
美 [smɪr]英 [smɪə(r)]
  • v.诽谤;(用油性或稀软物质)胡乱涂抹;弄脏;弄上油污
  • n.污点;污迹;污渍;(尤指政治上的)抹黑
  • 网络涂片;拖尾;曳尾

第三人称单数:smears 现在分词:smearing 过去式:smeared



v. n.

1.[t](用油性或稀软物质)胡乱涂抹to spread an oily or soft substance over a surface in a rough or careless way

2.[t]~ sth弄脏;弄上油污to make sth dirty or greasy

3.[t]~ sb/sth诽谤;诋毁to damage sb's reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true

4.[t][i]~ (sth)把(字迹、图画等)蹭得模糊不清;变得模糊不清to rub writing, a drawing, etc. so that it is no longer clear; to become not clear in this way


AE中英文对照 ... Reshape → 形变 Smear涂抹 Spherize → 球面化 ...


AE中英文对照 ... Ripple--------------------- 涟漪 Smear---------------------- 涂片 Spherize------------------- 球型变形 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Small club 小俱乐部效果 Smear 曳尾,拖尾,浑浊不清 Smear correction 拖尾校正 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Small club 小俱乐部效果 Smear 曳尾,拖尾,浑浊不清 Smear correction 拖尾校正 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... scour( 擦,冲洗); smear( 搽,涂,弄脏): slut( 邋遢女人,懒女人…


“骨葬”这个繁体字是什么字?读音、意思等_百度知道 ... [dirty] 污秽不洁 [smear] 污点,污斑,污渍 [obscene word] 下流的字眼儿 ...


高三英语单词表_yqf88的空间_百度空间 ... assistance 协作; 援助; 帮助 smear 弄脏; 诽谤 guilty 有罪的,内疚的 ...

