
美 [ʃeɪm]英 [ʃeɪm]
  • n.羞愧;羞耻;耻辱;惭愧
  • v.使羞愧(或惭愧);使蒙受耻辱;使丢脸
  • int.(表示同情或喜爱)真可惜
  • 网络遗憾的事;羞辱

第三人称单数:shames 现在分词:shaming 过去式:shamed

feel shame,hide shame,shame face
awful shame,everlasting shame


1.[u]羞耻;羞愧;惭愧the feelings of sadness, embarrassment and guilt that you have when you know that sth you have done is wrong or stupid

2.[u]羞耻心;羞愧感the ability to feel shame at sth you have done

3.[sing]令人惋惜的事;让人遗憾的事used to say that sth is a cause for feeling sad or disappointed

4.[u]耻辱;丢脸the loss of respect that is caused when you do sth wrong or stupid


put sb/sth to shame

大大胜过;使相形见绌;使自愧不如to be much better than sb/sth

shame on you, him, etc.

(责备时说)真丢脸,真不害臊used to say that sb should feel ashamed for sth they have said or done


羞耻和内疚的差异尽管人们早就观察到羞耻Shame)和内疚(Guilt)这两种情感的存在,但心理学家和其他专业职员都没有对羞 …


耻字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 羞愧shame〗 羞辱;侮辱〖 humiliate〗 ...


那是以耻辱shame)为基础的文化,每个人必须赚取别人的尊敬,坚决要求来自他人的敬重。但是基督教的修士却以一种“慈 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... shallow a. 浅的,不深的,肤浅的 shame n. 遗憾的事;羞愧 Shanghai n. 上海 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... shallow a. 浅的;浅薄的 shame n. 羞耻,羞愧;羞辱 shampoo vt. 用洗发剂洗 n.洗头 ...


新版新概念第二册 单词表--koflfy ... unimaginative a.缺乏想象力的 shame n.惭愧,羞耻 hitchhike v.搭便车旅行 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... shallow a. 浅的;浅薄的 shame n. 羞耻,羞愧;羞辱 shampoo vt. 用洗发剂洗 n.洗头 ...

