
美 [spɪt]英 [spɪt]
  • n.唾液;唾沫;啐唾沫;吐痰
  • v.唾(唾沫、食物等);啐唾沫(常表示愤怒或鄙视);怒斥
  • 网络唾弃;吐唾沫;吐出

过去式:spat 现在分词:spit spitting 现在分词:spitting 第三人称单数:spits

spit blood


v. n.

从嘴里from mouth

1.[t]吐,唾(唾沫、食物等)to force liquid, food, etc. out of your mouth

2.[i]啐唾沫(常表示愤怒或鄙视)to force saliva (= the liquid that is produced in the mouth) out of your mouth, often as a sign of anger or lack of respect

愤怒地说say sth angrily

3.[t]怒斥to say sth in an angry or aggressive way

动物of an animal

4.[i](发怒时)发呼噜呼噜声to make a short angry sound

烹煮╱燃烧的东西of sth cooking/burning

5.[i]咝咝地冒油;噼啪作响;爆出火花to make a noise and throw out fat, sparks , etc.


spit it out

有话就讲;有什么尽管说出来usually used in orders to tell sb to say sth when they seem frightened or unwilling to speak

spit venom/blood

怒气冲天;咬牙切齿to show that you are very angry; to speak in an angry way

within spitting distance (of sth)

很近very close

高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 7. spit v. (唾液等) ;唾弃 8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9. ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... spiritual a. 精神的; 心灵的 spit v. 吐唾沫;吐痰 splendid a. 灿烂的,辉煌的;(口语)极好的 ...


丁丁 - 丁丁 - 网易博客 ... 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 ...


字典中 唾 字的解释 ... ◎ 唾 tuò (1) 吐唾沫[ spit (on sb.)] ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... thump( 重击,捶); spit( 吐痰,吐出,吐唾沫,吐); progenitor( 前 …


[推荐]外贸常用英语[旺旺英语论坛] ... spiritual 精神上的,心灵的 spit 吐,倾吐 n.唾液 spite 恶意,怨恨 ...


英语环境专业术语5-1 ... spilling 溢出;溢漏;撒 spit 沙嘴 splash 喷溅;溅起;溅泼;飞溅 ...


魔兽世界表情大全_百度知道 ... /snub / 十分冷淡。 /spit / 吐口水。 /spoon / 睡去。 ...