This moment, enjoy sunset blooming all its beauty, the sky has become a piece of her orange smear . 这一刻,晚霞尽情地绽放了它所有的美丽,天空被她涂抹成了一片橘红色。
Mix the mustard, olive oil in a bowl. Then smear it all over the surface of the meat until evenly covered. 把芥末、橄榄油倒进碗里。然后把它涂抹在肉的表面,直至均匀覆盖。
Her political opponent came out with a smear campaign , and she returned the compliment . 她的政治对手在竞选中对她中伤,她也以牙还牙。
Once, rolling off her and almost falling off the bed, he noticed a smear of period blood that K. had been unable to wash out. 有次结束后他几乎从床上摔下去,他注意到床上的K没洗掉的一点血迹。
If the shoes you bought are even not suitable, try to smear a bit of soap on the back of shoes which is contact with feet. 若是买回来的鞋子还是不太合脚,试试在鞋后跟与脚接触的地方,涂抹上一点香皂。
Has not been able to carry on the cervix of the uterus cell smear inspection also to cause the risk markup regularly. 未能定期进行宫颈细胞涂片检查也会使危险性增高。
What I took away was the arrogance that the success of things like the death-panel smear has obviously engendered in Republican politicians. 我所得到的信息是那种狂妄与傲慢。像死亡小组这样的污蔑居然奏效,这种狂妄与傲慢明显根植于共和党政客之中。
Is still a long day, the book also need you to smear the colors, do such a contempt for life. 日子还长着呢,书里的色彩还需你去涂抹,别这么轻视生命。
Mr Souza, who always denied the accusations, said they were an attempt by rivals to smear him and that there was no evidence to back them. 华莱士·苏扎一直拒绝承认这些指控,并声称这只是他的竞争者们企图诽谤他,但却没有任何证据支持他们。
This may be why Uranus's rings are slightly out of round: their self-gravity resists the tendency to smear into a circular band. 或许这就是为何天王星环不是那麽的圆:环内的重力在对抗要扩散成圆带的倾向。
Now, just a month left to the election, another smear campaign seems to unfold. 现在离选举只剩一个月,另一波抹黑行动看来已经展开了。
I have a theory, too, that the best and only answer to a smear or to an honest misunderstanding of the facts is to tell the truth. 我还有个观点,那就是,对待中伤或对事实的无辜误解,最好的且唯一的回应就是说明真相。
A highly publicized incident about milk products that caused baby girls to develop breasts may have been a smear campaign by a competitor. 之前被广泛报道的奶粉致女婴乳房过早发育事件也许是来自竞争对手的恶意营销手段。
Studies have shown that tannic acid can remove the smear layer, but it has not yet been used in clinical root canal treatment. 有研究发现:鞣酸有去除玷污层的作用,但在根管治疗中的应用尚无进一步研究。
Elizabeth Wong, 37, said it was an insidious and underhanded attempt to smear her reputation. 黄洁冰说,这种做法阴险卑鄙,是想破坏她的名誉。
TB is usually diagnosed by looking at a sputum smear under a microscope. 通常,结核病是采用痰液涂片镜检的方式诊断的。
The beach was a white sand smear across the dim green length of the huge cavern. 沙滩是山洞暗绿底色上的一条白色沙带。
Screening using pap smear is routinely done in the United States and Europe, where it has led to a 50 percent reduction in mortality. 巴氏涂片在美国和欧洲是筛查常用的方法,可使死亡率降低50%。
Before especially long runs and on hot days, smear a little petroleum jelly on the nipples (or really anywhere there might be some chafing). 在长距离跑或者炎热的日子里跑步的话,在乳头上涂上一些凡士林(或者那些容易被磨擦的地方都可以涂)。
How do you know if that's a real tweet or if it's some campaign smear? 那么你怎么能知道它是一条真实的推文,或者是蓄意运作的诽谤呢?
Therefore I've got two phones this afternoon. First one said the cervical smear shows everything is alright. 于是今天收到了两通电话,第一个说宫颈检查一切正常,第二个说血检等都好,让我放心。
Mr Bin Hammam denied the charges and said it was a smear campaign launched by those backing Sepp Blatter. 哈曼否认了这些指控,称这是布拉特的支持者策划的诽谤活动。
But his attempt to smear his domestic opponents, who range from centrists to communists, did not go unobserved in China. 但是他抹黑国内中间派以及共产党的政敌的行为,中国并没有毫无察觉。
This was long after an investigation by Seumas Milne described the allegations as wholly without substance and a "classic smear campaign. " 舍马斯•米尔恩的深度调查报告描述了所谓指控完全缺乏实证,是一场“经典的诽谤运动”。
Helping a person to disappear required reverse engineering: I asked myself how I would have found a person, and tried to smear the leads. 帮助某人消失需要的是反向技能:我问自己怎样才能找到一个人,然后努力抹去线索。
Usage: Clarifying conditioning sooner or later, take on the entire amount of smear on her face and neck, and pat to absorb! 用法:早晚洁肤调理后,取适量涂抹于全脸及颈部,轻拍至吸收!
On Tuesday, a rocky cove there still bore a smear of tide-carried black oil, as well as sheets draped over the rocks to soak it up. 星期四,海湾内的岩石仍然被随潮漂浮的油污弄脏,就像布片一样覆盖在岩石上,并渗透其中。
The government said the ex-general was "simply wrong" , and he in turn accused it of resorting to the "politics of smear" . 政府声称前将军的这些话是“完全错误”的,相反这是他们采取的“政治诽谤”。
Human rights in Australia - the fear & smear Liberals are at it again over asylum seekers! 澳洲人权-忧心忡忡,自由主义者又再次针对庇护寻求者!
Dinh recommends annual Pap smear screenings within three years of the initiation of sexual activity or by age 21, whichever comes first. TriDinh博士建议在开始进行性行为三年内或是在21岁前进行性行为的妇女应该每年接受巴氏涂片的检查。