
美 [ʃu]英 [ʃuː]
  • n.
  • v.给(马)钉蹄铁
  • 网络鞋子;鞋类;靴

复数:shoes 复数:shoon 现在分词:shoeing 过去式:shod



n. v.

1.鞋one of a pair of outer coverings for your feet, usually made of leather or plastic


be in sbs shoes|put yourself in sbs shoes

处于某人的境地;设身处地to be in, or imagine that you are in, another person's situation, especially when it is an unpleasant or difficult one

if I were in your shoes

(引出建议)要是我处在你的境地,换了我是你的话used to introduce a piece of advice you are giving to sb

if the shoe fits (, wear it)

有则改之if you feel that a remark applies to you, you should accept it and take it as a warning or criticism

the shoe is on the other foot

情况正好相反;宾主易位used to say that a situation has changed so that sb now has power or authority over the person who used to have power or authority over them

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... sweater n. 毛衣 shoe n. skirt n. 裙子 ...


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... long( 长的) 16、 shoe( 鞋子) 17、 give( 给) 2、 ...


Clothing - Foreign Buyers List (国外买家名录) ... Clothing Accessories( 服装配饰) Shoe( 鞋类) Luxury dress( 豪华礼服) ...

电梯专业英语词汇(五) ... shockproof 抗冲击的 shoe ,鞋 shoe brake 闸瓦式制动器 ...


高中英语单词表 ... shooting n. 射击,发射;猎场,狩猎场 .. shoe n. 鞋;(马)蹄铁 .. shirt n. (男式)衬衫;汗衫 .. ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... shim 分隔片 shoe 模座之上下模板 shoot 流道 ...


秦舒培_百度百科 ... 臀围 hips:87cm 鞋码 shoe:39 EU 眼睛 eyes:Black ...


英国求购运动鞋(SHOE) (12-7)意大利求购运动鞋(Sports Shoes) (11-13) 意大利求购运动鞋(SHOE) (11-13) 美国求购运动鞋(Ba…

