
美 [swet]英 [swet]
  • n.汗;出汗;流汗;一身汗
  • v.出汗;流汗;不安;(物体表面)渗出水分
  • 网络汗水;汗液;发汗

第三人称单数:sweats 现在分词:sweating 过去式:sweated



n. v.

汗水liquid on skin

1.[u]汗drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot, ill/sick or afraid

2.[ususing]出汗;流汗;一身汗the state of being covered with sweat

繁重的工作hard work

3.[u]繁重的工作;艰苦的劳动;累活儿;艰苦努力hard work or effort


4.[pl](informal)运动服;运动裤a sweatsuit or sweatpants


be/get in a sweat (about sth)

(为某事)担心,焦虑,害怕to be/become anxious or frightened about sth

break sweat

花大力气;苦干to use a lot of physical effort

no sweat

(回答致谢或请求)没什么,小事一桩used to tell sb that sth is not difficult or a problem when they thank you or ask you to do sth

自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... reset vt./n. 重新安排,重调 sweat n. regulate vt./n. 管理;调节 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... swallow vt. 吞下; 咽下 sweat n. 汗,汗水 sweater n. 厚运动衫,毛衣 ...


高中英语单词表 ... sweater n. 毛衣,绒衣,厚运动衫 sweat vi. 出汗,流汗n.汗,汗水 surround vt. 包围,环绕 n.环绕物 ...


... stop( 停止) sweat( 流汗) disturb( 打扰) ...


汗液SWEAT )是由汗腺分泌的液体。由于外界气温升高,或体内产热增加所致的热刺激引起的发汗称知觉发汗。


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... swear 发誓 sweat 发汗 sweater 毛衣 ...


铸造英语 - Patrick的日志 - 网易博客 ... 含黏土份 containing clay 汗点(铸疵) sweat 焊珠 weld bead ...


1t1t.com网游先锋--游戏快捷一栏 ... strut 臭屁 sweat 擦擦汗水 tackle 紧抓不放 ...

