instead of

  • prep.代替;作为…的替换
  • 网络而不是;替代;取代

instead ofinstead of

instead of

1.代替;作为…的替换in the place of sb/sth


初中英语短语大全 ... 90.a nice school 一所好的学校 91.instead of 代替 many ways 在许多方面 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in vain 徒劳,白费力 instead of 代替,而不是 just now 眼下;刚才 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Invert 轮流,反转 instead of 替代 IPE integrated parameter editing 综合参量编辑 ...


自考英语综合英语课文(1) ... smile at sb. 对某人微笑 instead of 代替……而不是…… manage to do 设法做成某事 ...


必修四 外研版列表_中学学科网 ... come to power 掌权 instead of 而不是,取代 be at war with 与……交战 ...


预制语块(十)_ILoveEnglish_新浪博客 ... much more 更多的,更加 Instead of 用……代替,而不用…… as to 关于,至于 ...


英语疑问句简明汇总 - 豆丁网 ... pay attention to… 注意… instead of取而代之… What if…? 如果…将会如何 ...

There was a time when men were men and talked to women instead of trying to impress them. 在过去男人就是男人,他们能正常和女人交谈而不是想方设法讨他们的欢心。
Instead of trying to read minds and hitting a brick wall, you may have to take charge and risk running afoul of the suits. 与尝试揣摩心思并碰壁不同,您可能必须负起责来并承担与主管发生冲突的风险。
Instead of letters, he wanted to use shapes that were easy to tell apart by touch. 他想用手的触觉容易分辨的模型来代替字母。
To the company's credit, instead of trying to cover up the incident, IKEA acted swiftly and ruthlessly, firing two top executives. 为了公司的信誉着想,宜家并未采取试图遮掩事态的做法,而是迅速、无情地作出了反应——解雇了两名高管人员。
Instead of answering, Jesus leaned over and wrote on the ground with his finger, as if he had not heard them. 耶稣没有回答,而是俯下身用手指在地上写字,仿佛没听见他们的话。
Instead of a center diff, it takes the front diff's drive forward off a simple beveled gear at the back of the gearbox. 相反的中心差异,它的前端差异的推动了一个简单的斜齿轮在后面的变速箱。
Just think how much more exciting and fulfilling life would be if you were able to sort out unfounded fears instead of giving into them. 想一想如果你能弄清楚这些不明的恐惧的原因而不是向它们妥协,生活将会多么让人振奋和有意义啊。
When adopting SOA, it is imperative to adhere to open standards instead of trying to bypass them or create homegrown solutions. 采用SOA时,务必遵循开放标准,而不要尝试忽略这些标准或自己创建替代解决方案。
Instead of overhauling theaters, the company is trying to remake home entertainment centers. 不是大修影剧院,该公司正在试图改造家庭娱乐中心。
The point is now ready to plot. Instead of just plotting a single dot, this time try marking the spot with an X. 现在可以画点了,但是这一次不是简单地画一个点,而是要用X来标记。
I would be carefree as long as I could, or at least until I got some care- instead of having my cares in advance. 我将尽可能的无忧无虑,或者至少我在我付出真心前先得到真心
But how frightened she felt to see instead of her dear little fawn a noble gentleman walk in with a gold crown on his head. 但是这让她感到如此的惊吓,没有看到她亲爱的小鹿,反而看到走进的这个高贵的绅士头戴着金王冠。
I think you may be able to see something happen in the sky, two white dots instead of one white dot. 我想你也许可以看到空中发生的一些情况,看到两个而不是一个白色的点。
Grand as Jim's watch was, he sometimes looked at it with shame on account of the old leather strap that he used instead of a chain. 尽管吉姆的手表很贵重,但是他还是有时怀着羞愧看看它,因为他用老的皮表带替代了金属的。
Instead of fusion taking place in the stellar core, it fizzles towards the surface. 这时核聚变将在恒星表面发生,而不再是其在核心了。
Her lips were half asunder as if she meant to speak; and she drew a deep breath, but it escaped in a sigh, instead of a sentence. 她半张着嘴,似乎想说什么;她深深地吸了一口气,可随之而来的却是一声无语的叹息。
When the little screen turned on in his VT he was expecting to see Lisa, but a lost Sammie appeared instead of Lisa. 当他把显示屏打开时,他期待着看见丽莎,但是茫然不知所措的珊米却取代丽莎出现在屏幕上。
And a careful, thoughtful man like Chan Kai Kit might do even better with his own pocket calculator instead of his abacus----- who knows? 像陈佳杰这样思维缜密的人,如果用袖珍计算器而不是算盘,或许能做的更好-----谁又说得准呢?
Instead of trying to get Zufelt to return his calls, Srivastava decided to send him a package. 斯利瓦斯塔瓦没有再试图等待祖菲尔的回复,而是决定寄给他一个包裹。
I pray they survive, pray that they take my guidence so I can lead them into a bright future instead of the dark path they are leading. 我祈求他们能活下来。祈求他们能够接受我的引导这样我能将他们引向光明的未来而不是他们正走向的黑暗小径。
Now, I'm so happy to see that I was right. And I feel doubly happy. Instead of just one wonderful friend, I get two. 如今,很高兴我发现我是对的。我会更加为此高兴,因为我又多了一个很棒的朋友。
In his wide-open rhetoric about what can be instead of what was, you see a hint of his mother's credulity. 在他关于将来而不是关于过去的演说中,你可以看到一丝和他母亲一样的梦想家气质。
She, instead of her parents, is going to see her uncles. 她将替代她父母去看她的姨妈们。
The best way to make sure this doesn't happen is to initialize variables where you declare them instead of in the body of every constructor. 确保这些不会发生的最好的方法是在声明变量的时候就初始化,而不是在每个构造函数中进行初始化。
So accept who he is, instead of trying to mold him into your vision of what you think he should be. 所以接受他是谁,而不是想方设法把他塑造成你认为的他应该是怎样的样子。
One of my favorites to do in a social setting (especially with someone you just met recently) is to go for the hug instead of the handshake. 在社交场合,与人拥抱是我最喜欢的形式之一(特别是对最近你刚遇到的人)。
Instead of steadily building brand equity around a real value proposition, they expect to measure the immediate impact of every ad. 他们期待衡量每一份广告的眼前影响,而不是在一个真实的价值构成附近稳步地打造品牌资本。
Instead of trying to work out the impact of GC pause times on an application, look at the amount of garbage generated. 这里没有计算GC暂停时间对应用程序的影响,而是查看生成的垃圾数量。
Instead of a universal and timeless tendency towards equilibrium, equilibrium turns out to be an extreme case of negative feedback. 平衡并不是普遍的,永久的趋势,而是负反馈中的一种极端状况。
Instead of writing hymns to his boss, like many of his peers, he made songs about the soft light in Moscow windows. 他可以不象他的许多同行那样为“大老板”写赞美歌,取而代之的是,描绘莫斯科夜晚的万家灯火。