
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络舒;蜀;史高维尔辣热单位(Scoville Heat Units)



招魂_百度百科 ... (hui3 毁):毒蛇。 (shu1 )忽:同“倏忽”,忽然。 (mi3 米):同“靡”,粉碎。 ...

虫字旁|虫字旁的字|虫字旁的字有哪些 - 字典通 ... 蜍" chu2" " shu3" 蜈" wu2" ...

史高维尔辣热单位(Scoville Heat Units)

辣度级别与 Scoville Heat Units(SHU) 换算表 辣度级别 Scoville Heat Units(SHU) 一级 0 – 500 二级 500 - 1000 三级 1000 - 150…

冰之铠神 ... 塞拉匹斯 Serapis Shu 索贝克 Sobek ...

崔鸿 字彦鸾,北魏东清河郡(shu)(今山东平原县人),生卒年月不详.据《魏书》本传,只知于孝文帝太和二十年(496年),他初任彭 …


有等级,是以斯科维尔辣度单位(SHU)来区分的,据说最辣的辣椒辣度超过了100万SHU,是印度东北部阿萨姆邦山区的“断魂椒”, …

The misgiving of Shu aroma didn't ease how much, she is scared namely she brought difficulty wild goose south to fly. 淑芬的担忧并没有减轻多少,她害怕自己连累了雁南飞。
Last November, prosecutors also indicted the president's wife, Wu Shu-chen, and said Mr Chen himself was protected only by his office. 去年十一月,扁夫人还受到公诉人武树臣的指控,武还表示,也就是阿扁是总统,受到保护,要不他也跑不了。
Yi Shu writes in one of her novels that a woman who secretly falls in love with a man says to a playgirl: "Free that man. " 亦舒的小说,她写道一个暗恋男人的女子对另一个承欢的女子说:“你放过他吧。”
Liu Chan entourage think of the demise of native country, very sad, but Sima Zhao Liu Chan said: "The music here, do not think Shu. " 刘禅随从人员想到灭亡的故国,都非常难过,刘禅却对司马昭说:“此间乐,不思蜀。”
Yuan Shu rule tear storms, and a waste of very poor, the people scraping money, make people have been used up, the soldiers lack food. 袁术统治暴泪,穷极而又浪费,大刮民财,弄得民穷财尽,军人乏粮。
After Zhuge Liang's death, there was no one as intelligent as he. And Shu fell into a decline. 诸葛亮死后,再也没有像他那么聪明的人来治理国家,蜀国就开始衰落了。
Wang Wan The "Chang Shu-where up to? go goose Luoyang side" of the homesickness of it makes one pity. 王湾的“张书何处达?归雁洛阳边”的思乡之情又让人怜悯。
Day and night, Shu Qin immersed himself in his books, studying hard, but unfortunately was unable to stop himself dozing off. 苏秦日夜埋首读书,可是每到深夜,就不由自主地瞌睡起来。
Yan Shu, did not think of the Tang Dynasty not only did not blame her, but the others to tone and she said this of a series of words. 颜姝,没想到唐朝不但没指责她,反而以同龄人的口吻和她说了这一系列话。
White fu ling curtate eyebrow Shu eyes path, fool her to this so long guy to have no the fewest bit good facial expression. 白茯苓横眉竖目道,对这个骗了她这么久的家伙没半点好脸色。
Actress Shu Qi appeared as a pregnant woman at a recent media conference for her latest film "Beautiful Life" . In the film she is pregnant. 演员舒淇近期在新片《美丽人生》的媒体见面会上以孕妇的形象出现,在影片中她饰演一个孕妇。
I feel that you are just a petty burglar, does the wild diagram break emperor Ling and use to curse Shu to kill me? 我觉得你不过是个跳梁小丑罢了,妄图去破坏皇陵,用诅咒术杀我?
For Dong Shu, a graduate of Peking University, a civil service job is at the top of her wish list. 一位名为董舒(音译)的北京大学毕业生表示她最理想的职业就是公务员。
The Supreme Court gave its first and final ruling on two cases connected to former President Chen Shui-bian and his wife Wu Shu-jen. 高等法院针对两起跟陈水扁和吴淑珍有关的案件进行了初次和最终的宣判。
Chen and his wife Wu Shu-chen are charged with embezzling NT$104m in public funds and accepting bribes of about $9m in a land purchase deal. 陈水扁和妻子吴淑珍被控挪用公款1.04亿新台币,购地收受贿赂900万美元。
After the Northern Song Dynasty, Shi Shu struggle away on its own preface would have no practical significance and, therefore, Wang Yi had. 北宋以后,士庶斗争消失,其序文亦无任何实际意义,因而也就亡佚了。
His wife, Wu Shu-chen, already jailed for perjury in the case, was also sentenced to life for corruption. 他的妻子,吴淑珍,已经因为为该案做仿证被拘留,也因贪污被处以终身监禁。
There was some special reason for this. Today, we call it Han from the host name, or Ji-Han from old callings, or Shu-Han on the bottom. 今天,则应名从主人地称“汉”,或者沿用旧称地称“季汉”,底线是约定俗成地称“蜀汉”。
Guan Yu just wanted to go back to Shu as soon as possible and he did not care about Guan Ping. 关羽一心想快点跑回蜀国,没注意关平他们落在了后面。
Such a conclusion lends support to the verification of the ruins of Sanxingdui culture as part of ancient Shu culture. 这一结论本身又可以进一步对三星堆遗址坑的古蜀文化定性认识构成支持。
Seto Shu husband believes that each person to learn painting at the beginning of time, are beginning to start copying. 濑户淑夫认为,每个人在刚开始学习绘画的时候,都是先从临摹开始。
Due to an accident, White Fang unfortunately fell into a group of gambling fights for rogue hands, became their shaking Qian Shu. 由于一次意外,白牙不幸落入了一伙以赌博斗狗为生的流氓的手中,成了他们的摇钱树。
Go with xiao shu with you through the pace of the expo. But is introduced with bilingual. You can listen carefully! 走跟着小书的步伐带你们畅游世博…而且是用双语介绍哦。大家可要认真听咯!
By means of the speculation on the sounds and meanings of the characters, the font style of Ba and Shu characters can be analyzed. 同时,对巴蜀文字的音义推测,可以分析研究巴蜀文字的构造特征。
Actress Shu Qi will be one of a six-strong jury who decides which of the twenty nominated feature films merits this prestigious award. 演员舒淇就是6个主要裁判之一,他们将决定20部提名电影中哪一部可以获得这项享有声望的大奖。
The two generals fixed their eyes upon the person. It was the Prime Minister of the Shu State, Zhuge Liang. 二人定眼一看,不是别人,正是丞相诸葛亮。
After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang helped Liu Chan run the country wisely and made Shu prosper once more. 刘备死后,诸葛亮十分认真地帮助刘禅治理国家,使蜀国重新发展起来。
Talks with him to the guards, said Shu-Yuan Secretary. 与他一道去讲解的保卫人员司淑媛说。
Wu Shu-jen's physical condition is not good when the weather changes so much like this. 当前天气变化很大,吴淑珍的身体状况也并不好。
Although Yan Shu did not love experiences, but does not affect her empathy. 虽然颜姝没有恋爱经历,但并不影响她感同身受。