
美 [wɔ:]英 [wɔ:]
  • v.wear(穿)的过去式
  • 网络穿的过去式;穿着;穿戴

过去分词:worn 第三人称单数:wears 现在分词:wearing

wear mask
wear coat,wear clothing,wear shirt,wear jacket,wear hat



过去式_百度百科 ... (懂得)- -understood, (穿)- -wore, (将要)- -would, ...


雅思(ielts)听力9分必备:常见同音字词汇 ... tale - a story 故事 wore - past tense of wear 穿的过去式 Yule- 圣诞季节 ...


6A动词过去式_200704_新浪博客 ... throw —— threw 扔 wear —— wore 穿着 write —— wrote 写 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(W) ... wordy 口头的 wore 穿戴 work against the clock 抢先完成工作 ...

编写一次就可以随处运行(Write once, run everywhere)

...e”(一次编写,到处运行,WORA),有时也写成“Write once, run everywhere”(WORE),是Sun Microsystem(于2010年 …


权威统计2000个最频英语单词4_龙浩人... ... Typical 典型的 wore 磨损 employees 雇员 ...

he wore an old sweater with a coffee stain down the front. 他穿了件旧毛衣,前面有一片咖啡渍。
She talked about great people as if she had the fee-simple of May Fair, and when the court went into mourning, she always wore black. 她一开口就是某某勋爵某某大人,那口气竟好象她生来就是贵族。宫里有了丧事,她没有一回不穿孝。
He wore a pair of dark glasses and a jacket all day long. 他整天戴一副墨眼镜,穿一件短上衣。
She wore flat heels and looked like a page out of an old album of Early woman suffrage days. 她穿着一双平跟鞋,看上去好象是早期为争取妇女选举权时代旧相册中的人物。
I know that if I wore something like this and without the straps, the news reporter would probably be taking tons of pictures of me. 我知道如果我穿这样没有带子的,新闻记者很可能会给我拍很多的照片。
The tears that stood in her eyes as she raised them quickly to his face, were frozen by the expression it wore. 当她迅速抬起眼睛望着他的脸的时候,那张脸上表露出的神情使她眼中噙着的泪水凝结了。
On Tuesday he wore a pair of black boots he said were worn by a German soldier during World War II. 每逢周二他会穿双黑靴子,据说这靴子是二战的时候一个德国士兵的旧物。
Bryant wore his Lakers varsity jacket, purple gold. It had several championship trophies across the back. 科比穿着他的紫金色湖人队服,队服的背面有一些冠军奖杯图案。
But one of my friends named Xiaoman only wore a sleeveless coat. Though she felt a little cold, she could still endure and move on with us. 唯一友名曰晓曼,独身短袖之衣,虽略感寒意,犹挺而走之。
She wore her hair streaming down her back until she was past middle age, and her skin was pink like that of a young girl. 她喜欢留长发,头发一直披散到后背上。由于善于保养,她的皮肤到中年后仍像小女孩一般红润。
After we taped my six segments (in one day), I wore it for a couple more days to see what impact it had. 在我录完六档节目(在一天之内)后,我又多戴了几天假发,想看看它会起什么作用。
The old gentleman was as deliberate in his movements, and wore as subtle a smile, as though he were presiding over a diplomatic congress. 那位老绅士,举止之斟酌,笑容之微妙,看来恰似在主持着一个外交会议。
When she wore the cloth she wove, it was as if she was clothed in nature. 当她穿上自己织的布做成的衣服时,就好像融入了自然之中。
Then came the Grasshopper: he was certainly much heavier, but he had a good figure, and wore the green uniform that was born with him. 接着蚱蜢就出场了,它的确很粗笨,但它的身体很好看。它穿着它那套天生的绿制服。
Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes with high heels. A few hours later I was in agony yet had no time to change them. 最糟的事情是我穿了一双时髦的高跟鞋,几小时后我真的很痛苦但却没有时间更换他们。
Riverside to Keep the tall willows, was decked out with shaggy, turning the ingots, as if his wore a winter-loaded, it then vibrant. 河边的杨柳高高地昂着头,身上挂满了毛茸茸、亮晶晶的银条,仿佛自己穿上了一身冬天的亮装,显得那么生机勃勃。
But as Tuesday wore on, it decided that "market supply and demand" needed a bit of a nudge. 在星期二慢慢过去时,央行显示出“市场需求及供应”确实需要一点推动的举措。
and old Miss Lanning, who had been persuaded to come, actually wore her mother's cameos and a Spanish blonde shawl. 被劝来的拉宁小姐戴的是她母亲的浮雕玉,还披了件亚麻色的西班牙披肩。
The other members of the cast looked at her enviously as she came out arrayed in her simple habit, which she wore all through the play. 当她穿着她那身整出戏从头穿到尾的简单行头出场时,剧组的其他演员都妒忌地看着她。
As the year wore on, the claim was repeated but seemed more and more desperate, as if it were a spell to ward off recession. 随着时间的流逝,这一说法不断出现,但显得越来越不顾一切,就如同一道能防止经济衰退的咒语。
Recently on an eight hour flight from London to New York, Lady Gaga's legs began to swell due to the restrictive clothing she wore on board. 最近,在一次从伦敦飞往纽约的八小时航班上,LadyGaga的腿由于裤子太紧而开始肿胀。
When Maggie Betts wore a $400 pair of black silk pants to a formal family dinner, her mother was appalled. 当纽约电影制片人玛姬-贝茨(MaggieBetts)穿着价值400美元的黑色丝裤参加一个正式的家庭宴会时,她母亲大为错愕。
Once, I only wore uniforms, out of the school and I shivered from the cold, straight to his feet. 有一次,我只穿了一件校服,出了学校,我冷得发抖,直跺脚。
I wondered if she wore her hair in a bun , or if it hung down loose over her shoulders, or if it was cut very short. 我想知道她的头发是结成一个髻还是长发披肩,或是剪得很短。
So she took all the love she had for her beautiful little girl and put them into this dress, that her child now so proudly wore. 所以她将所有对她美丽女儿的爱倾注在这件连衣裙上。现在,女儿如此骄傲地穿在身上。
I was 12, and I just wore it around the apartment for months. It was one of the first things that made me want to become a designer. 当时我12岁,我就穿着它在公寓里转悠了好几个月。那是让我想成为一名设计师的第一件物品。
Jimmy was an old dog and his fur was a mix of gray, brown and black. He was almost deaf, so he always wore a hearing aid. 吉米年纪很大了,而且身上的毛呈杂色:有一点儿灰,有一点儿黄,还有一点儿黑,他的耳朵也差不多聋了,所以总是带着助听器。
It was hard to say whether it was animal or human. It growled like a wild animal, but it wore clothes, and had long, thick, dark hair. 格丽丝·普尔正在炉子上烧汤,身后一个东西伏在地上,很难看出那究竟是人还是动物,像野生动物一样咆哮着,但穿着衣服,黑发又多又长。
The next day the girl wore an even shorter skirt the boy said to her again, "I bet you can't climb that tree" , pointing to a taller one. 第二天,小女孩穿了一条更短的裙子,那男孩指着一棵更高的树对她说:我敢打赌你爬不上那棵树。
Even there's no more Han Fu. I read a news and a woman who wore Han Fu was assaulted by Chinese as they thought it's Japanese clothes. 而且连汉服都没了,我看到个新闻说有个女的穿了汉服,却被中国人攻击,因为他们以为她穿的是日本的衣服。