shoot them

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shoot themshoot them

shoot them


将军语音翻译_我的狂想曲_百度空间 ... Take them out! 干掉他们! Shoot them! 射击! Get your guns ready! 准备好你们的枪 …


绝命时刻中国单位语音翻译... ... Take them out! 干掉他们! Shoot them! 开枪! Get your guns ready! 准备好你们的枪支! ...


Dell PE2600 安装 FB6.2 - FreeBSD China ... yancier 半仙 shoot them 返回页首 ...


风中奇缘 Pocahontas 中英文剧... ... shoot them, 开枪打死他 and a poor excuse for a soldier, 又是一个可怜的士兵 ...

The mortar rounds reach long distances so they shoot them out to sea trying to get a hold on how to hit a far off target. 迫击炮的射程可以达到很远的距离,他们向海里射击,学着掌握如何打击远程目标。
Those women are all easy to get; all you got to do is shoot them a little line. 这帮女人都是到手不难的,你只要对她们捧上几句就行。
Only two ducks came down within shooting range that cloudy morning, and the guys who were with me let me shoot them both. 在那个阴天的清晨,只有两只鸭子降到我们的有效射程内,和我在一起的人把开枪射击这两只鸭子的机会让给了我。
He made up his mind to shoot them if they came again. 如果他们再来,他决心用枪打死他们。
Dr. Lipkin and his colleagues can then fish out these matching segments and shoot them through a mass spectrometer to determine their mass. 利普金博士和他的研究员们随后就开始钓出这些片段并通过一台分光仪标记测定物。
If a few coloured people were brave enough to search your home without a warrant, you would shoot them for sure. 如果有胆大妄为的有色人种,在没有搜查证的情况下去搜查你家,你肯定会向他们开枪。
A trailer for Postal 3, said to be out later this year, encourages players to "Tase those annoying hockey moms or shoot them in the face! " 一位推销Postal3游戏的零售商(据说此款游戏将在今年晚些时候推出)鼓励玩家“作弄那些烦人的曲棍球妈妈,或者朝他们的脸上开枪!”
Malyshev waited a little while and said, Volodka, I'm going to climb up there. I'll shoot them, he says. 马雷舍夫等了一会儿,说:“Volodka,我要爬上去向他们开枪,”他说。
At our staff conference that evening word came that soldiers were taking all 1300 men in one of our camps near headquarters to shoot them. 那天晚上在全体会议上我们听说,士兵正在带走我们靠近总部的一个难民营中全部一千三百名男子,打算枪毙他们。
It can also be used to target incoming missiles and shoot them out of the sky. 该系统也可用于瞄准来袭导弹,并在外太空将其击中。
Soldiers were observed to stop unarmed civilians on the road, search them, and finding nothing of value then to shoot them. 有人看到,日军士兵在路上拦住手无寸铁的平民,进行搜身,如果没发现有价值的东西,日军就会杀死他们。
This pits those who make a living from taking people to see the animals against those who shoot them. 这引起了那些从看动物的游人身上赚钱谋生的人们与射杀动物的人之间的冲突。
Residents have said they are too frightened to venture out in case Colonel Gaddafi's forces shoot them on sight. 居民们表示,他们非常害怕,不敢外出,以防卡扎菲的军队一见到他们立即开枪。
As a five-year old, Anakin climbed a dune to chase away banthas so that hunters would not shoot them. 五岁时,阿纳金爬上一座沙丘驱赶班萨,不让猎人射杀它们。
They would line prisoners up and shoot them in the back of the head. 他们让将犯人排成队,从背后朝他们头部开枪。
China could build 10, 000 J-10's, it's just a question of how many missiles the US has, to shoot them down. (如果中国能够生产一万架歼10,(我们的)问题就是美国拥有多少导弹可以把他们打下来。)
The judge was flat wrong. So let's pick at random three people and shoot them. It's bullshit. It offends me and it offends the company. 法官绝对不称职,随机挑选三个人,然后枪毙他们。这完全是瞎扯。这冒犯了我,也冒犯了我们公司。
Sky Defender is a great action packed shoot them up game with beautiful graphics and gameplay. 星空防御战是一个充满刺激射击快感和优质画面享受的游戏。
So he went to the willow tree and chose three leaves, which he listed as one, two, and three. Then he asked Yang to shoot them in order. 选择了三片杨柳叶,在上面用颜色编上号,请养由基按编号次序再射。
I wish I had those free throws back, but I can't shoot them again. 我希望我那些罚球回,但我不能拍他们。
You will have a number of complex missions where you will ener hordes of enemies in both melee and shoot them with a sniper rifle. 你将会有许多复杂的任务,在那里你将能量中都成群结队的敌人近身和射他们用狙击步枪。
Rip them up the belly. Shoot them in the guts. 挑开他们的肚子,给他们的胸膛上来上一枪。
Then shoot them also. Sir, perhaps we could use some of them with the ambulances. 那就把他们也都杀了。长官,可以把他们当救护车的马
Shoot them all without mercy! ! ! ! 要毫不怜悯地射杀暴徒!
And even if they are spotted, the missiles can fly in unpredictable patterns, which makes it harder to shoot them down. 即使被探测到,由于这类导弹的飞行模式无法预测,因而难以将之击落。
Fire! Shoot them down immediately! 开火!击落他们!
When we had cars -- when cars became the dominant mode of transportation, we didn't round up all the horses and shoot them. 当我们有了车,当车成了主要的交通工具,就不见得要把所有的马匹都毙了。
As for the barrels, you can shoot them and blow them up, so that's something else you can do. 就像油桶,你可以射击它爆炸,所以类似其他东西你也可以这样做。
The Belgium captain said, "I've got an idea. German are all called Hans. We can just call their names and shoot them when they stand up. " 比利时兵的队长说:“我有一个主见,德国人都叫汉斯,我们喊他们的名字,他们一站起来就开枪。”
And they're of even less value if you don't shoot them at all. 并且他们是甚至更少的价值,如果你不射他们。