
美 [ˈsiɪŋ]英 [ˈsiːɪŋ]
  • v.看;参见;看见;见到
  • n.主教(或大主教)教区;主教(或大主教)权限;牧座
  • 网络视觉;视力;视宁度



v. n.

用眼use eyes

1.[t][i]看见;见到;看出to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes

2.[i]看得见;看;有视力to have or use the power of sight


3.[t]~ sth观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等)to watch a game, television programme, performance, etc.

检索资料look up information

4.[t]~ sth见;参见to look at sth in order to find information

偶然遇见meet by chance

5.[t]~ sb遇见;碰到;邂逅to be near and recognize sb; to meet sb by chance


6.[t]~ sb拜访;看望;探视to visit sb

会见have meeting

7.[t]~ sb (about sth)会见;会晤to have a meeting with sb

度过时间spend time

8.[t]~ sb与(某人)待在一起;交往to spend time with sb


9.[i][t]理解;明白;领会to understand sth

认为have opinion

10.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.认为;看待to have an opinion of sth


11.[t]设想;想象to consider sth as a future possibility; to imagine sb/sth as sth

弄清find out

12.[i][t](通过查看、打听、等待)弄清,了解to find out sth by looking, asking or waiting

13.[i][t]考虑;定夺to find out or decide sth by thinking or considering

确保make sure

14.[t]~ that…确保;务必(做到)to make sure that you do sth or that sth is done


15.[t]~ sth经历;遭受to experience or suffer sth

见证事件witness event

16.[t]~ sth为…发生的时间to be the time when an event happens

17.[t]~ sth为…发生的地点to be the place where an event happens


18.[t]~ sb + adv./prep.送;护送to go with sb to help or protect them


大多数含 see 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 not see the wood for the trees 在词条 wood 下。Most idioms containingsee are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplenot see the wood for the trees is atwood .

for all (the world) to see

明显;显而易见clearly visible; in a way that is clearly visible

let me see/lets see

让我╱咱们看看;让我╱咱们想一想used when you are thinking or trying to remember sth

see sth coming

料到会有问题;意识到会出麻烦to realize that there is going to be a problem before it happens

see for yourself

亲自看,亲自了解(以核实)to find out or look at sth yourself in order to be sure that what sb is saying is true

see sb/sth for what they are/it is

看清某人(或事物)的真实状况(不是表面那样)to realize that sb/sth is not as good, pleasant, etc. as they/it seem

seeing that…

鉴于;由于;因为because of the fact that…

see you (around)|(Ill) be seeing you|see you later


you see

(作解释时说)你看,你知道,要知道used when you are explaining sth


石油词汇英语翻译(S) ... seeding 播种;引晶技术;强化 seeing 视觉 seek delay 查找延迟 ...



国际助残 ... 听力 Hearing 视力 Seeing 智力 Intellectual ...


SAT阅读官方指南练习题(含答案) - 小马过河 ... returning v. 返回... seeing v. 看见 climbing v. 攀登... ...


天文学用视宁度(Seeing)来描述星像抖动的程度。而ElquiDomos所在地区的大气视宁度良好,空气稀薄,气候干燥、特别适合 …


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(S2) ... seeing to 留心 seeing 鉴于 seek after 寻找 ...


大气视宁度(Seeing)是反映天文观测条件的重要参数之一,它与大型望远镜系统的质量共同决定了天文观测的成像质量。昂贵的 …


物理专业词汇英语翻译(R-Z) ... seed crystal 晶种 seeing 能见度 seger cone 测温锥 ...

