in the sunshine

  • 网络阳光下;阳光里;晒太阳

in the sunshinein the sunshine

in the sunshine


词组大全(1) ... 7. carry sth. to sp. 把……带到…… 8. in the sunshine 阳光下 10. in the tree 在树上 ...


In the sunshine In Huangpu Shanghai... ... Aijian Garden( 爱建园) In the sunshine( 阳光里) Zhong fu hua yuan( 中福花苑) ...


网友评论:康净淳 -《晒太阳》(In The Sunshine)[FLAC]相关资源 返回资源页 已有16位网友发表了评论 正在读取…… 14-16楼 …


沐浴阳光下In the Sunshine)系列,2部曲。(3) 迷你汉堡。


☆&nbs... ... made to be together for a life time 我们永远相伴 In the sunshine 在明媚的阳光下 Flying in the sky 飞翔在蓝天 ...


Fly Love ... In the sunshine 沐浴着阳光 Flying in the sky 在空中飞翔 ...


让爱飞翔——祝贺雷姐、雷哥银婚纪念... ... In the sunshine 在明媚阳光下 Flying in the sky 自由飞翔 ...


可可网络课堂... ... He struck out a new idea. 他想出了一个新点子。 in the sunshine 在太阳光下 / in the moonlight 在月光下 ...

Her skin was as white as a sheet until she ast in the sunshine for a while. 直到她坐到太阳底下一会儿,皮肤才不那么白了。
Getting out in the sunshine and breathing some fresh air can open your mind and begin to let in positive thoughts. 出去吸收一些阳光,呼吸一些新鲜空气,可以帮你打开心扉,并开始让你积极思考。
this passionless girl was like an icicle in the sunshine-Margaret Deland. 这个冷淡的姑娘就像是在阳光下的冰柱——马格丽特·迪兰。
The customer gets such things as a seat on a plane, a room in a hotel, and a chance to sit on a beach in the sunshine. 顾客可以得到诸如飞机上的座位,旅馆里的房间以及在海滩晒太阳的机会。
the metal ramrods flashed all at once in the sunshine as they were drawn from the barrels, turned in the air, and thrust into their sockets. 金属推弹杆从枪管中抽出来、在空中转动并插入接口时在阳光下显得闪闪发光。
June is the perfect time of year to spend out in the sunshine at the baseball park. 六月是在露天棒球馆享受阳光的完美时间。
We may all see it in the sunshine! And it glows like a red flame in the dark. 我们在光天化日之下全都可以看见它,而在黑暗中,它像红色火焰一样闪光。
At the bottom of the clear blue lakes, stones twinkle in the sunshine, producing a rainbow of colors. 在那清澈见底的浅蓝色水底,石子在阳光下闪闪发光,形成彩虹般的颜色。
False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine , but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade. 虚伪的朋友就像影子,当我们走在阳光下,它们就紧紧相随;一旦步入黑暗中,它们就会弃我们而去。
The sea has gradually, spray in the sunshine, into a raging noise than scene. 渐渐海面焕发了生机,水沫在阳光下四溅,形成一片沸沸扬扬喧闹不止的景象。
Anyway~~! this is me, a girl like laughing with all of her teeth bathing in the sunshine. 怎么说呢,这就是我,一个每天傻呵呵让牙齿晒太阳的青岛小嫚儿。
Yet a few hundred metres south, across the River Ibar, Albanians stroll around in the sunshine. 而不远的南边几百米处,伊巴尔河的对岸,阿尔巴尼亚人却在阳光下徜徉。
Several soldiers bandaged up, and with pale and swollen faces, were walking or sitting in the sunshine in the yard. 有几个绑着绷带、脸色惨白、遍身浮肿的士兵时而踱来踱去,时而坐在庭院中晒晒太阳。
avoided in the sunshine, away from heat places, or discolor easily and affect the service life of the purse. 避免在阳光下暴晒,远离高温场所,否则容易变色而且影响钱包的使用寿命。
In fact, the colors of all the materials here are guaranteed against fading. But after washing, don't hang them out in the sunshine. 事实上,这儿所有的面料保证不退色。但不可在阳光下暴晒。
With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine. 这些湖泊大小不一、形状各异,如同一面面镜子,闪耀着斑澜的光芒。
We want to bask in the sunshine four or five hours, we want to see the sea, collecting shells to spend our first day. 我们要沐浴在阳光下四五个小时,我们要去看海,捡贝壳来度过我们的第一天。
she sings for a long time and i listen . in the sunshine and the song of the early spring , there is no room for coldness and sadness. 唱了许久,我也倾听了许久,在有阳光有鸟鸣的早春里,寻不出一丝冷寂的意味。
Ah, your eyes are like ze limpid pools, sparkling in the sunshine. And your lips, they're so red like the ruby. 啊,你的眼睛就像清澈的池水,在阳光下闪烁。而你的唇,像红宝石一样鲜红。
Sitting in the sunshine, near the window, she seemed to receive with its warmth a kind influence, which made her both happy and good. 她坐在窗边的阳光里,似乎要从阳光的温暖中得到亲切的感化,使她既快活又舒适。
In here, we are just like little flowers, blooming in the sunshine, living in the fairy tales, like the "ugly duckling" . 在这里,我们是一朵小花,盛开在阳光下,讲述着“丑小鸭”变成“白天鹅”的童话。
One day, Alexander the Great, conqueror of half the civilized world, saw Diogenes sitting in his tub in the sunshine. 一天,征服了半个文明世界的亚历山大大帝看见提奥奇尼斯坐在大坛里晒太阳。
It grows its own roses in the sunshine of the Andes Mountains near the capital of Ecuador. 它在厄瓜多尔首都附近、位于安第斯山脉的阳光地带有自己的玫瑰种植园。
Sitting in the couch and leaning together in the sunshine, no matter how strong the wind is, because the love is there. 坐在阳光下的长椅上,不管风又多么大,仅仅依偎在一起,因为有爱。
The children were playing in the sunshine. 孩子们在阳光下玩耍。
The children were out playing in the sunshine. 孩子在外面阳光下玩耍。
It's much better to putz around outside in the sunshine. It's so great to have time to relax. LL: When do you want to leave? 你半小时内能出门吗?我听说熊猫在下午的时候比较活跃,这时候去最有意思!
In the sunshine of your kindness and the thoughtfulness you slow, the lovely flowers of friendship will always bloom and grow. 在你友爱的阳光照耀下和你的体贴关怀中,可爱的友谊之花将长开不谢。
He sat outside in the sunshine before heading back inside The Sandwich Box to pose for a photograph with teenager Josh King. 卡梅伦坐在店外明媚的阳光下喝茶,随后重新进入TheSandwichBox与一名叫乔希•金的少年合影。
The three butterflies played in the sunshine, danced in the garden together. They were so happy! They are good friends! 三只蝴蝶又开始在阳光下游玩了,在花园里跳舞了,它们很快乐,它们是好朋友。