的细节,TAnDEM将需要运作3年。
With over 100 years' operation history, ISTAN has developed from the 4 sq. m. Kimono shop into a diversified multinational company. 伊势丹拥有过百年之经营历史,由面积四平方米的和服店起家,成为了一家多元化国际企业。
Russia will soon return 174 sq km of territory on the northeast border to China, ending more than 40 years of negotiations. 俄罗斯很快将归还位于中国东北边境的174平方千米的领土,以此结束了40多年的谈判。
But M& S, through its joint venture, is aiming for 1m sq ft of retail space across 50 stores in India within the next five years. 但玛莎百货计划通过其合资企业,在未来5年内在印度开设50家门店,店面总面积达到100万平方英尺。
With a combined land area of 1, 049 square kilometres (405 sq mi), the Marquesas are among the largest island groups of French Polynesia. 马克萨斯群岛是法属波利尼西亚最大的群岛,岛屿总面积1049平米(405平方英里)。
Excellence has developed 2m sq m of real estate in Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai and Hainan, and its operations include property management. 卓越集团已经在深圳、北京、上海和海南开发了200万平方米的地产项目,其业务还包括物业管理。
It was found that the aggregation method is suitable to treat solid fuel SQ in solid-liquid hybrid rocket. 研究发现固液混合火箭固体燃料SQ合适的处理方法为团聚法。