And seeing what happens, it was OK to generalize, and say, I'm sure that this will happen anytime we make one of these things. 归纳总结是允许的。你也可以说,我保证任何一次我做这样的事情,这个现象都会发生。
You know the sort of self-esteem that only seeing a newly sorted-out cupboard can bring? 你知道那种仅仅因为看见一个值得带走的新款精选碗橱而心满意足的感觉吗?
He presented me with a puzzle all because he waved to me like someone does on seeing a close friend. 他挥手致意的动作就像看到了一个老朋友时做的一样。一样。
Seeing and analysing such small galaxies at such a great distance is at the very limit of the capabilities of the most powerful telescopes. 看到和分析如此小又处在如此遥远地方的星系已经快到这些最强大望远镜的能力极限了。
Taxpayers have little interest in seeing their money used to finance activities in other countries: they want it used for lending at home. 纳税人没有兴趣看到他们的金钱被用于其他国家的金融活动中:他们希望这些资金用于国内贷款。
How much information can people learn about you by seeing what you look for on the Internet? 人们通过你在互联网上所搜索的信息对你的了解会有多少呢?
And yet if all I say is true, why am I at my most inhibited when it comes to him seeing the reality. 如果迄今我所说的是对的,为什么我极力禁止他去看现实?
We've already over-populated the planet and are seeing problems that are the result of that. 我们地球已经人口超额了,并且看到了这个问题所导致的结果。
In other words, when it comes to seeing yourself in the best possible light for a given situation, mind who you think of. 也就是说,在某个场景下,在谈到你对自己的看法时,一定要注意你想到哪个人了。
I mean, he proposed to me while he was still seeing you. . . He was gonna break-up with you on your birthday? 我是说,他向我求婚的时候甚至还跟你在一起……他居然想在你生日的时候跟你分手?
Sister Joan remembered how the nuns envied the priests their freedom, only in retrospect seeing how they might have misused it. 琼嬷嬷记得修女们是多么嫉妒神父们自由自在的生活,只是到回顾时,才发觉他们可能滥用了这种自由。
If deflation was as serious of a risk as Bernanke says, we would be seeing falling gold prices. 如果通货紧缩的风险像伯南克说的那么严重,我们应该看到黄金价格不断下跌。
he stared at the girl as if seeing her for the first time. 他目不转睛地盯着那女孩,好像第一次看见她。
The children in the front, directly below the stage, however, had a hard time seeing. 紧靠着舞台坐的孩子们看得费劲一些,不时有一些孩子踩在旁人的肩头上观看。
This is not what I have observed to be true, but I can see that it certainly looks true to you, from where you are seeing things. 据我观察事实并非如此,可是你们却深信不疑,原因是你们看事情的角度和方法。
Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard insists revenge was not on his mind after seeing his side knock Chelsea out of the UEFA Champions League. 巴萨主教练里杰卡尔德在看到他的球队在冠军联赛淘汰切尔西队之后坦言,击溃切尔西并非是在报仇。
It's not always clear, do you know by seeing or does seeing lead to an inadequate form of knowing? 通常并不是很清楚,你是通过所见来知道呢,还是说所知不一定需要所见呢?
I wanted to let him down gently since I'd be seeing him around the apartment building, but I didn't want to spend another minute with him. 我想不让他十分失望,因为我会在公寓楼见到他,但是我不想再和他呆一分钟。
m very happy to be able to spend the 10 wonderful months with you guys and I sincerely hope to be seeing you guys. 很高兴能够在美国和你们共度10个月的美好时光.也很期待能够早日和你们相聚。
Does it mean, as I seem to be saying, that the subject is condemned to seeing himself emerge, in initio, only in the field of the Other? 这难道不是如我所说,意味著,主体被判定观看自己的出现,最初只是在大它者所在的领域?
They wanted to know if there was a connection between what they were seeing in clinic and what was happening at the choir school. 他们想知道,在诊所所遇到的情况与唱诗班所发生的情况是否有联系。
For one so young there was a rather strange power in him of seeing things in some sort of proportion. 年纪尽管这样轻,他却有一种权衡事情轻重的异常能力。
Sometimes seeing a young man walking past me, I am thinking of you to be the same youthful and vigorous. But I. . . 有时看到个男孩子从旁边走过,就想着你也应该是那样的吧,青春,张扬。而我……
But she did not turn her eyes either to right or to left, for fear of seeing things in the branches and in the brushwood . 她的眼睛既不向右望,也不向左望,惟恐看到树枝和草丛里有什么东西。
If your stress is not controllable, look into seeing a psychiatrist, who may be able to help you, or at least give you medication to cope. 如果你的紧张是你无法控制了,去找找精神分析医生吧,他们或许能够帮助你,最起码他们能给你一些药物,这或许让你能够安心了。
A conductor of a train in South Africa reported seeing a man and a woman engaging in sexual acts while on the train tracks. 南非一位火车司机报告看到一男一女正在铁轨上做那事儿。
And now that Orlando's career is in full bloom too, we'll no doubt be seeing more of this handsome young star. 如今奥兰多的事业亦如日中天,毫无疑问地,我们将看到这位年轻俊美的男星更多的作品。
When going through your day, perform small checks to determine if what you're seeing is possible in reality. 白天的时候,弄一些小测试来试试自己是不是在真实世界里。
"There is something about seeing your own mood reflected that allows you to let go of that feeling, " says Johnson. “审视你所表现出来的情绪,似乎有一种力量可以让你忘掉那种感觉”,约翰逊说道。
Hello all! Seeing that there was no guide on animations , I decided to make one! 大家好。看起来这里并没有什么关于动作的教程,所以我决定自己做一个!