
美 [step]英 [step]
  • n.步;步骤;台阶;步伐
  • v.踩;踏;行走;迈步
  • 网络步进;步进编号;分阶段,步进

过去式:stepped 第三人称单数:steps 现在分词:stepping

take step,make step
final step,positive step,critical step,initial step,false step
backward step,forward step


n. v.


1.[c]迈步;脚步声the act of lifting your foot and putting it down in order to walk or move somewhere; the sound this makes

步履way of walking

2.[c][ususing]步伐;步态the way that sb walks


3.[c]一步(的距离)the distance that you cover when you take a step

系列;过程in series/process

4.[c]步骤;措施one of a series of things that you do in order to achieve sth

5.[c]步;阶段one of a series of things that sb does or that happen, which forms part of a process


6.[c]台阶;梯级a surface that you put your foot on in order to walk to a higher or lower level, especially one of a series


8.[u]踏板操a type of exercise that you do by stepping on and off a raised piece of equipment


9.[pl]折梯;梯子a stepladder


break step

走乱步伐to change the way you are walking so that you do not walk in the same rhythm as the people you are walking or marching with

fall into step (beside/with sb)

(和某人)合上步伐,步调一致起来to change the way you are walking so that you start walking in the same rhythm as the person you are walking with

in/out of step (with sb/sth)

(和某人)步伐一致(或不一致);(和音乐)合拍(或不合拍)putting your feet on the ground in the right/wrong way, according to the rhythm of the music or the people you are moving with

mind/watch your step

走路小心to walk carefully

one step forward, two steps back

进一步,退两步used to say that every time you make progress, sth bad happens that means that the situation is worse than before

a/one step ahead (of sb/sth)

避开(某人或某事物);领先(某人或某事物)一步when you areone step ahead of sb/sth, you manage to avoid them or to achieve sth more quickly than they do

a/one step at a time

一步一步;逐步;按部就班when you do sthone step at a time you do it slowly and gradually


步进Stepping)是CPU的一个重要参数,也叫分级鉴别产品数据转换规范,“步进”编号用来标识一系列CPU的设计或生产制造 …


我友博客-关注互联网开源动态 - Part 3 ... Mode( 型号) Stepping步进编号) Brand ID( 品种标识) ...


汽车配件... ... step-by-step ① 阶梯式的,分阶式的②逐步的 stepping ① 呈阶梯状,分级②分阶段,步进 stereo ① 立体声② …


然而从代表处理器版本的步进值(Stepping)来看Family值为F, 代表了P4EE属於Pentium4家族的成员Model值为2, 则代表P4EE所 …


...ushless)马达已成为大势所趋。而步进式(Stepping)马达则随著工业自动化与精密控制应用的兴起,已渐渐成为市场上一股不 …


CPU-Z截图显示,新版Core i7-920的步进版本(Stepping)为5,修订版本(Revision)是D0,而现有型号分别是4和C0。根据Intel …


Linux下查看CPU、内存和硬盘信息命令 | 深度VPS ... model name 型号名 stepping 加强(倍频) cache size 缓存大小 ...

