
美 [sik]英 [siːk]
  • v.寻求;寻找;谋求;争取
  • 网络寻觅;追求;探索

过去式:sought 第三人称单数:seeks 现在分词:seeking

seek help,seek advice,seek truth,seek refuge,seek approval
apparently seek



1.[t][i]寻找to look for sth/sb

2.[t][i]~ (sth)寻求;谋求;争取to try to obtain or achieve sth

3.[t](向人)请求,寻求to ask sb for sth

4.[i]~ to do sth试图;设法to try to do sth

5.寻求(或追求)…的;对…的寻求(或追求)looking for or trying to get the thing mentioned; the activity of doing this


九年级英语单词表 ... rubbish 垃圾;废物 seek 寻找;探究 chatline 聊天热线 ...


花语_互动百科 ... 拒绝( Refusal) 寻觅Seek) 幸运( GoodFortune) ...


字典中 索 字的解释 ... (1) 搜索[ search;try to find out] (3) 寻求;探索[ seek] (5) 挑选[ choose] ...


字典中 逐 字的解释 ... (8) 竞争[ compete] (10) 追求[ seek] (12) 流荡[ roam about] ...


字典中 索 字的解释 ... (1) 搜索[ search;try to find out] (3) 寻求;探索[ seek] (5) 挑选[ choose] ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... upwards ad. 向上;往上 seek vt. 试图;探寻 active a. 积极的;主动的 ...


常笑 - 常笑 - 网易博客 ... DISC 盘片 SEEK 搜索 SKIP 跳转(转到) ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... upwards ad. 向上;往上 seek vt. 试图;探寻 active a. 积极的;主动的 ...

Such modesty might be fitting in a Victorian novel, but as we seek to understand the Pilanesberg situation we need facts. 这些节制的语言或许很适合用在维多利亚时代的小说里,但是在寻找解释发生在兰斯堡的情况时,我们需要的是事实。
She would seek help from the Witch, the Witch is very easy to say, he gave her a wheat, so that she planted in a pot. 她便去请教女巫,女巫说非常容易,便给她一粒麦穗,让她种在花盆里。
The initial report issued by the police said he fell down when playing a hide-and-seek game during the custody along with other prisoners. 警方出具的最早的报告称他是在拘留所里和其他犯玩“躲猫猫”游戏时意外身亡。
When female mosquitoes are ready to reproduce, they seek out suitable water in which to deposit their eggs. 雌蚊繁殖时,都会寻找合适的水域放置产出的虫卵。
At the age of 12, she was given a painted scroll of an ancient man with the words, "Seek and the truth shall make you free. " 12岁的时候,别人给她一副画有一位古人的卷轴,上面还写着一些字:“探索和真理将让你轻松。”
Always on the look - out for a simplification, we naturally seek to know more about this. 由于总是希望简单一些,所以自然想了解得更多些。
I would be much grateful if you could help me seek out a girl who has just started schooling but whose family cannot afford her education. 我会更感激,如果你能帮助我寻找一女孩,她刚开始上学,但他们的家庭无法负担她的教育。
Now think of what this means as you seek to know God: What does He say about Himself, what do others say about Him, and what has He done? 现在让我们把这种手法也当成是瞭解上帝的方法,让我们看看:他如何说他自己?别人怎麽谈论他?他成就了什麽?
I filed today my paperwork to seek the office of the presidency of the United States . . . So I wanted you to be the first to know. 我今天提出我的文书工作,寻求对美国总统一职的…所以我想你是第一个知道。
The sun was playing hide-and-seek in the tops of trees by the time I said good-bye to Nancy and the other kids. 太阳已经在树梢玩起躲猫猫的游戏,我告别了南茜和其他孩子们。
As the topic too sensitive to Yangjiao Zhang said the children need to seek the views of reply after. 由于话题过于敏感,杨校长表示需要征求孩子们的意见后再作答复。
The new ruling class did not seek approval from Tbilisi's intelligentsia, which had become enormously powerful in the late Soviet period. 新的统治阶层并未寻求第比利斯知识分子的支持,这个阶层在苏联后期变的越来越有势力。
At the beginning of New China, Communist Party tried to liberate Taiwan by force, namely, to seek reunification of the country through war. 建国初期,中共试图以武力解放台湾,即通过战争方式谋求中国的统一。
However, virtue cannot be imposed upon. It originates in the person whose free will causes him or her to seek to be fully human. 但是,美德不是强迫出来的,而是自发形成的,人的自由意志使人们努力追求,成为具备完全人性的人。
It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty, or to seek power over others and to lose power over a man's self. 为追求权力而失去自由,为追求统治别人的权力而失去自身的权力,这是一种不可思议的欲望。
The drying up of these markets ultimately forced the bank to seek help from the British authorities, who promised to provide financing. 这些市场上流动性的干涸,最终迫使该行向承诺提供融资的英国当局寻求帮助。
Knowing how much her own children loved presents at Christmas, Ann always tried to seek help for one or two destitute families. 安知道自己的孩子多么喜爱圣诞节礼物,于是,她总是为一、两个贫困家庭寻求帮助。
He said the U. S. would "seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture. " 他说美国将“寻求和支持发展民主运动以及每个国家的习俗和文化。”
37I know that you are the children of Abraham: but you seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. 我知道你们是亚巴郎的后裔,你们却图谋杀害我,因为你们容纳不下我的话。
The point is that you need to be critical of experts. Is the person you seek advice from able to give you a credible answer? 观点就是你必须要对专家提出质疑。那个你要获得建议的人是否能给你可信的答案呢?
Physical beauty is not the only characteristic that women seek in a mate; they also care about the resources a man brings into the match. 身体美不是女人寻找另一半的一个标准,她们也在意男人在竞争中带入多少财力。
When I decided to leave you to seek things you might not be able to give me, I didn't feel regretted. 当我决定离开你,去寻找你不能给再我的东西时,我没有后悔。
Those who pursue the higher life of wisdom, who seek to live by spiritual principles, must be prepared to be laughed at and condemned. 那些追求高等的智慧生活的人,那些寻求依据精神原则生活的人,一定要作好遭受嘲笑与诅咒的心理准备。
What I say this, chinese Internet still is an entertainment network, seek novelty net , is not net of a life , job net , business net . 这就是我所说的,中国互联网还是一个娱乐网、猎奇网,而不是一个生活网、工作网、生意网。
All that was left was the bland suggestion that China seek instead to be one member of an international community of great nations. 剩下的只是泛泛而谈,即中国应该寻求成为国际大国俱乐部中的一员。
For this they do not know interior attended a meeting how many meet and discuss, study relevant policy, seek measure of a few lash-up . 为此他们不知道内部开了多少个碰头会,研究相关政策,寻找一些应急措施。
The Delegation underlined that what was needed was to show patience, seek compromise and be consistent in all that was done. 代表团强调需要显示出耐心、寻求妥协以及与已有成果保持一致。
Her family to seek me, and I agree that she wrote a no-fault responsibility for things that should help point you to her. 她的家人来求我,我同意写了不追究她责任的东西,应该会帮到她点吧。
If Adam was to seek life on the basis of his obedience, why does the Bible tell us not to seek eternal life on the basis of our obedience? 如果亚当必须以他的顺服为基础来寻求生命,为什么圣经告诉我们不要以我们的顺服为基础来寻求永生?
May almighty god continue to listen to your pleas when we seek your intercession with him on our behalf. 当我们代为你们与他调解时候,可能全能的上帝继续聆听你们的请求。