You know, you were right? I mean, I thought we were happy, we weren't happy. But with Mindy, now I'm happy. Spit. 你说得没错,我以为我们会过得很快乐,我们不快乐,但是和Mindy在一起,现在我很快乐。吐掉。
I go back and edit, and I constantly try new things. But none of this can happen unless you spit it out. 我回去编辑以前的文章,并坚持尝试新的事物。
And I looked and I went around the apartment, and I looked for her fingerprints, little spots where she had spit up milk. 我四处寻找,在公寓里到处转悠,我搜寻她的指纹,寻找她吐奶留下的痕迹。
Spit it out! How much do you want to borrow this time? 说吧!这次你想借多少钱?
After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man's ears. Then he spit and touched the man's tongue. 耶稣领他离开众人,到一边去,就用指头探他的耳朵,吐唾沫抹他的舌头,
You feel something hard rolling around in your mouth and spit it out, only to discover it is one of your own teeth. 你感觉到什么硬硬的东西在嘴里滚来滚去,然后你把它吐出来一看,原来是你的某颗牙齿。
The Earth revolves around the Sun; The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire. 地球围绕太阳转;这只小羊被放在篝火上来回转动着烤。
However, when she took the first bite, she spit it out right away and stared at us furiously. 然而,她咬了第一口后就立刻吐出来,而且怒气冲冲地瞪着我们。
in summer, birds do not know where to hide somewhere; vegetation had bowed his head; the dog hot spit out the tongue was panting. 夏日炎炎,小鸟不知躲藏到什么地方去了;草木都低垂着头;小狗热得吐出舌头不停地喘气。
If someone does not lift her up and draw three drops of blood from her right breast and spit them out again, she will die. 不过,这时要是有人上前扶起她,从她的右乳房中吸出三滴血,她才不会死去。
Next, to implement the view, we simply loop over the view data and spit it out in the right format. 接下来实现视图,我们只是对视图的数据进行了循环,并以正确的格式输出。
The little girl blew a spit bubble, as if in an attempt to organize her thoughts. 小女孩吐出了一个泡泡,好似正在想着什么。
Otherwise, he did not know it from "emotional" control his tongue, what spit would be impolite to the sentence. 否则,他不知道自己那由“情绪”控制的舌头会吐出什么失礼的句子来。
She says her dog Toby pulled her to the ground and began jumping on her chest. She soon spit out the apple. 托比立即把她拖到地上,在她胸口上来回跳动,一会儿就把苹果吐出来了。
love is towering tree leaves, the height of summer was extremely hot, ready to spit out the cool shade, autumn , quietly closed. 爱就是参天的大树叶子,盛夏烈日炎炎,愿意遮阴吐凉,直晒到秋日枯焦,悄然落下。
It begins to spit out masses of bees, as if it were emptying not only its guts but its soul. 蜂巢开始吐出成群的蜜蜂,仿佛不仅要倾空其肠胃,还要倾空其灵魂。
Urgent things push me to go back home, but I have eggs on the spit. Recently people are busy , I have to cheek it to ask help . 有急事要回家,但是手头有事,没时间订票。最近大家都忙,只好厚着脸皮求助呗!
On the last day he had finished recording. There were reporters interviewing her. She said that she wants to spit. 在过去的几天她已经完成了录音.有些记者也采访过她了.她说她想吐。
To his surprise, when the customers came to the tavern and drank the salty liquor, they immediately spit it out and went to a different bar. 令他吃惊的是,客人们来到酒馆喝了加了盐的酒后,立刻把酒吐了出来,到别的酒家去了。
Howard: No, it's like, "This fish tastes bad, so I'm gonna slow down and spit it out. " 不,她是想说“这些臭鱼真难吃。我可得慢下来,吐个干净。”
A man who takes what's not his to take, be it a life or a loaf of naan. . . I spit on such a man. 一个人如果拿了不属于他的东西,无论是一个生命还是一块饼,我唾弃他。
Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. 每一个正常人都会不时渴望着往掌里吐上唾沫,升起黑旗,割破他人的喉咙。
Hai Xi Xi spited two bite of spit into his hands ringingly, "go aside, look at me! " He exerted all his strength to pound the pick. “啐!啐!”海喜喜响亮地朝两手啐了两口唾沫,“你闪开,看我的!”他哼地一声使劲地砸下镐头。
Waller: I mean it was hard to watch you bite off a piece of the guy's ear and spit it out on the ring floor . 沃勒:我是说你咬掉对手(霍利霏尔德)耳朵上的一块肉,把它吐在地板上,这让人们很难接受。
Bouncing ball into a different hole in the machine spit out the ball scores a corresponding number of points card. 跳跳球落入不同分值的球洞里机器吐出相应数量的积分卡。
No one wants to see what your food looks like when it's all chewed up, and besides, I think you just spit something in my eye! 没人想要看你的食物被嚼烂了之后是什么样子,还有,我想你刚才好像把什么东西喷到我眼睛里了!
They then spit the seed on the ground after they ate it to see whether the seed will grow into real watermelon or not. 他们吃完西瓜把西瓜籽吐在地上想看看以后是否会长出西瓜来。
Joy turned, looked at him, and then quietly leaned over, Su Zhenyu felt chest joy gas if the orchids spit out the faint fragrance, she said. 欢喜转过头,看了他一眼,然后就静静地依偎过来,苏振宇感觉到胸口处有欢喜气若幽兰吐出的淡淡芬芳,她说:好。
Finally, she coughed, opened her eyes, and began to gag and spit up. 终于,她开始咳嗽,睁开眼睛,并伴有呕吐。
Do not spit anywhere in public. If you need to spit, cough into a tissue paper and then dispose of the paper in a covered bin. 不要随地或向废纸箱吐口水或痰涎,口水或痰涎要用纸巾包住,然后弃置在有盖垃圾桶内。