
美 [ˈlevi]英 ['levi]
  • v.征收;征(税)
  • n.征收额;(尤指)税款
  • 网络从价计征;的中文意思

过去式:levied 现在分词:levying 第三人称单数:levies

levy tax,levy charge


n. v.

1.~ (on sth)征收额;(尤指)税款an extra amount of money that has to be paid, especially as a tax to the government


这句话是什么意思啊?请从语法角度来分析翻译... ... residence activity fee 居住活动费 levied 征收 residence 住宅 ...


不可(Can not)否认,一朝从价计征(Levied)的资源税改革(Reform)全面开闸(Gate opening),国内包括石油、煤炭等传统资源类 …


levying是什么意思_翻译levying的意思_用法... ... levying of fines 征收罚款 levied 的中文意思 levies 的中文释义 ...

Note: do not forget to put the mouse in a timely manner, remove from the snack food, otherwise fine being levied in respect of the will! 注意:别忘了把鼠标及时从零食上移开,否则也会挨罚的!
Whether and when legacy tax should be levied has been a hot question of the reform of the tax system in China. 遗产税是否应该开征以及在什么时候开征,一直是我国税收制度改革中的热点问题。
Xu said there had been a small delay in paying taxes, but they had paid the full amount and yet the heaviest fine was levied. 许志永说,公盟在缴税上有一点点拖延,但已经交足了税款,却还是被课以最重的罚金。
To make up for lost revenue, it would have to be a stiff one, and levied on practically everything. 为弥补损失的税收,就不得不有一个严厉的税,而且几乎在所有事情上征收。
The prices quoted above do not include any taxes, duties, ~s and any other charges of any kind which may be levied. 上述报价不包括税款、关税、进口税及其他各种可能征收的费用在内。
"The toll tax is increasing day by day and there is no mechanism to check how the toll tax is levied, " he said. 高速公路收取的通行费天天都在上涨,而且没有任何机制来检查这些通行费到底是怎么征收的。
Import duty on an article is to be levied at the tariff rate in force on the date of issue of the Customs Duty Memorandum. 进口物品应当按照海关填发税款交纳证那一天有效的税率征收进口税。
Tariff: Tax levied on certain imports, either to raise revenue or to protect domestic goods from foreign competition. 关税:公用事业费对一些进口货物所征收的税项,目的是增加财政收入或保护国内产品免遭外来竞争。
In the long time, whether illegal income should be levied taxes has been a controversial issue. 长期以来,非法收入是否应当课税的问题一直争论不休,难以形成定论。
computer software patents and the right to use non-patent technology transfer is not to collect sales tax, value-added tax should be levied. 对以存储介质为载体,但不记载计算机程序及其有关文档的非计算机技术成果和技术秘密的转让收入征收营业税。
A fine was levied on the company for its tax evasion. 该公司因偷税而被处以罚款。
Wheeling charge Charges levied by an intermediary who allows the producer to use his equipment to transmit electricity to the consumer. 间接输送费中介商允许生产者使用其设备把电力输送给消费者所收取的费用。
Up to a felony charge can be levied for promoting the use of, or owning more than six dildos . 宣扬使用或持有六支以上的假阳具最高可能被处以重罪。
The fee thus levied shall be used for the prevention and control of pollution and shall not be embezzled for other uses. 征收的超标准排污费必须用于污染的防治,不得挪作他用。
A carbon tariff would be a tax levied on imported goods proportional to the carbon emitted in the manufacture of those goods. 炭排放税就是对进口物品根据制造该物品所产生的碳排放量进行征税。
Proponents of an accession normally argue that it should be levied at progressive rates on the lifetime cumulative amount of gifts received. 主张征收继承税的人通常认为应按收到馈赠品的整个期间的累计数按累进税率课税。
A "search cost" was also levied each time a shopper visited a shop to ask about prices. 消费者每次向店家询价会记做“搜索成本”。
In terms of taxes, tobacco and alcohol, are the leading two items to be levied by tax. 在税收方面,烟酒是两大纳税大户。
Dr. Aaron also rejects any parallels drawn between the "sin tax" placed on alcohol and cigarettes and a "fat tax" levied to fight obesity. 艾隆博士也反对任何在对烟酒征收罪恶税和征收对付肥胖的“肥胖税”之间划平行线的做法。
Lowland Scots levied into a militia to defend their settlement. Armed with pikes for good defence against cavalry, but lacking in armour. 低地苏格兰平民经常被征入本地民兵部队防御城邑。他们接受过部分训练,使用长枪,对抗骑兵颇为出色,但是盔甲简陋。
As you all know, tariff is levied on imported goods when they go through the customs. The basis of levying is China's tariff policies. 大家知道,海关对进口商品是要征收关税的,海关征税的依据是国家关税政策。
The fee payable on application will include the said administrative fee and a handling charge levied by and payable to your institution. 递交申请表时所须缴付的费用,除上述的行政费外,还包括由申请人所属院校附加收取的处理申请费。
The tax priority as a guaranteed act that the revenue can be levied is in tax law in many countries. 税收优先权作为保障国家征收税款的一个有力手段在各国的税法中都有所体现。
All taxes in connection with the execution of the Contract to be levied outside China shall be paid by Seller. 所有在中国境外征收的与本合同履行有关的税费应由卖方缴纳。
Emission charge----A charge levied on emitters for each unit of a pollutant emitted into the air or water. 排放收费——对排放这在各各方面流放到大气或是水中的污染物征收费用。
The tax would be levied by national governments and spent as they saw fit. Precise harmonisation would be unnecessary. 碳排放税将由各国政府征收,并花在它们认为合适的地方。
As a tool to adjust the gap between the poor and the rich, estate tax is levied in many countries. 遗产税作为调节贫富差距,缓解社会不公的工具,在国际上广泛开征。
Extra charges levied when picking up a hire car on holiday was also highlighted as an annoyance. 另外一项令人恼怒的事,是在度假租车领取车辆时被收取额外费用。
In 2000 the party began to abolish a wide range of fees levied on farmers by local governments. 2000年共产党废除了地方政府强加在农民身上的多项收款项目。
Appraisal fee [IFC] Fee levied under various IFC facilities ( APDF , MLF ), payable by borrower at time of signing relevant loan agreement . 评估费[国际金融公司]国际金融公司各种基金(非洲项目发展基金等)所征收的费用,在签定相应的贷款协定时由借款人支付。