
  • abbr.(=sideral hour angle)【航】赤经共轭量
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络上海;沙;莎




上海SHA) 北京(PEK) 广州(CAN) 深圳(SZX) 巴黎(CDG) 路线:上海到广州航空北京空运公司在北京航宠物空运 …

属性金水木火土偏旁吉利字取名字专用_百度文库 ... 画) 沛( pen 8 画)sha 8 画) 沂( yi 8 ...

AMTB ... 些 xie sha 悉 xī ...

安全散列算法(Secure Hash Algorithm)

在1993年,安全散列算法SHA)由美国国家标准和技术协会(NIST)提出,并作为联邦信息处理标准(FIPS PUB 180)公布…


提供安全哈希算法 (SHA) 的下一代加密技术 (CNG) 实现。SHA1CryptoServiceProvider 使用加密服务提供程序 (CSP) 提供的实 …

上海虹桥机场(Shanghai Hongqiao Airport)

Shanghai HongQiao Airport( SHA) 上海浦东国际机场( PVG) Train 地铁 房间数 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9+

Sha Sha gold micro-listening, began to close places of the heart, so close places of pain, pain, she appeared on the amount to a cold sweat. 金微傻傻地听着,心脏开始收宿了起来,收宿得那么痛楚,那么痛楚,她额上冒出冷汗来了。
Ep718 - Amy tells Ma Sha that she is getting close to Yingming as part of her plan. Ma Sha has no choice but agree to support her. 爱眉告知马沙接近英明是她计划的一部分,马沙别无选择,只好答应支持她。
Officials present at the dinner suggested that Mr Sha might have been the victim of a misguided attempt at humour. 一些在场的官员说,沙祖康可能是想玩一点幽默,却弄巧反拙搞砸了。
The Sha Zhou island is not the most beautiful island sine I have seem, but as a Shen Zhen people, it's easy to go there. 刷洲岛并不是我所见过的最漂亮的海岛,但对于一个深圳人来说,去那里很容易。
A flower show to be 30, is a public, and color it touches very pretty, I just hesitate if I can get back out to accompany such a suit Sha! ! 一只花秀要30,是个公的,花色倒是挺好看,我就是再犹豫我要是弄回去陪啥还能出这样的花色!!
"Sha tympany" sprang up in Qing dynasty with its range expanding rapidly and became the generic name of epidemics and unknown diseases. “痧胀”兴起于清代,范围颇广,基本成为疫病和不明疾病的总称。
Screw of the electrical wiring that uses up in construction, metal fittings, cement, Huang Sha make clear calculative material hard. 施工中所消耗的电线、小五金螺丝、水泥、黄砂等难以明确计算的材料。
Aer Sha said: "This course of the game away team is really difficult, but I would like to say that we are not afraid of anything. " 阿尔沙文表示:“这样球场比赛对客场球队的难度的确是有,但是我想说的是,我们不惧怕任何东西。”
Mr. Sha then singled out Mr. Ban, the U. N. secretary-general. 'I know you never liked me, Mr. Secretary-General, ' he said. 沙祖康接着提到了联合国秘书长潘基文说,我知道你从不喜欢我,秘书长先生,我也从来没喜欢过你。
"If I could grow taller, I could help Granny with her housework, " thought Sha Sha. “我要是再长高一点儿,就能帮奶奶做事了。”莎莎想。
At this juncture, to my utter surprise, many members of the audience stood up in great excitement, shouting "Sha! " 这时,我万没有想到,台下的许多观众激动地站了起来,齐声喊叫;
Walking along the street one day, sha saw a little girl running up to her. 有一天当她正沿着大街向前走时,她看见一个小女孩朝她跑了过来。
One of my interesting jobs recently is to design a series of furniture for a British lady's new house at Pak Sha Wan, Sai Kung. 近日其中一单比较有趣的工作,是帮一位英藉客人于西页白沙湾的新居设计家具。
Since Xiao Sha left to join the national squad, there have been nine years of newspaper cuttings but barely any personal contact. 自从XiaoSha离开家人参加国家队以后已经9年了,但是一直没有跟家里见面。
A train, the past, like a Citroen in the Sha Jin Cancan in fighting the wind and waves hit and move forward. 一列列火车,呼啸而过,宛如铁龙在金灿灿的沙海中击风搏浪,勇往直前。
Finally one day, I find myself getting old and their own feelings or nothing, but still standing on the site to wait for Sha Sha. 终于有一天,我发现自己老了,自己的感情还是一无所获,却依然傻傻的站在原地等待。
her mother is a nurse. she works in a hospital. sha goes to work by car. 她的妈妈是一位护士,在一家医院上班。平时开车上班。
During binary loading, the TE sub system is called by the system loader, which calculates the hash using the SHA-256 hash algorithm. 在二进制加载期间,系统加载程序调用TE子系统,并使用SHA-256散列算法来计算散列值。
The hardening properties of a new water soluble polymeric soil hardening agent (WSP-SHA) to the different component soil have been studied. 研究了新型水溶性高分子土体固化剂(WSP剂)对土体的不同组成部分的固化效果。
The shop is behind the Art Gallery in Sha tan er, which is only one place I know it well in Beijing, you may say, I revisited an old haunt . 仕奇的专卖店在沙滩儿美术馆的后面,这是我在北京唯一熟悉的地方,算是“故地重游”吧。
Mrs. Sha must have had a sugar daddy on the side. 沙太太肯定有个阔绰的老情夫在暗中资助她。
Princess Margaret the maid overnight, I do not know by what means, Sha Xiaozai learned to fear. 公主的女仆在一夜之间,不知道用了什么方法,让傻小子学会了害怕。
The drive train is about to Tsim Sha Tsui East, please hold handrails ! The next station is: Hung Hom. 前往尖东嘅列车即将开出,请紧握扶手,下一站:红勘。
Nini from the sky, is a flying swallow, and its creative design from Beijing Sha Yan Kite tradition. 妮妮来自天空,是一只展翅飞翔的燕子,其造型创意来自北京传统的沙燕风筝。
This week, Iraq's defense minister, Hazem Sha'alan, blamed Tehran for the majority of terrorist attacks that have been carried out in Iraq. 这个星期,伊拉克国防部长沙兰指责德黑兰要为发生在伊拉克的大部份恐怖袭击事件负责。
He says right, not one can find out a chaste Sir of a gram of Lai in Wen Sha Gu's fortress. 他说得没错,没有人能够在温莎古堡找到克莱德先生的。
But Sha - Cor, I mean - you haven't told me anything yet about King Lune and how he found out who you were. 但沙——我本来想说科奥——关于国王伦恩和他怎样发现你是谁的事,你还一点儿也没有跟我谈起呢。
Kowloon Southern Link is an extension of West Rail from its Nam Cheong Station to connect with East Rail at East Tsim Sha Tsui . 九南线是西铁的延伸部分,连接西铁南昌站与东铁尖东站。
Sha Sha lived with her papa, mama and granny in a small village. They led a happy life. 莎莎和爸爸、妈妈、奶奶生活在一个小山村里,日子过得很快活。
The latter describe the act of killing as zei, but do not cite the legal rules which impose liability for zei sha. 后者将杀害这一行为描述为“贼”,但是没有援引关于“贼杀”的法律规定。