
美 [set]英 [set]
  • v.设置;集中;装置;制定
  • n.集;组;机组;布景
  • adj.既定的;预定的;规定的;指定的
  • abbr.(=safe electronic transaction)安全电子交易
  • 网络集合;套;套装

现在分词:setting 第三人称单数:sets

set example,set time,set record,standard set,set level
set text,set policy,set question




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Maya菜单中英文对照表(新) - 豆丁网 ... Empty Group 空组 Sets Set 组 ...


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支持同步设备定时源SETS),可选跟踪光线路定时源或外同步输入,提供外同步输出,并可根据故障或SSM自动处理定时源 …

Gets or sets the name of the validation group to which this validation control belongs. 获取或设置此验证控件所属的验证组的名称。
Its legs are arranged in seven pairs, and its front two are able to manipulate and bring food to its four sets of jaws. 它有十四条腿,最前面的两条活动自如,可以用来将食物抓进它四瓣形的口中。
Discretization of continuous attributes is always one of the key problems that need urgent solutions in rough sets theory. 连续属性的离散化是粗糙集理论亟待解决的关键问题之一。
He took to sending her presents, usually innocuous things like slippers, Day-Timers, picture frames, pen-and-pencil sets. 他还送她礼物,通常是些无害的东西,像拖鞋、台历、相框、铅笔和钢笔套。
Sets out for Rome, the center of power, greed and corruption, and strike the enemy where it hurts most. 规定了罗马,该中心的权力,贪婪和腐败,打击敌人的要害最多。
It was a terrible scene, and Anzheluo uplink walk on the roof, but as it sets, jumped out of the death to light tones, bright and calm. 那是一副可怕的景象,而安哲罗在屋顶上行走着,却如同这死亡的布景里跳出的亮色,耀眼而平静。
When I am swimming, I feel as if I was a fish and could swim freely. Swimming sets both my body and my mind free. 我热爱游泳,在水里,我就像是一条鱼,可以自在翱翔,这让我身心都得到很大的解放。
This was one of the first and most spectacular data sets taken with Hubble's brand new wide-field Camera Three. 这是哈勃望远镜以其崭新“第三代广域照相机”取得的首批最为厉害的数据之一。
Given large data sets, whether they are text or numeric, it is often useful to group together, or cluster, similar items automatically. 对于大型数据集来说,无论它们是文本还是数值,一般都可以将类似的项目自动组织,或集群,到一起。
The driver of the train sets out to determine the length of a fence alongside the road by clocking his time to move past the fence. 火车司机打算记录他经过路旁一个篱笆的时间来测定篱笆的长度。
He had to make an effort and reason with himself that all sets of people were passing near her and he himself might have come just to skate. 他必须努力控制住自己,他考虑了一下,她周围正有各种各样的人在走动,他自己也可以穿上溜冰鞋滑到那边去的呀。
He's particular about tea sets, and he never gives me the same tea cup twice when he treats me to famous Chinese green tea. 他对茶具很挑剔,他用著名的中国绿茶招待我的时候,从来没用过同样的茶杯。
A version of a policy might be in many policy sets but cannot be changed once it is deployed in one. 策略的一个版本可以存在于许多策略集合中,但一旦它被部署在一个集合中就不能再对其进行修改。
"If I wanted a quick diagnosis of the general state of a server, I would run Data Collector Sets for a few minutes, " he said. “如果我想要对服务器的基本状态做一个快速的诊断,那么我将运行数据采集工具集几分钟,”他说。
He said the major powers need to lift four sets of sanctions imposed by the U. 他说主要强国应当废除联合国安理会制定的四套制裁措施。
Column sets have to part of a table's original design. If a table has any sparse columns in it, a column set cannot be added. ColumnSet列必须在表的原始设计中进行定义,如果表中已经有了任意一个Sparse列,就不允许再添加ColumnSet列。
Every time you run a command in AIX, the system sets a variable that is often referred to as dollar question. 每当您在AIX中运行一个命令时,系统将设置一个变量,它通常被称为美元问号符。
Problem sets will be given out at the first lecture of a new section and will be due within a week of the last lecture of that section. 问题集将会在每个新章节开始的第一堂课公布,并且在该章节最后一堂课的当周到期。
They masterfully describe the social conditions of England and France in 1775, the year in which Dickens sets the beginning of his novel. 他们的社会条件极其描述英国和法国在1775年,当年他一开始狄更斯小说。
Gets or sets the name that identifies the service that this instance references. 获取或设置对此实例引用的服务进行标识的名称。
I believe that she can accomplish anything she sets out to do, in her own time. 我相信她能完成她自己在什么时候,她下决心做。
Some of these IPOs may have been done mainly to feed the ego of the CEO, and that sets up the perfect conditions for fraud. 有些这样的IPO的目的可能仅仅是满足CEO的虚荣心,而这样的IPO为之后的舞弊建立了完美的环境。
Once an individual sets up a program, it should be rebalanced quarterly or semiannually, he said, "but it should be disciplined. " 一旦设定好投资计划,只要每季或每半年进行调整即可,不过这需要“有序地进行”。
Ultimately, we are all looking for love, and none of us sets out with a fixed idea of who we will find it with. 最终,我们都在找寻真爱,没有人是执着于只寻找某种固定的人。
And you see that, probably you seen on P-sets and an example we did in the lecture that this can be complicated. 也许你们在习题集里,或在课堂上的某个例子看到,这可以很复杂的。
My dad, he starts a new family in a new town about every six years. This isn't so much like a family as it's like he sets up a franchise. 我老爸,他每隔六年都会在一个新城市开始一个新家庭------与其说是家庭,不如说是新开一家加盟店。
If they win at Fulham tonight, it sets up a straight shoot-out with Tottenham next weekend for that final European spot. 如果他们今晚赢了富勒姆,那么他们将更有底气在下周迎战热刺进行这场终极大战。
When you're playing you lose track of any sense of real timing and a subconscious thing sets in. 当你演奏的时候你会失去任何的节奏感,一种潜意识涌入心头。
The sun never sets on the British Empire because God wouldn't trust an Englishman in the dark. 一个英国人说大英帝国太阳不落,因为上帝信不过黑暗中的英国人。
Gets or sets the alignment of the up and down buttons on the spin box (also known as an up-down control). 获取或设置数字显示框(也称为up-down控件)中向上和向下按钮的对齐方式。