
美 [ˈwɔt(ə)ri]英 [ˈwɔːt(ə)ri]
  • adj.水的;似水的;含水的;水分很多的
  • 网络水汪汪的;潮湿的;泪汪汪

watery sun


1.水的;似水的;含水的;水分很多的of or like water; containing a lot of water

2.虚弱的;苍白无力的weak and/or pale

3.水分过多的;稀薄无味的containing too much water; thin and having no taste


人教版高中英语必修5单词表_百度知道 ... &blister n. 水泡 &watery adj. (似)水的 &char v. 烧焦 ...


所有形容人的形容词的英文拼写_百度知道 ... Slanting 斜的 Watery 水汪汪的 Wide-spaced 分得很开的 ...


好多英文,好多菜··· – 【人人分享-人人网】 ... Thin 薄 Watery 稀薄的,潮湿的 Concentrated 稠 ...


三点水加戾怎么拼-作业-天涯问答 ... 泪水〖 saltwater;tear;teardrop〗 泪汪汪watery;eyesbrimwithtears〗 泪腺〖 lacrimalglan…

兮 English, 翻译, 例句, 字典 Chinese English ... 晰 understanding sparse;watery;uncommon;rare 鄎 place name ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... waterway 水路 watery 含水的 wave 波浪 ...

The chicken salad (25 yuan) with balsamic dressing surprised our palate agreeably but the watery chicken took away a bit of the enjoyment. 鸡肉色拉(25元)肉滑味美,真是让我们大饱口福,不过就是鸡肉的松软又显得有点美中不足。
But in 2008, an analysis of a handful of lunar volcanic glass beads suggested they might have formed in a watery environment. 但是,在2008年,对少量月球火山玻璃碎屑的分析显示它们可能是在含水的环境中形成的。
Hopefully by the end of the article, you'll be able to put all these items into practice to capture some beautiful watery splashes! 到文章的最后,你将能使用这些器具抓拍美丽的飞溅水花。
Looking at her eyes watery eyes and innocent smile, I had a very selfish idea. 看着她那双水汪汪的大眼睛和天真无邪的笑容,我有了一个很自私的想法。
The large and watery blue eyes were always shining brightly like a pair of gems, as he held in his memory all these years. 在他留存多年的记忆中,她大大的,水灵灵的蓝色眼眸总是像一对宝石一般明亮地闪烁着。
But the word pearl is most likely to have come from a word that had more todo with farm animals than the watery deeps. 然而,单词pearl最有可能来源于某一个特定的单词,这个单词与家畜的关系要远大于它与深海宝石的关系。
"There is no eggs, " she said, and Scurridge's pale, watery blue eyes fixed on her for the first time as he lowered the paper. “没有鸡蛋了。”她说,而史卡力支放下报纸,把他那无神的浅蓝眼睛第一次瞪着他老婆。
He had a large pink face, not much neck, small, watery blue eyes, and thick blond hair that lay smoothly on his thick, fat head. 他有一张大大的,粉红色的脸庞,几乎没有颈根,小小的眼睛,浓密的金色头发柔顺地贴在他肥肥的脑门上。
Semen is usually thick and greyish white in color. However, at times it may also be thin and rather watery. 通常,精液粘稠、呈灰白色,然而它不时可能稀薄和似水状。
Teams of men disappear for a few days and come home with red rubber bags of thin, watery fat. 某个小队也许会突然消失几天,等他们回来的时候就带回一袋袋稀薄的,水汪汪的脂肪。
Explain whether the adult frog is able to leave its watery environment completely. 成年青蛙解释是否可以离开水环境。
It would be easy to assume, at first glance, that the watery rectangle in the center of this image is a harbor. 可以简单的设想一下,第一眼看上去,这张图片上那个充满水的长方形区域应该是一个港口。
Mayo shook her head and looked at the bouquet dangling from her right hand with watery eyes. 真夜摇摇头,用湿润的眼睛看着在她的右手里摇晃着的花束。
Watery diarrhoea is often present in the early stages of illness, and may precede respiratory symptoms by up to one week. 发病初期,往往会有水样腹泻,然后呼吸道症状可能持续一个星期。
Had her home planet, the watery world of Chad, been part of the Republic, she would no doubt have been found and taken into the Jedi order. 如果她的母星——水世界查德——是共和国的一部分,她无疑将被发现并带入绝地武士团。
Within minutes the scattered boats lay still, and the seascape takes on an air of quiet industry, a watery allotment land. 散开的船只在几分钟内就停好了。平静地从天空俯瞰海景,这是一片海岛。
The most common kind of allergic reaction is itchy, watery eyes and a blocked or watery nose. 最常见的过敏反应是导致眼睛刺痒或者流泪不止和鼻子阻塞或者流鼻涕。
She fought her way out of the watery grave, hanging on to the little girl in a death grip, and she felt her strength ebbing. 她死死抓住那个女孩儿不放,拼命挣扎,想摆脱这座水的坟墓,可是她感到自己的体力越来越弱。
Those materials form in watery environments and presumably trace back to a time when Mars was much warmer and wetter than it is now. 这些物质在含水环境中形成,由此可推测,过去火星比现在更为温暖和湿润。
Many of his gowns are built on a base of printed silk beneath multiple layers of chiffon , giving the appearance of a watery overlay . 他的许多礼服设计基本上是用印花丝质布衬在多层雪纺绸下,以形成水波状的表层外观。
Tens of thousands of cases of acute watery diarrhea were reported in 2009 and 97%, of the population has no access to proper sanitation. 2009年就报告了数以万计的急性水性腹泻病例,97%的人民无法享有良好的卫生环境。
Sputum comes from your lungs and is usually thick, while saliva comes from your mouth and is thin and watery. 痰来自肺部,并且通常很粘稠;而唾液来自口腔,是稀薄和水状的。
About 160 million years ago a female pterosaur with an injured wing dropped from the sky into a watery grave. 约一亿六千万年前一只雌性翼龙隐翅膀受伤而坠落,葬身水底。
Stock up on groceries and other household items to save yourself from venturing out in public with a runny nose or watery eyes. 把杂物和其他的生活用品收起来,将自己从在公共场合鼻涕不断和眼泪汪汪的窘境中解救出来。
At fifty he was terrified. They must all be drowning beneath him, in the watery caves of the rock! 数到五十的时候他害怕了。他们一定是在他下面的水里,就在那岩石充满了水的洞中游泳了!
What's more, the temperature and density of the plumes could indicate a warmer, watery source beneath the surface. 更为重要的是,探测所得的温度和气流的密度表明,在星球表层以下有温暖潮湿的来源。
hair, cut short so that it left the nape of her neck exposed, and large watery green eyes that refused to look into mine. 她留着栗色短发,后经露出来了,水灵清澈、如绿毯一般的大眼睛回避着我的目光。
I, a pair of watery big eyes, a good nose in the nose at the foot of a glib mouth. also mouth. 我,一双水汪汪的大眼睛,一个漂亮的鼻子,在鼻子的下方有一张能说会道的嘴。
You said, you are the watery child, your forever inseparable from the boat and water, always bearing the cow yo-yo deep thoughts. 你说,你是水乡的孩子,你的诗里永远离不开船和水的呢喃,永远悠悠承载着老牛深井的思绪。
The old man, too, turned to look at her, fixing his great, bulging, horribly watery light gray eyes, deep in her face. 这位老人,也把目光转向她,用他那伟大的,膨胀的,可怕的浅灰色的眼睛流泪,在她的脸上有深深的。