
美 [speɪs]英 [speɪs]
  • n.空间;太空;空格;空白
  • v.以一定间隔排列
  • 网络个人空间;空格键;空白键

复数:spaces 现在分词:spacing 过去式:spaced

free space,outer space,large space,available space,open space
save space,find space,allocate space,leave space,occupy space


n. v.

空间empty area

1.[u](可利用的)空地,空间an amount of an area or of a place that is empty or that is available for use

2.[c]空;空隙;空子;空当an area or a place that is empty

3.[u]宽敞;空旷;开阔the quality of being large and empty, allowing you to move freely

4.[c][u](无建筑物的)大片空地,开阔地a large area of land that has no buildings on it

地球大气以外outside earth's atmosphere

5.[u]外层空间;太空the area outside the earth's atmosphere where all the other planets and stars are

一段时间period of time

6.[c][ususing]一段时间;期间a period of time

书写;印刷in writing/printing

7.[u][c]空白;空行;空格the part of a line, page or document that is empty


8.[u]自我支配的自由;属于自己的空间the freedom and the time to think or do what you want to

空间where things exist/move

9.[u]空间the whole area in which all things exist and move


look/stare/gaze into space

若有所思地望着前方;出神地凝视前方to look straight in front of you without looking at a particular thing, usually because you are thinking about sth


网文精彩官方论坛-精彩部落 ... 部落 BBS 空间 Space 导读 Guide ...


空格space)或回车 (carriage return)来终止。 例: region (OK) reg ion (wrong) 数字可以是数字也可以是字符串也是由空 …


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... rocket 火箭 space 太空 space station 太空站 ...


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空白键space)就往下一页显示,按 b 键就会往回(back)一页显示,而且还有搜寻字串的功能(与 vi 相似),使用中的 …


村口 - 贝壳村 ... 博客 Blog 动态 Space 微博 Doing ...


中国无线门户-随时随地无线 - ... 群组 Group 家园 Space 排行榜 Ranklist ...

It was near that old and sunken grave, yet with a space between, as if the dust of the two sleepers had no right to mingle. 这座新坟靠近那座下陷的老坟,但中间留着一处空地,仿佛两位长眠者的骨殖无权相混。
If you try to call the split method on your string, it will split on a whitespace character (like the space). 如果试着在string上调用split方法,它会在空白字符(例如空格)处进行拆分。
In more advanced cases, the patient will lose consciousness and may Get the patient out of the sun and into a cool space. 在更严重的病例中,病人会失去意识并抽搐。将病人避开阳光移至阴凉处。
And then you crazy to step on the space of the others, a message, and really tired, but the effect with your pay is often listed into than. 然后你就疯狂的去踩别人的空间,留言,确实很累,但是效果往往跟你的付出是成比列的。
Memories of a man who fell into the water, said out of his own body, in a space alone, as if he is a feather. 一个落水的男人回忆说,他自己脱离了身体,独自处在一个空间中,仿佛自己是一片羽毛。
Hubble's ability to see into deep space has produced one of the most revealing glimpses of the early universe we have. 哈勃的遥望外层空间的能力让我们能够看到早期宇宙的最真实情景之一。
The maximum number of megabytes of tempdb space allowed to be used for messages being forwarded. 允许要转发的消息使用的tempdb空间的最大兆字节数。
We will continue exploring space. There seems to be no doubt about that. 我们还会继续向太空探险,这似乎是无庸置疑的。
I got to go home recently, and out of curiosity one day I looked in the old hiding space, and there it was. 我得回家最近,出于好奇有一天我的空间看在老藏,还有它。
As you can read, for a two line sign the total height for the sign, including the 4 " space between the lines, is 24" . 正如您可以阅读,签署了两行的总高度为标志,包括4“行间空间,24”。
Continuing the theme of space breakthroughs, one of the biggest discoveries of the year was the ice buried beneath the surface of Mars. 继续太空突破的主题,火星表层下发现了冰也是今年最大的突破之一。
The company now bulletproofs about 80 vehicles a year and is doubling its manufacturing space. 现在这家公司每年为80辆车换上防弹外壳。
It'll help with the stale air issue, but will also help liven things up and make it a more inviting space. 它在解决空气不好的问题的同时是也会活跃气氛,使你哪儿变得更加吸引人。
Uphold the principles of "people-oriented" concept for you to provide broader career development space and you grow with the company. 秉持“以人为本”的理念,为员工提供广阔的职业发展空间,实现员工与公司的共同成长。
The number must follow the name immediately; don't put a space between them. 号码必须紧跟名字,而且中间不能有空格
Around the inside edge of the tray where the side meets the bottom, there is a small space. 环游内边缘的托盘在一边开会的底部,有一个小的空间。
Since the eigen solution space is complete, all critical temperatures and corresponding buckling modes are able to be obtained. 本征解空间的完备性确保可得到所有的临界温度和对应的屈曲模态。
At the start of the movie, an arc of plasma arises close to the surface and balloons outward into space. 影片开始时,等离子体的弧线上升接近太阳表面并向太空膨胀。
They can be also a lot of mankinds to do the matter that does not arrive , as if first aid, explore the matter with a kind of space. 它们也能做许多人类所做不到的事,就象急救,探索太空一类的事情。
I joke that I can tell how much space my Asian clients are going to buy by how elaborate their feng shui kit is. 我还曾经开玩笑说,只要看看我的亚洲客户的罗盘有多精致,我就知道他们要买多大的房。
Cheerful noisy scenes have gone like the wind, surrounded by silent silence, space-time like a general solidification. 欢乐嘈杂的场面好像随风飘去,周围是鸦雀无声的沉寂,时空好像凝固一般。
No one in their right mind would not have called it a planet back then, because we didn't know any better. Brown告诉SPACE.com网站,“在那时候没有谁的头脑里不会把它称作行星,因为我们还没看到更正宗的呢。”
What Friends Say: Friends seem to enjoy our space. We like to entertain and we get compliments on how well the house is set up for that. 朋友都说些啥:朋友似乎都很喜欢这里,我们在这里玩乐,也会听到一些抱怨,说这里怎么能这么适合玩啊。
So my function was that everybody would be able to edit in this space, or different people would have access rights to different spaces. 因此我的目标就是所有人都能在此区域中进行编辑;或者不同的人有不同区域的访问权限。
A space ark with a small population of refuges might be dispatched to find shelter on a moon of one of the system's gas giant outer planets. 载着少数难民的宇宙方舟,被派往银河系的一颗巨大的气体外行星的卫星上寻找避难所。
Within the vibrant, competitive, and decentralized African tech space, Google is going to have to do more than just show up. 在非洲这片充满活力、竞争且分散化的科技领域里,Google要做的还有很多,而不仅仅是混个脸熟。
Try to leave a few days space in between the date of the eclipse and the date of the signing. 尝试把月食与签署协议的日期拉出几天的空挡来。
Space Beacons - Allows you to leave messages in sectors, some people use them to notate danger etc. 太空烽燧-让你在区域内留言,其他人可用来传递危险讯息等。
The objective of this paper is to generalize the concept of fuzzy sets from a real space to a topological space. 本文目的是将模糊集概念从实数空间推广至拓朴空间。
You only tell the assembler how much space you need when the program is loaded into memory, that's all. 它仅仅是告诉汇编程序,当你的程序被装入内存的时候你需要多少空间。