
美 [ˈhʌmb(ə)l]英 ['hʌmb(ə)l]
  • v.谦逊;低声下气;虚心;贬低
  • adj.谦逊的;虚心的;表示谦逊;(级别或地位)低下的
  • 网络谦虚的;恭顺的;谦卑的

比较级:humbler 最高级:humblest 第三人称单数:humbles 现在分词:humbling 过去式:humbled

humble origin,humble background,humble apology


1.谦逊的;虚心的showing you do not think that you are as important as other people

2.(表示谦逊,但不够诚挚或认真)used to suggest that you are not as important as other people, but in a way that is not sincere or not very serious

3.(级别或地位)低下的,卑微的having a low rank or social position

4.不大的;没有特别之处的not large or special in any way


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... fate n. 命运 329. humble a. 谦逊的;谦虚的 330. illegal a. 不合法的,非法的 331. ...


急求常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 328. fate n. 命运 329. humble a. 谦逊的;谦虚的 330. illegal a. 不合法的,非法的 ...


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职称英语考试大纲(B级) - 豆丁网 ... hum v. 发嗡嗡声; 哼歌 humble a. 谦卑的; 卑贱的 humid a. 湿的, 湿度大的 ...


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2013考研英语高频词汇_百度文库 ... hostile 敌对的 humble 卑微的 hysterical 歇斯底里的 ...

The knowing of it all will humble you to its power yet let the brightness of you shine everywhere it needs to. 知道这个会让你在它的能量前变得谦逊并让你在任何它需要的地方发光发热。
China is nothing if not humble about how much further it has to go to build a musical theatre industry. 中国在发展音乐剧产业的时候,可以说已经十分谦逊了。
When you know your work and are humble about it than there is no reason that you would not get the desired appreciation. 当你知道自己的工作,而且以谦逊的态度对待它,你不会因此丧失应当获得赢得赞赏。
He said to them, "Empty it, by all means, but leave an old man his humble bag so that he might gather a coin or two in future. " 我师父对他们说,“你们完全可以把里面的东西全部拿走,但是,请给一位老头留下他的破钱包,让他将来可以用来讨要一两个硬币。”
If you want to grow in holiness this Lent, put your hand in Marry's, and ask her to help you to become meek and humble. 如果你想在这斋月的圣洁中成长,把你的手交给玛丽亚,然后请求她来帮助你变得温顺和谦卑。
The crowd, for some reason, seems to ignore or quickly forget the good that the poor and humble man accomplishes through his wisdom. 不知为何,贫穷人和情操高尚的人凭其智慧所做出的贡献,也似乎总是很快就被遗忘。
I was still in a corner of the humble found a BC in ancient Egypt, the stone engraved with the cuneiform , carefree and send the idea. 我还在一个不怎么起眼的角落里发现过一座公元前的古埃及石碑,上面刻满了楔形文字,令人悠然而发思古之情。
All this had been watched for a whole year by a neighbour, a fat shopkeeper, and not a humble one but the owner of two grocer's shops. 隔壁的一个胖掌柜观察这些事已经整整一年,全都看在眼里。
Only a strong, but more humble America can pull off the trick of dealing with an emerging superpower and a fast-growing region, he says. 戴尚志表示,只有一个强大、但更谦逊的美国才能掌握与一个新兴超级大国和一个快速发展地区打交道的技巧。
HAD it not been for the humble typewriter, Austin might have been all politics and football, and no venture capital. 要不是因为不起眼的打字机,奥斯汀市恐怕就只剩下政治和橄榄球了,根本不会吸引到创业资本。
It marked him for all the world to see, a humble half-starved baby to be despised by all and pitied by none. 这预示着全世界都会看到:他,一个谦卑的半饥饿的婴儿将被所有人鄙视并且无人可怜。
It is hard to believe that only a few years ago, this was the humble, sleepy fishing village of Bagan Lalang, in Sepang. 很难相信,仅仅几年前,这里仅仅是雪邦巴眼那朗的一个简陋粗糙、冷冷清清的渔村而已。
David Silva is one of my favourite players - some of the stuff he does is amazing and he is a very humble guy. 大卫席尔瓦是我最喜欢的球员之一——他的表现让人惊叹,并且他是个很谦逊的人。
Of course, I didn't tell Arvin this humble to say sorry, in his eyes, I'm just a liar, is a bad, bad full. 当然,我没有跟阿文这个低声下气的说对不起,在他眼里,我只是一个骗子,是一个坏人,坏得十足。
He's a man of very humble origin, he's not the sort of person I should be likely to meet at any of the houses I go to. 他出身十分微贱,我去任何一家府邸都不会结识他这种人的。
Fill us with a humble attitude that seeks understanding, and with trust in you when we do not know answers. 求祢赐我们谦卑求知的态度,并叫我们在找不到答案时仍然信靠祢。
A stroke is all dangerous of test, make me stronger, more humble, my hope have no broken wing. 一次次打击,都是凶险的考验,使我更坚强,更谦卑,我的希望没有折翼。
The thousands of men and women whose own lives were enriched by this generous, humble, and deeply spiritual colonel feel his loss acutely. 数千男女从精神上深深的感受到了失去这位慷慨而谦逊的上校的尖锐痛苦。
I don't know if it made me a better economist. But it has surely made me a more humble one, and, I suspect, a better human being as well. 我不知道我是否因此变成了一名更好的经济学家,但是可以肯定的是,这使我更加谦逊,更好的做人。
So. . . Everyone seems to have a new year's resolution, but plenty of you don't keep it. . . We'll this year, I plan on being humble. 所以…每个人似乎都有新的一年的决议,但大量的你不让它……我们将在这一年里,我计划的卑微。
Clark decided to auction off the name last month, and let the bidding begin at a humble $100. 上个月,Clark决定以拍卖的形式把他的域名卖掉,并以很低的100美元为起拍价。
Try not to leave loose ends until the end of this cycle, as it is far better to have settled any issues even if it means eating humble pie. 在这个周期结束前不要【半途而废】,因为这比任何已经解决的事情的方式都要好的多,就算感觉在吃难以下咽的馅饼也好。
But he himself refused the effort to put him in a position far above other people. He was well known for his humble manner. 但他拒绝了努力使他处于远远高于其他人的职位。
Humble Gordon Brown yesterday declared he was ready to become the "servant" of the British people. 谦逊的戈登·布朗昨天承诺他将会做英国人民的公仆。
Ask God to help you and your spouse always be humble enough to forgive each other and remember how much He has forgiven you both. 求神帮助你和你的爱人常常怀着谦卑的心,彼此饶恕,也要记得上帝是如何的饶恕你们两个的。
But she was never because of his small and humble low, because of his weak and discouraged, because of his helplessness and a loss. 但她却从不因自己的低小而卑微,因自己的柔弱而气馁,因自己的无助而彷徨。
You, know, so still I'm trying to do something in that regard in a humble way - I don't know how effective it is. 所以我还在努力地在这方面以谦卑的方式做一些事,但是我不知道效果如何。
Your days of glory are at end. Prepare for a bit of humble pie! 你的荣耀已经过去,准备接受耻辱吧。
Nature is all about living with zeal; about living to the fullest potential; about living with a humble and determined purpose. 自然界充满着热情的生命力,饱含着一切生长的可能,也凝聚着万物生灵谦卑却坚定的生存的决心。
Romulus Whitaker: I take the sort of humble approach I guess you could say. 罗穆卢斯·惠特克:我采取一种谦虚的态度。