Edward Ryan, a third-class Irish passenger, put a towel over his head before stepping into a lifeboat. 来自三等舱的爱尔兰乘客EdwardRyan包了一块毛巾在头上后就跳到了救生船上。
The company said the government had, by stepping in and mediating, helped prevent a large-scale internet security incident. 该公司表示,通过介入和调停,政府帮助阻止了一场大规模的互联网安全事件。
But inside, where it was hard to see, she was the meanest, wickedest , and most worthless princess around. She liked stepping on dogs. 但在她的内心,在那无法看到的地方,却充满了卑鄙与邪恶,可以说她是最差劲的公主。
Stepping out of the Signal Hill Park, you could take a stroll on the seashore sidewalk along the coast. 走出信号山公园,你可以去滨海步行道看看。
And then he said, "Thank you for yelling at the kids for stepping on the corn so I could focus on just having fun on the farm with them. " 然后他说,“谢谢你阻止那些孩子走在玉米上,这样我可以专心在农场和他们玩耍。”
For most of us, stepping into a higher level of the company ladder can be one of the most powerful drives to work hard. 对于大多数人来讲,步入公司更高级别的职位是我们努力工作的有力动力之一。
This means frequently stepping out of your comfort zone to meet his needs, including roughhousing and playing with your son any way you can. 这意味着要经常走出你的安乐区去满足他的需要,包括以你所能的任何方式和你的儿子大吵大闹和玩耍。
Seeing them again in a prison was like stepping out of a time machine. 再一次在监狱里看见他们,就像是进入了一个时间机器。
Little did Vos know that he was stepping into a dark chapter of his past, and a world stained by the ancient power of the dark side. 昆兰丝毫没有察觉到,自己正踏入一段挥之不去的阴霾,踏入一个被远古黑暗面浸染的世界。
Every sort of trades would have their own melodic tune in hawking, people could identify them without stepping out to see. 他们各行各业有各自的呼唤声调,使人一听便知道是什么行业的人来了。
It has been a massive year for me, a big stepping stone, and it has helped me for my career ahead. 对我来说这是重要的一年,一个大的台阶,它为我未来的职业生涯提供了帮助。
Working at the application architecture level means stepping up to a whole new way of thinking. 在应用程序架构级别工作,意味着要采用全新的思维方式。
Unbuttoning his overcoat and stepping away from the stove as if to mark the beginning of official business . 解开外套,从炉旁走开,好像要开始公务。
stalling a stepping motor will not hurt it . a stepping motor doesn ' t draw any increased current while being in a stalled position. 步进电机堵转是不会烧坏的,因为步进电机在堵转时是不会引起电流增加的。
Stepping up the voltage is like increasing water pressure, thus speeding the flow of energy through the system. 把电压升高就像给水加压一样,这样一来就会使这个系统中能量的运动加快。
Chinese military officials have said the country is stepping up its cyber warfare abilities to compete with the U. 中国军方官员说中国正在加紧增强网络作战能力,以便和美国等其它强国竞争。
He explains that although the enemy is stepping up its pace through experience, the good guys are adapting as well. 他解释说,尽管敌人不断积累经验加快步伐,但是好的一方也在不断适应。
But a few days later Lord Browne publicly confirmed that, as expected, he would be stepping down in 2008. 不过,几天之后,正如人们预料的那样,布朗勋爵公开证实,自己将在2008年离任。
Before stepping into the breach, he took cues from watching other stores struggle with the sudden surge in business. 在选择这一突破点之前,他仔细观察了其他商店应对突发的生意激增是如何努力应付的。
It was not all that long ago that fear would have taken over, and reluctance felt at the thought of the repercussions of stepping out. 就在不那么久之前,恐惧还会接管,而且一想起走出去的结果就感觉不情愿。
a. When stepping, the soldier places the ball of his lead foot down first and checks for stability and silence of the surface to be crossed. 当步进,士兵的地方,他的脚先降铅稳定和表面沉默检查球划线。
It's nice to see Microsoft stepping up to the bar and offering its own version. 看到微软也朝这个方向迈出了自己的脚步,这真让人高兴。
'He's trying to trick the protest leaders into stepping down, but the protesters want to stay, ' he said. 他说,阿披实是在诱使示威领袖减弱示威活动,但示威者希望留下来;
I looked around to see if anyone was looking for it, but people just kept stepping on the poor thing, so I decided to rescue it. 我环顾四周,看看有没人在找它,可人们都相继踩过这个可怜的家伙,所以我决定营救它。
There is so much to look forward to, that the changes should be seen as merely stepping stones that take you to your promised land. 在前方有那么多的美好事物去期待,改变将被看到,作为奠基石把你们带到承诺之地。
"I need to watch this " he said stepping across the hall into the small office and taking a seat alongside Webb. “我需要对此进行观察,”他说,从大厅走到了小办公室内并和Webb坐在了一起。
"There, " I said, stepping back and wiping off my hands. "What point do you think I'm making with this demonstration? " “那么,”我说,我后退几步擦着手说道。“你们认为我做这个演示是要说明什么呢?”
Flora: (Stepping out on the balcony. ) Oh, what a fine view one gets from here! That tall building on the right is a hotel, I believe. 弗洛拉:(走到露台。)噢,站在这里看到的景色真美丽啊!我想,右边的那座高大建筑物是一家宾馆。
Yet the Egyptian president seems to have no intention of stepping down. 但是这位埃及总统似乎没有退休的意思。
In front of me was a wall of animals. It was like stepping into a secret art museum, in which we were the only visitors. 在我面前的墙上画满了动物,就好象步入了一座秘密的艺术博物馆,里面只有我们两个参观者。