second floor

  • na.〈美〉二楼;〈英〉三楼
  • 网络二层;第二层;三层

second floorsecond floor

second floor


台湾工程术语与缩写 - 翻 译 界-翻译论坛 ... Second Basement 地下二层 B2 Second Floor 二楼 2F Sprinkler 喷雾器 / 洒水器 ...


最完整的酒店英语词汇_百度知道 ... drawer 抽屉 second floor (英)三楼,(美)二楼 spring 弹簧 ...


生活词汇_百度文库 ... 清汤 clear soup 二层 second floor 肉汤 broth ...


论英美文化差异 ... 商店 Store 第二层 Second floor 地铁 Subway ...


科技英语应用专业词汇 - 豆丁网 ... (英); second floor (美) 三层 second floor (英); third floor ...


如故抢到第二楼(Second floor)&永利高线上娱乐;&永利高线上娱乐; &永利高线上娱乐;&永利高线上娱乐; 2011-06-19 拔取&永利 …


沙发就是英文中第二层楼Second Floor)的缩写, sf。但中文打字时,敲sf就出来了沙发两个字。

That kind of the sports clothes of the red black is like the stick of similar nature of my second floor skin at me. 那种红黑色的球衣就像我的第二层皮肤一样自然的贴在我身上。
Several aisles away, in the middle of the store, I see a conveyor belt carrying gold-colored boxes up to a second floor. 我看到几个过道之外、商场的中间有个传送带正把一些金黄色的盒子传送到二楼。
The elevator was ascending, and stopped at the second floor, but the girl did not walk out of the elevator. 电梯上升著,在第二层停了下来。但是那个女孩并未走出电梯。
The temple, which had a relaxed atmosphere, was situated on the second floor with a modest-sized temple room. 那庙位于二楼,有个足够大的庙堂和放松的气氛。
Jin yells, as she climbs the unlit stairs to her second-floor room. Neighbors' heads pop out of their rooms to greet her. “我回来了”,她边喊边登上楼梯,她在二楼的房间没有亮灯,邻居们从他们自己的屋子里探出头来和她打招呼。
I hung it in my private office on the second floor of the White House, and looked at it every night. 我把信贴在白宫二楼的私人办公室的墙上,每天夜里都要看上一眼。
She had closed the door and started up to the second floor when the elevator came to a halt. 那天她进入电梯后,电梯的门随后关上,要升往二楼。
He said a number of staircases inside the club as well as bars across the second-floor windows had also made escape difficult. 他说俱乐部内有一定数量的楼梯,以及二楼窗户之间的酒吧也造成了逃生困难。
As he was being arrested, he jumped off the second floor of a parking garage and ended up in a coma. He died two months later. 小伙子在即将被捕前,从二楼车库顶上跳下摔伤,昏迷了两个月之后最终撒手人寰。
Where in the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, only to see the White House West Wing, second floor roof of the building. 而在白宫所在的宾夕法尼亚大道上,只能看到白宫西翼大楼的二层楼屋顶。
Then we discovered it was a girl, trying to crawl through the window, on the second floor! 然后我们发现那是一个正在尝试爬过二楼窗户的女孩!
Although the small shops on the first floor had been cleared out, state-owned China Telecom held fast to a set of second-floor offices. 虽然在一楼的小商店已被清理出去,但中国电信的办事处坚守着他们二楼的房间。
As I sat perched in the second-floor window of our brick schoolhouse that afternoon, my heart began to sink further with each passing car. 那天下午,我坐在学校砖楼二楼的窗沿上,看着一辆辆经过的汽车,心不断地往下沉。
Please allow me to introduce for you : unripe and fresh food are on the first floor , the general merchandise is on the second floor . 有我来为你介绍:生鲜和食品在一楼,百货在二楼。
A podium was set up on the second floor balcony of the building, which had been hit by U. S. airstrikes in 1986. 这幢楼二楼阳台设了一个指挥台,1986年这里曾经遭到美军空袭。
The woman walked the man through the second floor of her Home and told him what colors she wanted for each room. 女人经过她的家的二楼走了男人并且给我说他啥为每个房间将她涂颜色想要。
Said to be only a boat trip off the front of bamboo river pier in order to be licensed tourist boats on the second floor roof. 说是只有船行过了前面的竹江码头,游人才能被许可上二层船顶。
The six blocks to the dark apartment, second-floor rear building where sunlight never came, and what did it matter? 走六个街区才到那昏暗的公寓,阳光从不会照射到的二层楼背面的房子,可那有什么关系?
Yes. You can change money at the Bank of China on the second floor. It's near the Air Office. 是的,您可以在二楼的中国银行去兑换,它在航空售票处附近。
Blackwood's solar was on the second floor of a cavernous timber keep. There was a fire burning in the hearth when they entered. 布莱克伍德的会客室坐落于一座木质塔楼的二楼,当他们进去的时候,炉火正熊熊燃烧。
Mr. Jacoby, fearing the situation could spin out of control, brought Mr. Li and a translator into his second-floor corner office. 雅各布担心形势可能会失去控制,他将李书福和一名翻译带入了他位于二层的角落办公室。
Pessotto has received massive support from the footballing world and the general public since his dramatic fall from a second floor window. 自坠楼事件发生后,佩索托得到了来自足坛和社会公众的支持。
"It was a terrible shock, " he said. "I couldn't stand up straight. We were on the second floor and we ran outside. " “这是一个可怕的震动,”他说,“我都不能站立了,我们从二楼跑到了外面。”
R: there are three bedrooms in the second floor. Principal bedroom is at the left corner, with a balcony and a rest room. 二楼有三间卧室。主卧室在左角,带有一个阳台和一个卫生间。
Joassaint said that just before the quake she had fed Elisabeth on the second floor of her home and then went downstairs for a moment. 乔森特说地震前她在家中二楼喂完孩子便在一楼呆了一会。
People on a second-floor balcony help a woman who tries to reach the lower floor, partially buried in mud, to fetch belongings. 一名妇女试图下到被部分掩埋的楼底取东西,二楼阳台上的人们在帮助她。
The second floor is choc-a-block with electronic stores, and I wonder if I can use my current quote as leverage. T二楼满是电子商店,我在想我是否可以用我目前的价格作为杠杆。
Joey: OK. . . my weirdest place would have to be. . . the women's room on the second floor of the New York CIty public library. 好的…我最怪异的地方是在…纽约市立公众图书馆二楼的女厕所里。
Their room was on the second floor facing the sea. It also faced the public garden and the war monument. 他们的房间在二楼,面对着海,也面对着公园和战争纪念碑。
They were now on the second floor, and the appearance of a housemaid prevented any further conversation. 他们现在处于三楼之上,由于女仆的出现,他们没有再谈下去。