There was sudden sweat on his forehead, but he forced his face and his voice to be calm as he stepped to the side of the bed. 突然,他的额头直冒冷汗,但他极力使自己的脸和声音保持镇静。
There was a general body of her sweat, if not for the U Da Lielie like this character, and we never know, the original I and her sisters. 她的身上总有一股汗味,如果不是因为U这样子大咧咧的性格,我们永远都不知道,原来I和她是姐妹。
Maura was grinning at him, pulling sections of his hair through her fingers, her face damp with sweat but not at all sleepy. 莫雅咧嘴向他笑,手指拨弄他的头发。她的脸上汗水淋淋,但是没有丝毫的睡意。
I could not help but be moved by his hard railway maintenance staff, we have to pay for the number of sweat ah, ! 我不禁被他感动了,辛勤的铁路维修人员,他为我们付出了多少汗水啊,!
The train won't come till 11 at night. We'll have to sweat it out for 3 hours. 火车要到夜间11点才到,我们还得耐着性子等上三个小时。
The stem of everyone eager, the sweat bedewed clothes, flow full ZHANG ZHANG's smiling face, hope the whose on the faces is all red all. 大家干得可起劲了,汗水沾湿了衣服,流满了张张笑脸,望望谁的脸上都是红通通的。
You'll still work up a great sweat, but breathing hard is not the goal of this workout - pounding on your biceps, triceps, and shoulders is. 你还是可以锻炼出一身的汗水,但是呼吸急促不是这个训练的目的。它的目的是锻炼你的肱二头肌、三头肌和肩膀。
had brought the sweat out on his forehead, the worst of all was the fear that his backbone was about to snap. 他的额头上痛得出了汗,但是最糟糕的还是担心脊梁骨要断。
It was cold after the sun went down and the old man's sweat dried cold on his back and his arms and his old legs. 太阳下去后,天气转凉了,老人的背脊、胳膊和衰老的腿上的汗水都干了,感到发冷。
Phoenix only looked above her head, There was sweat on her face, the wrinkles in her skin shone like a bright net. 菲尼克斯仅是把眼光盯着她头顶上方,脸上淌着汗水,皮肤上的皱纹亮晶晶地如同一张闪光的网。
The sun blazed down on his hands, which were sealed to the wheel by sweat. 太阳炙烤着他的双手,他的手被汗水粘在方向盘上。
He would say that girlfriend should wash clothes for her boyfriend, send water and wipe the sweat when he is playing basketball. 他说女朋友应该要给男友洗衣服,要在他打球的时候送水擦汗。
Angrily, I woke up in a cold sweat. And then it occurred to me, I had a drawing of ducks due tomorrow in class. 我很生气,醒来时一身冷汗,这时我才突然想起,我要画一群鸭子明天上课时交上去。
Depleted and fragile, she crept back into the car, cold sweat on her forehead, holding her and up to her mouth against the smell. 她精疲力尽,软弱无力,又重新爬上汽车,额头上直冒冷汗,一只手捂住嘴怕有味儿。
I wish that were the case, but to tell the truth, I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about speaking in front of all those people. 要是那么简单就好了。说实话,我一想到要在那么多人面前讲话就直冒冷汗。
In order to realize your dream, how much hard efforts, how much hard sweat and tears. 他为了实现自己的梦想,付出了多少努力,付出了多少的汗水和眼泪。
It was as if he had to labour, and metaphorically sweat, before his genius could, or was allowed to, emerge. 似如在他的天赋可能显露或被接受前,他必须劳动,付出汗水。
You will feel sweat pour from your forehead, as you jerk the ship to the side, weaving between the hail of destructive incoming lasers. 你会觉得汗水倾诉从您的前额,正如你挺举该船的一边,织布,印染之间的冰雹的desructiveincomming激光器。
I admit I had a little peek inside. There was a freshly washed pair of blue jeans, a white tee shirt, and a grey hooded sweat shirt. 我承认我窥视了一下他包里的东西,一条刚洗好的牛仔裤,一件白T恤,还有一件灰色带帽子的汗衫。
But no a few people know how much it hides a bitter smile, how much sweat, how much effort. 但是却没几个人知道这笑脸背后隐藏着多少辛酸,多少汗水,多少努力。
However, ax the slightest rustle of the reeds or the sudden chirp of a bird, he leapt to his feet, his forehead glistening with sweat. 苇叶微动,或一只小鸟忽然叫了一声,使他急忙立起来,头上见了汗。
The first page of sketches shows me trying to sweat some of the of the details of her design. 草图的第一页显示,我试着从她设计方案的一些细节上开始努力。
The head of the air dominance branch of the Air Combat Command says he "wakes up in a cold sweat" thinking about it. 美国空军作战司令部制空联队的队长说,一想到这个,他就会“惊出一身冷汗”。
She even produces her anxious showdown to my love affair, seems to be in a sweat about my future marriage. 她甚至产生焦虑,她摊牌,以我恋爱的事,似乎在为我的未来婚姻而流汗。
Calling such people threw out with the barrel, sweat, tears, and water sprinkled on like an oven with the land. 弄不好,人与桶摔出去,汗水、泪水和水一起洒在热烘烘的土地上。
City silhouette flickering, people be in a hurry to depart, fling off how much sweat and grime, and heated air can make many brain hypoxia. 城市人影憧憧,人们行色匆匆,甩得掉多少汗气与污浊,而升温的空气能让多少脑瓜缺氧。
Do not know how many people here have left the sweat and blood and tears, how many people are buried in this desert is no longer wake up. 不知道这里曾留下多少人的汗水与血泪,又有多少人葬于这沙漠之中不再醒来。
They nearly dont sweat at all. So a heat for them is nothing, but for me it means everything, it means my head will get slow and sleepy. 他们几乎不出汗。因此高温对于他们并没有什么,但对我来说这意味着每件事-我的头脑变慢并昏昏欲睡。
How much people's hard work and sweat are embodied in every service we enjoy and every article we use! 我们享受的每一份服务,我们使用的每一件物品,都凝聚着多少人辛勤劳动的汗水。
And I'd outfit myself in a pair of white shorts, sneakers and a sweat shirt. I'd have the right clothes, so I wouldn't look silly. 那条街是我们街尽头处的横街,我得买一条白短裤,一双运动鞋和一件圆领长袖运动衫打扮一下,我穿上合适的服装,就不会显得傻气了。