In a speech at the United Nations, Khrushchev got so angry that he took off his shoe and beat it on a table. 赫鲁晓夫在联合国发表讲话,有这么生气,他脱下鞋,击败表。
'That wicker husband worked like a slave, and never even ate, ' said the shoe-maker's wife to her husband. “那个柳条丈夫像奴隶一样工作,而且从来都不用吃饭,”鞋匠的妻子对她的丈夫说。
'Lend me a shilling, cousin, ' said the shoe-maker's wife. 'I need a new petticoat. ' “借我一先令好吗,表姐,”鞋匠的妻子说,“我想要买一个新的衬裙。”
He talked with English and French statesmen as an equal; he was as homely and comfortable as an old shoe. 他以平等的身份与英国和法国的政治家交谈;他就像一只穿旧了的鞋子,让人感到普通而又舒适。
She took a needle and pricked me in such a way that it appeared that she was not testing my blood, but was sewing a shoe sole instead. 天呀,她拿起个针头就狠劲地往下戳,简直不像在抽血做化验,而是在锥鞋底呢。
This would allow me to put the shoe on the other foot, if I wanted to and play muse or employer. 这意味着我可以把工作给其他人做,自己则可以做雇主来进行创造和思考。
"If I said, let's show you every possible shoe on the planet, you'd be exhausted, " Mr. 如果我说,我们要给你展示全世界所有的鞋,你会累死的。
Tuck in or tie off one end at the bottom of the shoe, then lace up the shoe running across and back like Straight (Easy) Lacing. 塔克在关闭或领带的一端底部的鞋,然后花边的皮鞋跑过和背部像直(易)花边。
Mr Fink, 56, is the son of a shoe salesman and says his character derives from growing up in a modest working-class suburb of Los Angeles. 56岁的芬克是一位鞋商的儿子,他表示,他的性格来源于在洛杉矶郊区工人阶级普通家庭长大的经历。
My heart knows for sure: if I were to open the shoe box, I would be dragged into a time machine on a journey to my past. 我心里很清楚地知道:把鞋盒打开,我又会乘坐时光机回到从前的世界。
As Stephon Marbury has shown us, Chinese basketball for super quick ball-handlers is all three-pointers, alley-hoops and shoe franchises. 由于马布里告诉我们,超快速球处理中国篮球是所有三个三分球,篮球和鞋的专营权。
He thought about it for a few moments, but said nothing except that he did not understand why a second shoe had been stolen. 他斟酌了片刻,可是除却说明他不明白为何又被偷了一只鞋之外只字未说。
"Well, then, " she said as she extended her foot toward me, "would you please tie my shoe? " 这时她把一只脚伸向我,说道:“那么,您可以帮我把鞋带系上吗?”
But you see, he slipped and the beaker of this deadly potion fell upon his foot, destroying the flesh and the shoe itself. 但是他把失了手,把烧杯中的致命药水溅到了脚上,把肉和鞋都腐蚀掉了。
In true romantic-comedy fashion, the heel of my shoe got stuck in the pavement, and I had to lean down to pull it out just as he walked in. 我们的重逢颇有浪漫喜剧的风格:我的鞋跟陷进了路边,当我弯腰去拔的时候,他正巧路过。
"You can't determine whether or not a shoe changes your injury rates in a laboratory, " he said. 他说:“你不能在实验室里断定跑鞋能否降低受伤几率。”
'I wanted to keep my guest bedroom clear, ' she said, adding that she may have to turn it into a shoe closet after all. “我不想把这些东西放到客卧,”她说。不过梅隆又补充说,或许她还是要把这间屋子改造成一个专门放鞋子的地方。
"It was an act of throwing a shoe and not a rocket, " he said. "It was meant as an insult to the occupation. " 他说:“这只是扔一只鞋子而不是投掷什么飞弹,本意不过是想对占领者的行为进行一下侮辱。”
No one would seem to know this better than Victim 2, a stone in Mr. Lin's shoe for at least four years. 没人会比2号受害人更了解这些,在至少四年的时间里,他都是林星的眼中钉、肉中刺。
I fear once said exports, which is no longer love me. And I always maintain, love is only one thing, where the shoe pinches. 我害怕一旦说出口,这爱就不再是我一个人的事。而我始终认定,爱情只是一个人的事情,冷暖自知。
So she sat me down, forced out a confession, and the delivered her own penance. Whacking me with a damp shoe she'd just taken off my foot. 她要我坐下,认真忏悔,并采用了她自己的惩罚方式—用我刚脱下的湿漉漉的鞋狠狠地打我。
He will walk over to me, snuggle in and preen me. Romeo loves to take my hair or my hand in his mouth and he also plays with my shoe laces. 它走到我身旁,依偎着我,用羽毛抚摸我。罗密欧喜欢用嘴衔我的头发或手,它还喜欢玩我的鞋带。
You and I as engineers would be less likely to be frauded on an engineering contract than would a shoe vendor, for instance. 比如,我和你们作为工程师,在一项技术合同中很可能会比一个卖鞋小贩少受欺骗。
"If you're good, you can work in quality control and won't have to stand all day, " bragged a woman hawking jobs for a shoe manufacturer. 而一位来自鞋厂的招工人员则提供了诱人的条件:“如果你很优秀,你可以在质量监督部门工作,不用整天都站着。”
While his wife wasn't looking, he picked up the shoe and tossed it out of his window. 趁妻子不注意的时候,他抓起鞋子扔到了窗外。
One of the joys of this work is that I'm constantly learning about new shoe brands and designers -- here are a few of my current favorites . 这个工作的最大乐趣就是我可以经常解触到新的鞋类品牌和设计师–这里是我目前喜欢的。
The 'Great Taipei Shoes Store' may not know it yet, but I've just renamed it the 'Dataibei Shoe Store. ' “大台北鞋店”或许还不知道,我刚把它的英文名字从“GreatTaipeiShoesStore”改成“DataibeiShoeStore”。
If Beijing wants to subsidise European consumers' shoe habits, by sending footwear halfway around the globe, it should be able to do so. 如果北京方面想要补贴欧洲消费者的购鞋习惯,把廉价鞋类送到地球的另一边,不妨让它这么做。
A father made a a pair of small shoes with a sole shaped like a lotus, and trained his daughter to use this small shoe by binding her feet. 许多人痛恨隋炀帝,但无计可施。一对银匠父女决定刺杀隋炀帝。计划之后,父亲为女儿打造了一双非常精美的莲花花瓣底小鞋子,并将她的脚绑小。
While scientists say the shoe was stuffed with grass, acting like a shoe tree to hold its shape, it had been worn. 尽管科学家们说那只鞋塞满了草,像鞋楦一样来保持其形状,但它的确被人穿过。