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信息科技公司取英文名-公司起名-猪八戒网 ... CENTURE, 世纪、百年。 SHING, ,兴盛,旺盛 VAN, 先锋、潮流。 ...

帮我翻译一下关志诚的香港名字?_百度知道 ... 志 Chi Shing / Sing 关 Kwan ...

胡成浩英文名应该是什么_百度知道 ... 胡 Woo / Wu Shing / Sing 浩 Ho ...

李志城的英文名怎样读_百度知道 ... 李 Lee / Li Shing / Sing 志 Chi ...

北大译坛-北大译网 - Powered by Discuz! Board ... 408.arya desha 圣地 409.Shing 410.labrang 拉卜楞寺 ...

叫康胜伟这个名字好吗_百度知道 ... 康 KONG SHING 伟 WAI ...

词典 -- 一部 - Yahoo!知识+ ... 丑(_ ___chau___) (_ __shing_______) 丢(_ ____diu_____) ...

Star Dasha Shing Fui-leave son, left this world . . . this kind of news seems to have become commonplace in the entertainment circle. 明星大傻成奎安留下幼子,离开了这个世界……这样的新闻在娱乐圈似乎早已司空见惯。
It was like something out of Casablanca with a few disinterested young workers shing us along through customs. 就像是卡萨布兰卡,只有几个冷漠的年轻工人带我们过关。
Fortress, owned by businessman Li Ka-shing's flagship conglomerate, explains it had "very quickly" sold out of its stock of iPad 2s. 丰泽是商界巨头李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)旗舰企业的子公司。丰泽解释说“很快”卖完了iPad2存货。
In the creation of the legend of the Chinese civilization, "Sam Shing prehistoric" Yao, Shun and Yu also grew up in Shanxi on the land side. 史前三圣在创造中华文明的传说中,“史前三圣”尧、舜、禹也成长于山西这方土地上。
Although busy, out-of-school employment is still more than the Li Ka-shing to the evening of leisure studies, and cultural centers. 工作虽然繁忙,失学的李嘉诚仍用工余之暇到夜校进修,补习文化。
tycoon Li Ka-shing also has bought into the company to get a share in the mainland tourism industry. 香港大亨李嘉诚也购买了该公司的股份,以期在大陆的旅游业中占有一席之地。
You maybe wondering the word Ka-Shing just sounds like ka-ching or the sound of money in the cash register. 或许你会觉得“Ka-Shing”听起来像“ka-ching”,或是收银机里钱的声音。
Asia's richest man occupies a special place in the collective memory of Chan Yuk-lan's family. 亚洲首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)在陈玉兰(音译)一家人的记忆中占据着特殊的位置。
This company has kept carrying forward thd principle, to be honesty to all clients, of Tat Shing Kitting Machinery(Hongkong)Co. 本公司一直以来抱著对客户的忠诚,继承了香港达成针织工业机械有限公司原则。
We set Shing Corporation has been a working motto is: lead the fashion trend of development of industry standards! 我们集盛总公司一直有一句工作格言。就是:引领时尚潮流。制定行业标准!
Au Shing-tai, a stockbroker with Prudential Brokerage Ltd. , says almost all his clients are planning to take the offer. 信诚证券(PrudentialBrokerageLtd.)股票经纪人AuShing-tai说,他的客户基本上都计划参与配股。
Li Ka-shing, one of Asia's richest tycoons, has installed elder son Victor at his property flagship Cheung Kong. 亚洲最富有大亨之一李嘉诚已把长子李泽钜(VictorLi)安排在其房地产旗舰公司长江实业(CheungKong)。
Executive Director Cao K. O and Chief Operating Officer Hong Shing Lee of the Asian American Federation of New York visited CCBA. 纽约亚美联盟行政总监邬敬高与主任李康成拜访中华公所。
Sam, Mr. Chen has recently bought a flat in Tai Koo Shing. I recommended that they apply for a mortgage loan at your bank. . . 山姆,陈先生最近在太古城买了套房子。我建议到你们的银行申请按揭。
Moreover, AFCD have conducted active propagation and ex-situ conservation. A living specimen could be found in the Shing Mun Arboretum . 此外,渔护署已进行人工繁殖及迁地保护,城门标本林内有栽培。
With two teams then went into slave Shing Mun vision uproar was baroque architecture to fill. 然后两人随着奴隶队伍一起进入城门,视野哗的一下就被巴洛克建筑填满。
In the Children's Palace, Chan Kwok-Shing Institute of engraved paper prints, and "out of control. " 在少年宫,陈国盛学会了纸刻版画,而且“一发不可收拾”。
Li Ka-shing's Cheung Kong Infrastructure has made a preliminary approach to Northumbrian Water, a utility company in north-east England. 李嘉诚旗下的长江基建(CheungKongInfrastructure)已与英格兰东北部公用事业公司Northumbrian水务进行初步接触。
Mr Leung said Mr Li Ka-shing was not involved in his continuing attempts to secure financing for the deal. 梁伯韬表示,他一直在努力为这笔交易融资,但李嘉诚并没有参与。
the apprehensively, tension up, Mok Army Ko Shing, tension in the Beijing diplomatic end to what extent can become? 现在北京万科的悬念在于,张力履新,莫军高升之后,张力在北京万科到底能够当家做主到何种程度?
His father, billionaire Li Ka-shing, controls a global empire spanning ports, property, telecommunications and retail. 他的父亲、亿万富翁李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)掌控着一个涵盖港口、房地产、电讯和零售业的全球帝国。
A recent rumour says that Asian investor Lee Ka-Shing, said to be the ninth richest man in the world, has bought 0. 4% of Facebook for $60m. 最近还有传言说亚洲投资家,据称世界第九大富豪的李嘉诚,以6000万美元买入了0.4%的股份。
Fu Shing companies adhere to the "pursuit of excellence, rich life" spirit of enterprise, to pragmatic moderate style of hard work. 复盛公司坚持着“追求卓越、丰富人生”的企业精神,以踏实稳健的作风努力耕耘。
Does Li Ka-shing, Asia's richest man, work as hard as the myth of the toiling Chinese tycoon suggests? 亚洲首富李嘉诚的工作真的像辛勤劳作的华人大亨神话所显示的那样辛苦吗?
The "International Visiting Doctor Program" of Li Ka Shing Foundation has generously sponsored 12 previous national telemedicine symposia. 全国远程医疗教育研讨会至今已举办十二届,均由李嘉诚基金会“国际医疗访问学者计划”提供赞助。
The mainland markets sailed through similar bearish comments made this year by both Alan Greenspan and Li Ka-shing, Asia's richest man. 美联储前主席艾伦-格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)和亚洲首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)今年也有过类似的看跌评论,但中国股市仍一路上扬。
We shing complete the man hour requirements for the site fgettingllyricine (site erection ) of this drawing. 我们将拟定这张图纸现场建造(现场安装)所需的工时条件。钢板起重钳力夫特。
We shing complete the man hour requirements for the site fabdominingricine (site erection ) of this drawing. 我们将拟定这张图纸现场建造(现场安装)所需的工时条件。
Chan Kwok-Shing's index finger touched callosity said with a smile. 陈国盛抚摸着食指上的老茧笑着说。
Beijing Kang billion Hop Shing Technology Co. , Ltd. , director of marketing, said Zhang Tao cadence. 北京合康亿盛科技有限公司营销总监说,章涛节奏。