
美 [slæm]英 [slæm]
  • v.(使…)砰地关上;用力一放;使劲一推;猛劲一摔
  • abbr.(=supersonic low altitude missile)低空超音速导[飞]弹
  • n.猛关(或推、摔、撞等);猛摔(或撞等)的声音
  • 网络砰地放下;扣篮;使劲关

过去式:slammed 第三人称单数:slams 现在分词:slamming



v. n.

1.[i][t](使…)砰地关上to shut, or to make sth shut, with a lot of force, making a loud noise

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.用力一放;使劲一推;猛劲一摔to put, push or throw sth into a particular place or position with a lot of force


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... emergence n. 浮现,露出 slam vt. 砰地关上 host n. 男主人 ...


P开头的单词记忆中国记忆力训练网 ... sketch n. 略图;速写;概略 slam vt. 使劲关,砰地放下 soluble a. 可溶的;可以解决的 ...


首页-千秋图书专营店-- 天猫 ... 青年视觉 VISION 扣篮 SLAM 座驾 car ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... exalt( 提升,提高); slam使劲关,猛力关闭); climb( 攀登,爬)…


关于汽车专业的英语单词_百度知道 ... situation 形式,情况 slam 猛踏,猛击 slope 斜率 ...


中国桥牌竞赛规则_百度百科 ... 轮转顺序( ROTATION) 满贯Slam) 明手( DUMMY) ...


成人三级学位英语必考词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... boring 枯燥的 slam 砰然声 dormitory 宿舍 ...


水母 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... ever: 甚至 slam: 猛然关上,砰地关上 purse: 钱包 ...

We determined to slam the door the two this marriage certificate, decided to west, led by Irish certificate of Chinese marriage had. 我俩下定决心摒弃了这两本结婚证,决定中为西用,领着爱尔兰的结婚证过中国式婚姻。
I felt the car bump as the jack was removed, and I heard the slam of the trunk lid, and then they were standing at my car window. 我感觉到千斤顶移开时车颠了一下,又听到后车厢盖啪地关上,接着两人就站在了我的车窗前。
Kobe's slam dunk is a message delivered by force especially to those players who are dare to slow down him on his way to the shot. 科比的扣篮传达着一种信息---力量,尤其是对那些企图在科比到篮筐的路上阻止他的人而言。
For me a win against Roger is always very, very special but I would love to win any grand slam against someone in the final. (laughs). 对我来说,能再次打败牛,非常非常的特殊,但是我却愿意别人打决赛,去赢得大满贯。
If it had been a slam, my tactics andgame style would have been a bit different. 如果是一次大满贯,我的策略和比赛风格会有点不同。
to bed then , if it must be so ! and she closed the window with a slam. 她突然喊叫一声,“睡就睡吧!”她于是砰然一声关上了窗户。
But it is also possible that this was a quick slam dunk because this guy left his tracks left right and centre, IT consultant indeed! 但这件事很可能迅速解决,因为到处都是那家伙留下的证据。还当资讯科技顾问呢!
You hear the door slam, and realize there's nowhere left to run. You'll feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun. 你听到关门的一声巨响,意识到自己已经无处可逃。你感到那冰冷的手,您想知道自己是否还会见到黎明曙光。
The students immediately began to slam down the movable arms of their lecture chairs and to prepare to leave. 立即,学生们开始放下座椅的活动把手,收拾书本准备离开,砰然之声此起彼伏。
And I know it was a huge emotional win for you to complete your personal slam last year at the US Open and a lot of good memories for you. 我知道在去年美网的时候为了实现个人金满贯你有着极大的意念去获胜。
So this is going to be a crash where they're going to slam this thing forward into a wall at thirty miles an hour and see what happens. OK? 碰撞发生的时候,这整个装置会被使劲摔到前面的墙上,速度是三十英里每小时(四十八公里每小时),然后我们看发生了什么。
Friends whose house the lovers met in recalled how Ava would scream at Frank and he would slam the door and storm downstairs. 把房子借给这对情侣幽会的朋友回忆,艾娃朝弗兰克尖叫,他大声关门然后冲下楼梯。
He said the first group are known as Slam the Brakes On. 第一个类别被称为“紧急刹车型”(SlamtheBrakesOn)。
The erstwhile prodigy had the best chance of her career to win this title, the only Grand Slam singles title she hasn't won. 这位昔日的天才选手曾有其网球生涯中夺得法网女单冠军的最佳机会,这也是她唯一没赢得过的大满贯冠军头衔。
They would have been the first pair of men to meet in the finals of all four Grand Slam tournaments. 他们本应该成为第一对在四大满贯都会师总决赛的男单选手。
He hurl a few oath at his wife and walk out, SLam the door. 他咒骂了妻子几句,砰的一声关上门就走了。
To ask China to slam the door on Iran's energy exports is like asking America to do without Saudi oil, says Mr Berman. 他说让中国对伊朗的能源出口关闭大门就相当于让美国不进口沙特阿拉伯石油。
and the Sprite Rising Stars Slam Dunk contest, to see which player dunks the ball in the most entertaining way. 而且小妖明日之星砰然声泡竞赛,了解哪一个运动员以最愉快的方式泡球。
I would slam the front door upon entering, refuse to return her hug when she rushed over to me, and vow never to speak to her again. 我要在进家门的时候,狠狠地摔响前门;在妈妈冲过来抱我的时候,拒绝让她抱我;并且发誓再也不和她说一句话。
Unfortunately for the Dane, no one was talking about her snapping out of a much-maligned Grand Slam drought. 不幸的是,没人认谈论关于丹麦人什么时候能结束大满贯冠军荒的事。
In her second Grand Slam final of the year, Li Na was more composed and cognizant of the moment. 在今年第二个大满贯决赛中,李娜显得更沉着了,对这一刻也有了更充分的认识。
The French Open championship on the clay courts of Roland Garros is still the only Grand Slam title to have stayed beyond his grasp. 在罗兰加洛红土球场举办的法国公开赛,迄今仍是他满桌大满贯赛冠军杯中唯一的遗憾。
But it was made subtly clear that were the bank to slam on the brakes, then it would feel the wrath of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. 但这背后的却有值得玩味的微妙关系,如果央行敢在这时给经济踩刹车,它将引起执政党自民党的震怒。
Q. Do you feel after a year back in the game you're really ready to challenge for another Grand Slam title? 你认为一年后又回到赛场上,你能真真实实的去向其他的大满贯挑战吗?。
She would either berate her for associating with such a freak, or storm off to her room and slam the door. 她要么说她整天和一个怪物混在一起,要么就直接摔门冲出房间。
It wasn't very friendly of you to slam the door in his face. 你冲着他摔门太伤和气了。
It is instructive that the 28-year-old Russian defeated all three reigning Grand Slam champions on his way to the year-end title. 28岁的俄国人一路击败三位大满贯获得者拿到年终头衔有些意义。
Was good to see Rafer attack the rim and dish the ball off to Yao for the slam. 很高兴看到斯通突破并分球给姚明灌篮。
"Now is not the time to slam the brakes on the recovery, right now is the time to step on the gas, " he said. 对于复苏现在不是紧急刹车的时候,现在要做的就是狠踩油门。
But since Nadal has now beaten him in five of their seven grand slam final meetings, Federer needs to explore new avenues. 但是自从纳达尔在他们七次大满贯决赛的交手中第五次将其打败,费德勒需要另辟蹊径了。