
美 [straɪk]英 [straɪk]
  • v.罢工;击;攻击;打
  • n.罢工;打击;袭击;罢课
  • 网络三振出局;好球数

过去式:struck 过去分词:stricken 现在分词:striking 第三人称单数:strikes

strike balance,strike deal,strike blow,strike bargain,end strike
lightning strike,general strike,nationwide strike,steel strike,national strike


v. n.

击打;碰撞hit sb/sth

1.[t]~ sb/sth撞;碰;撞击;碰撞to hit sb/sth hard or with force

2.[t]~ sb/sth (sth)打;击to hit sb/sth with your hand or a weapon

踢球;击球kick/hit ball

3.[t]~ sth击打,踢(球等)to hit or kick a ball, etc.


4.[i]突击;攻击to attack sb/sth, especially suddenly

灾难;疾病of disaster/disease

5.[i][t]侵袭;爆发to happen suddenly and have a harmful or damaging effect on sb/sth


6.[t]突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意识到to come into sb's mind suddenly

7.[t]给(某人以…)印象;让(某人)觉得to give sb a particular impression

光of light

8.[t]~ sth照在…上;照射to fall on a surface


9.[t][usupass]~ sb + adj.顿时使处于某状态to put sb suddenly into a particular state

工人of workers

10.[i]~ (for sth)罢工to refuse to work, because of a disagreement over pay or conditions


11.[t][i]~ (sth)擦,划(火柴);击出(火星)to rub sth such as a match against a surface so that it produces a flame; to produce a flame when rubbed against a rough surface

钟of clock

12.[i][t]敲;鸣;报时to show the time by making a ringing noise, etc.

发出声音make sound

13.[t]~ sth弹奏;奏响;发出(声音)to produce a musical note, sound, etc. by pressing a key or hitting sth

金、石油等gold/oil, etc.

14.[t]~ sth开采出;钻探到to discover gold, oil, etc. by digging or drilling

有目的地走go with purpose

15.[i]~ (off/out)行进;加劲走to go somewhere with great energy or purpose


be struck by/on/with sb/sth

被某人(或某物)打动;迷恋某人(或某物)to be impressed or interested by sb/sth; to like sb/sth very much

strike a balance (between A and B)

(在对立二者之间)找到折中办法;平衡(对立的双方)to manage to find a way of being fair to two opposing things; to find an acceptable position which is between two things

strike a bargain/deal

达成(对双方都有利的)协议to make an agreement with sb in which both sides have an advantage

strike a blow for/against/at sth

维护(或损害)某种信念或原则等to do sth in support of/against a belief, principle, etc.

strike fear, etc. into sb/sbs heart

使某人感到恐惧等to make sb be afraid, etc.

strike gold

打开成功(或财富)之门;踏上通往成功(或财富)之路to find or do sth that brings you a lot of success or money

strike it rich

暴富;(意外)发大财to get a lot of money, especially suddenly or unexpectedly

strike (it) lucky

交好运to have good luck

strike a pose/an attitude

摆出某种姿态to hold your body in a particular way to create a particular impression

strike while the iron is hot

趁热打铁to make use of an opportunity immediately

within striking distance (of sth)

近在咫尺;在攻击距离之内near enough to be reached or attacked easily; near enough to reach or attack sth easily


人力资源术语英汉对照 - MBA智库百科 ... Stress interview: 压力面试 Strikes罢工 Structured interview: 结构化面试 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... progressionist n. 进步论者, 社会进步论者 strikes n. 罢工, 打击, 殴打 oregon n. 俄勒冈州(美国州名) ...


2000年美国电影列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... Love & Basketball 篮球之爱 3 Strikes 三振出局 The 6th Day 魔鬼克隆人 ...


《邪灵入侵》_互动百科 ... strike damage: 攻击伤害 strikes攻击 meteor damage: 流星伤害 ...


松井善的野球小舖: 棒球术语中英对照 -... ... 投球数( Number of Pitches Thrown ) 好球数( STRIKES) 坏球数( BALLS) ...