Trees do not bark, no doubt kill; people have no sense of shame, invincible. 树不要皮,必死无疑;人不要脸,天下无敌。
Maybe you could say she was an aggressive girl. Actually she was only a bragger who did not know what is the shame. 也许你觉得她是个很有杀伤力的女生,其实她只是个不知羞耻的吹牛者。
My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long, for those who wanted to harm me have been put to shame and confusion. 并且我的舌头,必终日讲论你的公义,因为那些谋害我的人,已经蒙羞受辱了。
Embarrassing Secret: Your character has a secret about her past that she must hide or else suffer shame and ostracism from her peers. 尴尬的秘密:你的角色在他的过去中有著一个必须隐藏,不然会遭同辈排斥或者羞耻的秘密。
It was a shame, Mr Tsai says, that the phones made by his Chinese clients came to be known as shanzai, or bandit, phones. 蔡明介说,该公司中国客户生产的手机被称作“山寨手机”或“黑手机”,这让他感到惋惜。
Police are on the case. Be on the look out for a really bad-spelling dirt-bag wielding a box-cutter and a face full of shame. 目前警方已经接手此案,正在搜寻一个单词都不会拼的大垃圾,他可能嚣张地挥舞着美工刀,但是也因为自己的没文化而满脸羞愧。
It is a shame that for a thousand years the world's banquets have utterly ignored the baby, as if he didn't amount to anything! 一千年来世上的宴会完全忽略了婴儿这个主题,似千说他真是一无是处!
When a friend brought a kilo of beef that her mother had stolen for us from her factory canteen, my embarrassment turned to shame. 有一位朋友给我们带来了一公斤牛肉,是她母亲为我们从工厂食堂里偷来的,这时我的尴尬简直变成羞愧了。
and steadfastly was she persuaded, that he could have no explanation to give, which a just sense of shame would not conceal. 再读下去,又觉得他处处都是自圆其说,而处处都流露出一种欲盖弥彰的羞惭心情。
What a shame it would be if the results you have worked to achieve required just a little longer to arrive than you were willing to wait. 如果你付出的努力距离即将取得成果只有一步之摇,而你却不愿再坚持下去了,这该是多么令人遗憾的事。
Perhaps, by adding a bit of shame to the mix, who knows, this might keep it in check. 或许,他们借题发挥时,若有点羞愧的心,说不一定会稍微有一点自我节制。
He did not know how to tell her the truth and shame himself. 他不知道怎么把真情告诉她,同时为自己感到羞愧。
shame sadly, there seem to be a few unscrupulous businessmen worldwide! 真是悲哀啊,看来全世界都有那么一些寡廉鲜耻的商人!
The prince Mamilius, hearing his mother was to be tried for her life, struck with grief and shame, and suddenly died. 迈密勒斯王子听到要把母亲问成死罪,悲伤羞愧得突然死去了。
some of our workers like to make fun of him. No wonder he lacks self esteem. It's a darn shame! 我们有些同事老是拿他开玩笑。怪不得他会缺乏自尊心。这真是不应该!
It's been a while since a decent, LAN-capable, 256 colour palette game hit the market, and that just seems like a shame to us. 自从像样的可以局域网连接的256色游戏上市以来,已经有一段时间了,但那看起来像是在羞辱我们。
You know it was such a shame and also a painful experience. 你知道,那实在是相当羞愧和痛苦的经历。
Not wanting his co-workers to see he shame and anger on his face, Hung-chien ran out of the bank in one breath. 方鸿渐不愿意脸上的羞愤给同僚们看见,一口气跑出了银行。
kind of thing. But, you know, it was a shame he wasn't mentioned in the final cut, but I think most people know. 全没出现的确还蛮丢脸的,但是我相信很多人也知道纳威最后去做什么了。他长大后变成了草药学教授,我想大部分。
Even just a little bit of shame, shame, shame. 甚至有点羞辱感,羞辱感,羞辱感。
"I'm getting terrible, " she said, honestly affected by a feeling of trouble and shame. "I don't seem to do anything right. " “我越变越坏了,”她说道,真心感到烦恼和羞愧,“我好像哪件事也没有做对。”
What he has done put his parents to shame. He saved the child at the risk of his own life and put all those who looked on to shame. 他冒着生命危险救了那个孩子,使所有旁观者都相形见绌。
But I never feel a shame of it, I'd like to talk with native English speakers, guess what? They like you speaking English actually. 可是我从来不会为此感到羞愧,我喜欢和讲英语的人说话,你知道吗?他们事实上也喜欢你们讲英语。
"Not here. No son should have to bear witness to his mother's shame. " Ser Kevan's voice was harsh. "Cover her up. " “不在这里。哪个儿子都不该承受目睹他母亲受辱这种事。”凯冯爵士的声音非常刺耳。“把她盖起来。”
Guys, want to look sexy and get the girl? Don't smile too much. Look brooding or show a bit of shame instead. Women, ignore that advice. 小伙子们,想让自己看起来更性感并俘获美女芳心?那就别笑得太多,相反,表现的深沉一点,害羞一些。女性请忽略此建议。
he seems capabal and confidence . it ' s a far cry from the days when he was just a clerk handle letters and he is shame and timid. 理信件的职员的时候相比,那简直是相差太远了。那时,他非常胆小,也很怕羞。
Also, leather jackets are such a hot trend. It would be a shame to have to put them in the closet for 3 months! 也许皮夹克穿起来会有点热,但要把它们放在壁厨里长达三个月可太可惜了!
It would be a shame to have to redevelop an application's core business logic every time the preferred user interface technology changes. 如果每当首选的用户接口技术发生了更改就要重新开发应用程序的核心业务逻辑,那么就糟透了。
To my pleasure---I feel shame that I never thanked him for his kindness. 我感到羞愧的是,对他的帮助,我从未表示过感谢。
his father and drives out his mother is a son who brings shame and disgrace . 虐待父亲,撵出母亲的,是贻羞致辱之子。