
美 [slʌmp]英 [slʌmp]
  • n.【商】(物价等的)暴跌;(事业的)衰败;萎靡;掉下
  • v.【商】暴跌;衰败;销沉;【矿】塌陷
  • adj.
  • 网络垂头弯腰地坐;下跌的;狂泻

复数:slumps 现在分词:slumping 过去式:slumped



1.[nubn]~ (against/over sth)(因睡着或昏迷等)弯着身子坐,伏sitting with your body leaning forward, for example because you are asleep or unconscious


Hello Book 英文童书俱乐部 ... pestered 纠缠,使烦恼 slumped 垂头弯腰地坐 exclaimed 喊叫 ...


words ... 186,unsightly 难看的;不雅观的 190,slumped 下跌的;倒下的 191,confine 界限,边界 ...


王艺蓁 看过的单字 - Voicetube - 看影片学英语 ... deepening 加深; 向下侵蚀 slumped 狂泻 exorcises 驱邪 ...


纽卡斯尔惨痛的一天 ... pull off a great escape 能否胜利大逃亡 slumped 倒下 by the skin of their teeth 好不容易,侥幸 ...

But that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy. 但那是不可能的,因为就在第一排,蜷坐在椅子里的,是一个叫特迪的小男孩。
He jumped to his feet and clapped his hand on the shoulder of a slumped, pocked version of himself, with a face, astoundingly, even duller. 他跳了起来,用手拍打着一个肩膀,那是另一个消沉、布满痘痕的他,那张面孔,实在令人惊奇,竟然更为呆滞。
As his teammates sprinted to smother him in an ecstatic scrum, several Ghanaians slumped to the field. 当队友们狂喜地冲过去拥着他的时候,几名加纳人跪在了场地上。
bell slumped into a chair , buried his head in his hands and , for a while , said nothing. 贝尔颓然地坐在椅子上,双手捂着头,很久说不出一句话来。
European stockmarkets have slumped and the euro itself fell to its lowest level in a year against the dollar. 欧洲股市全面受挫,欧元对美元也跌倒一年谷底。
With troubled faces they watched Fong, slumped forward in the saddle, his head bowed, pain and defeat in his eyes. 他们满脸不安地望着方--他身子向前骑在马上,低头,眼里充满痛苦和颓丧的神情。
Do not hang the body slumped over the side, hands on each other's waist, or can be gently attached to each other's face. 千万别呆呆的挂在身体两边,手可以放在对方的腰上或者轻轻的贴在对方的脸上。
As she did, Lron 's shoulders slumped more and more, until they began heaving, outlined against the growing light of day. 在她讲述的时候,勒荣的肩膀越垂越低,直到重新抬起,在逐渐增强的日光下显现出它的轮廓。
The clean-technology business, which slumped following the credit crunch, seems to be recovering. 信贷紧缩后清洁技术产业衰退,但目前似乎逐渐好转。
Lonnie slumped down again on the steps, his hands falling between his outspread legs and his chin falling on his chest. 朗尼又颓然跌坐在台阶上,两手垂在叉开的两腿之间,下巴耷拉在胸前。
As the sun beat down on the tiny sculptures they stooped and slumped, lending an ephemeral quality to the already very cool installation. 当太阳击败了他们的小雕塑弯下腰下滑,贷款质量的一个短暂的安装已经非常冷静。
He said burley prices had slumped on the international market and would not be the best investment for the tobacco industry. 他说,国际市场上白肋烟的价格已经下降了,对于烟草业来说这不是最佳投资。
Mr Kan has slumped to his lowest level of popularity since he took office just over a year ago. 而菅直人的民众支持率也从去年上任以来降低到了最低点。
Last month TCS's shares, which had swaggered earlier in the year, slumped as it posted disappointing quarterly figures. 今年初,TCS的股价还在高位徘徊,但上个月公布了令人失望的季度数据后,股价下跌。
However, that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. 然而,那是不可能的,因为,就在第一排,一个名叫特迪.斯托达德小男孩懒散地坐在他的座位上。
Most North Route tours end at Yangkuo (Slack Mouth) beach, named for an offshore rock shaped like the head of a slumped back man. 到多数北线旅游在仰口海滩就结束了,仰口海滩得名于海边一块岩石象一位驼背老人的头。
With the "buy-to-let" market in Britain slumped into a recession, these companies have to look for foreign investments. 随着英国“购房出租”市场陷于低迷,这些公司被迫转向海外争取客户。
"Can you believe that? " I asked Jodi, who slumped down in the front seat as if she didn't want to be seen with a lawbreaker. “你能相信吗”我问乔迪-她郁闷地坐在前座上,似乎有意躲避,不想让一个犯法者看到似的。
His posture is slumped, like a sulking teen, and he crosses and uncrosses his arms, eyes darting among the men. 他垂着头,象个生闷气的青少年。他交叉双臂随后又放开,眼睛盯着那几个人。
Kevin had been slumped at the other end of the sofa but now he sits up and looks around the room. I try not to overplay my hand. 凯文原来一直陷在沙发的另一头,现在他坐起来并且环视着客厅。
Japan's share of the global foreign exchange market has slumped to its lowest level in at least 12 years, according to a new report. 一份最新报告称,日本占全球外汇市场的份额已跌至至少12年来的最低水平。
Meanwhile, Japan's share of the global foreign exchange market has slumped to its lowest level in at least 12 years. 同时,日本占全球外汇市场的份额已降至至少12年来的最低水平。
The adult was found slumped against the side of the crypt, an arm craned awkwardly over his or her head, Bachand said. 巴尚德说,我们发现这个成人掉落在地下室的对面,一只手臂还笨拙地伸在他或她自己的头颅。
Who would not want to be her? Yet last week she was found slumped in a suburban Paris park after an overdose of drugs and alcohol. 然而就在上周有人她因过度吸食毒品和酒精晕倒在巴黎的城郊公园里。
But this was not enough to offset the multi-year decline in household consumption, which slumped to a new low of only 35 per cent of GDP. 但这不足以弥补居民消费的连年下降,居民消费占GDP的比例已降至35%的新低。
So far they have already seen their first year's interest effectively wiped out, as the bonds have slumped about 5% in price since the sale. 到目前为止,投资者已经看到他们第一年的收益基本上打了水漂,因为沃尔玛公司债券的价格自销售之日起已大跌了约5%。
Ratings have slumped since the changes, according to a spokesperson for the show who declined to be identified. 据一名不愿透露姓名的知情者透露,节目收视率在改版之后大幅降低。
She fainted and slumped down in her chair. 她晕了,猛地倒在椅子里。
Gold slumped to the lowest point in almost half a year as investors exchanged the metal for more liquid dollars. 金价跌至近半年新低,原因是投资者纷纷卖出黄金,买入流动性更好的美元。
Slouching in your chair, or walking with your shoulders slumped over does not create the image of a powerful man. 没精打采的坐在椅子上,或者是走路的时候肩膀往下落,都不会给别人留下强壮的印象。