"It strikes me as somewhat bizarre, " he said. "I would think airlines would err on the side of conservative. " “这未免有些荒诞,”他说,“我本以为航空公司在这方面会更趋向于保守。”
Right now it strikes me that it is a mission by no means easy to complete. 此时此刻我突然间想到这是个绝非容易完成的任务。
There is still a very high chance that part of the enemy army will not be in the army camp when blizzard strikes. 不过也有很大的概率在暴风雪降临时并不是所有的敌人都恰好聚集在营地。
Public transport strikes in London and France this week told everyone what they already knew but many had yet to feel: austerity will hurt. 本周,伦敦和法国公交运输业举行罢工,这传递了人们已经知道的、但很多人尚未切身感受到的一个信息,那就是:勒紧裤腰带的滋味不好受。
The announcement of these men's dismissals acted as a trigger for a series of strikes all over the country. 宣布解雇这些人导致全国范围内的一系列罢工。
Fett was one of the first new characters to be designed for The Empire Strikes Back. 费特是第一个为《帝国反击战》设计的新角色。
Egypt condemned the air strikes as well, and said it would open its border with Gaza to allow some of the wounded to be brought out. 埃及也谴责这次空袭事件,并表示将开放与加沙的边境以便把一些伤员运送出境。
It was not until Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back came out in 1989 that this error was corrected. 直到1989年《银河系指南3:帝国反击战》出版,这个错误才得到纠正。
Many feared it had been looted, sold or blown up in missile strikes. 许多人担心它们已被人劫掠、售卖或者被导弹炸毁。
But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 但我要告诉你的是,不要反抗罪恶的人,如果有人打你的右脸,你就转给他你的右脸。
But what strikes me is how much they could each learn from the other. 但打动我的地方在于他们将从对方身上学到多少。
Start of the Russian revolution, rioting and strikes against the Russian Empire break out in the city now known as St. Petersburg. 在现在所知的圣彼得堡发生了针对俄罗斯帝国的暴乱和罢工,这是俄罗斯革命的开始。
The minute people enter it, a strong sense of paper-surrounding atmosphere strikes. 人们一走进去就能感受到浓烈的被纸张包围的气氛。
the wind strikes the trailer like a load of dirt coming off a dump truck , eases , dies , leaves a temporary silence. 大风狂打着拖车,仿佛一车泥土从运货车上倾泄而下。继而灰飞烟灭,尘埃落定,留下瞬间的沉寂。
With a few strikes on her keyboard, Frick was able to call up daily radar data that covered a bat cave in Texas. 随着弗里克在键盘上敲击着字母,它能够调出一个德克萨斯蝙蝠洞的日常雷达数据。
We've got to get the support of the people of -- of Pakistan. He said that he would launch military strikes into Pakistan. 我们还需要巴基斯坦人民的支持。而他却说他要对巴基斯坦进行军事打击。
The only problem with that option was that the constant riots and strikes made it almost impossible to finish a degree there. 如果选择这条路,唯一的问题那里持续的骚乱和罢工事件使获得学位变得几乎不可能。
but it strikes me as a bit of a coincidence that Nick is name-dropping Brit now when Backstreet's got an album coming out soon. 但我觉得这有点巧合的是,尼克是擅用他人名义英国人现在,当后街的相簿了出来不久。
Strikes over the last 2 months have been a wake-up call for many foreign companies that depend on China's low costs to compete overseas. 近两个月来的罢工事件为多家外企敲醒了警钟:不能再尽情享受中国低廉的人力成本带来的海外竞争优势。
His Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, agrees with him on three strikes, but has so far been more circumspect. 民主党候选人,卡玛拉·哈里斯同意他三振出局法的立场,但非常谨慎。
Then, as now, the teachers' complaint was pay, and a war of attrition ended in 1987 after two years of intermittent strikes. 现如今,教师们抱怨的是工资待遇和在1987年结束的裁员风波,那场风波是在时断时续两年的罢工后才结束的。
At the bottom of your note, attach homemade coupons that she can cash in for a free massage whenever the mood strikes her. 在字条的底部附上自制的免费票,这样不管何时,只要她心情不好呢,都可以免费的享受到一个按摩。
"Strikes me you're a bit of star-dust yourself, flung into a world of cowled gnomes who cannot see, " was his comment at the end of it. 我的印象是:你就是一个坠落到凡间的星尘,被扔进一群戴了风帽的没有眼睛的作儒之间。
It strikes me that the author tries very hard to cover up the fact that she cannot read the Global Times in Chinese. 作者拼命掩饰自己其实并不能阅读中文版的《环球时报》,这令我吃惊。
It strikes me as unlikely that the U. S. market would be the only global market not to test its 2010 lows. 我的看法是美国股市不可能作为全球唯一不去考验2010年低点的股市独善其身。
So, when a disaster strikes, the damage is often widespread. 因此当灾难袭来,建筑常常是大面积损毁。
It was one of the biggest cross-border air strikes in recent years and was followed by an incursion by about 300 Turkish troops. 这是最近几年发生的最严重的越境空中打击,随后则是大约300土耳其士兵的入侵。
The allied air strikes against Libya are presenting a new challenge for the Bank of Japan in its efforts to stem the rise of the yen. 多国部队对利比亚的空中打击,正在对日本央行(BankofJapan)阻止日圆升值的努力构成新的挑战。
But unless he strikes a deal soon with one of his foes, one of these outcomes seems hard to avoid. 然而若是他不能很快与至少一名对手达成协议,这些情况将无法避免。
But all of that, it strikes me, is going to be very, very hard. 但这一切,它打击了我,将是非常,非常努力。