shut down

  • na.关闭;关拢(窗等);停业;禁止
  • 网络关机;停工;使关闭

第三人称单数:shuts down 现在分词:shutting down

shut downshut down

shut down


停产的英文单词_百度知道 ... 停产 stop production 关闭,停工,停产,停业 shut down 一家已停产的工厂 a standing factory ...


iPAD如何重启?_百度知道 ... Restart 重启电话 Shut Down 关机 Erase Apps & Data 清楚安装的软件和软件设定; ...


停产的英文单词_百度知道 ... 停产 stop production 关闭,停工,停产,停业 shut down 一家已停产的工厂 a standing factory ...


英语??_百度知道 ... fall down2. 掉下来 shut down2. 使关闭;使停业 come down2. 留传下来, ...


停产的英文单词_百度知道 ... 停产 stop production 关闭,停工,停产,停业 shut down 一家已停产的工厂 a standing factory ...


电子工程专业词汇S ... shunting resistance 分羚阻 shut down 停止运转 shut down procedure 停止程序 ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... --Hesiod- -赫西奥德 shut down 把…关上 cut down 砍掉 ...

It will then be shut down for up to a year for maintenance work. 然后它将停下来进行长达一年的维修工作。
when the main thread for an application is about to be shut down , this event is raised first , followed by an. 当应用程序的主线程即将关闭时,首先引发该事件,随后是。
Operation of the process, often automatically shut down, to the underground construction with the wind inconvenience. 运转过程中,频繁自动停机,给井下施工用风带来不便。
Aluminum smelters, which typically use even more electricity than steel mills, haven't been shut down in the crackdown, he said. 他说,通常比炼钢厂耗电更多的铝加工企业在这次限电中就未被关闭。
You can shut down and restart Windows automatically using Task Scheduler, enabling you to run Chkdsk on the system drive at startup. 通过使用任务管理器你可以自动关闭重启Windows,这使得你可以在启动项下的系统驱动中运行Chkdsk。
Forcing a state-owned factory to shut down for a bit may seem easier than convincing millions of people to turn down their air con. 勒令一家国营工厂短时停产可能比说服数以百万计居民关掉空调更加容易。
From Europe to the Pacific, we have been a nation that has shut down torture chambers and replaced tyranny with the rule of law. 从欧洲直到太平洋地区,我们是一个关闭了刑讯室和以法治取代暴政的国家。
Preemptively trying to shut down the dialogue by shouting at the curious is the truly sensationalist move here. 要通过对好奇者叫嚣来先发制人结束对话,这样真的是彻彻底底的耸人听闻的举动。
But she said she did not believe some of Parliament's many bars should be shut down in a bid to make them more sober. 但她说,她坚信议会的许多酒吧根本不用关门停业,仅仅为了使它们更加清醒。
Authorities virtually shut down Mexico City for a week at the end of April to control the flu outbreak. 四月底墨西哥当局关闭整个墨西哥城一周以控制猪流感疫情的传播。
In this crisis, a reactor at the plant automatically shut down in response to a malfunction that caused it to run too hot. 在“三里岛核事故”中,该核电站出现了一次机械故障,导致其中一座反应堆运行过热,进而自动关闭。
Meanwhile, a Google spokeswoman denied Chinese reports that the company had already decided to shut down its google. cn site. 与此同时,谷歌否定了中国关于谷歌已经关闭谷歌中国网站的报道。
Reduce rapid traverse and federate, and always be ready to shut down the machine immediately if necessary. 检查加工程序,应使用较小的快速移动速度和进给速度,必要时,时刻准备立即关闭机床
He said his weibo has been shut down at least twice by someone in authority who didn't approve of what he was writing. 他说他的微博已经被一些不赞成他所写的当局人士人关闭至少两次。
To cellular phone that you use now is how much, you use everyday of that shut down. 对了你现在用的手机号是多少,你日常用的那个关机了。
Police shut down a local highway for a few hours out of concern the suspect had escaped through a back door. 警方一度担心嫌犯已经从后门逃走,因此将当地一条公路封闭了几个小时。
It was clear to him that there would never be an ideal time to shut down the system for a bit. 事实上再清楚不过的事情就是,他永远也找不到一个理想的时间空挡去升级电脑系统。
Results of this paper rogue niggling over a long shutdown, we fight for the N-th said the phone was shut down, could not be reached. 结果这无赖耍赖皮,一早就关机,我们打了N次都说手机已停机,联系不上。
Most of his organs, his liver, his kidneys, his lungs, most of it had already shut down. 他的器官,他的肝,他的肾脏,他的肺部大部分,其中大部分已经关闭。
Pakistan's long-standing electricity shortage is suddenly so much worse because power plants have been shut down or damaged as well. 由于全国的发电厂被关闭或受到损坏,巴基斯坦长期的电力短缺更加雪上加霜。
He did not mean to inconvenience hundreds of travelers and shut down Terminal C for six hours, he said. 他没有想到这会令数百名旅客在C航站楼延迟数小时时间。
The British oil company BP shut down one of three Georgian pipelines, saying it was a precaution. 英国BP石油公司已经关闭了格鲁吉亚三条石油管线中的一条,以示警告。
In New Jersey, the Oyster Creek nuclear plant, just a few miles from the coast, shut down as a precaution as Irene closed in. 在新泽西州,离海岸仅几英里的牡蛎溪核电厂在艾琳靠近时出于谨慎已经关停。
The Xinhua News Agency said five power stations were put out of action and six transformer substations were shut down in Sichuan. 据新华社报道,目前四川省有五所电站和六所变电站停止运转。
TEPCO had been operating three out of six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant at the time of the quake, all of which shut down. 东京电力公司在地震发生时一直运行着福岛Daiichi核电站六个反应堆中的三个。现在这六个反应堆已经全部关闭。
Markets were supposed to shut down bad ideas in a gradual evolutionary process; what happened in 2008 was more like a mass extinction. 市场本应在一种逐渐演化的过程中摒弃不好的想法;而2008年发生的一切却更像是大规模灭绝。
Lufthansa said in August that it had to shut down an engine on one of its flights of the super jumbo. 汉莎航空今年八月份说,其一架A380飞机在飞行途中不得不关掉一个引擎。
I shut down my Twitter client and thought a bit about why I do what I do, even though it seems to make no difference most days. 我关掉了我的twitter,开始思考为什么我在做我做的事情,似乎这些也没有让我的生活变得不同。
A wide range of industries, from car and steel plants to beer brewers and paper factories, shut down in the wake of the quake and tsunami. 从汽车厂、钢铁厂,到啤酒厂和造纸厂,很多工厂都在地震和海啸发生后关闭。
The complex operation, which involved at least 300 Internet addresses, was discovered and quietly shut down in May 2010. 这一涉及300个网址的复杂行动在2010年5月被发现,并随即停止下来。