
美 [həv]英 [həv]
  • v.有;吃;让;得到
  • n.有钱人;(天然资源多的)富国;诈骗
  • auxv.与过去分词连用构成完成时
  • 网络拥有;具有;现在完成时

第三人称单数:has 现在分词:having 过去式:had




1.~ sth有;持有;占有to own, hold or possess sth

由…组成consist of

2.~ sth由…组成be made up of


3.显示出,带有(性质、特征)to show a quality or feature

4.~ sth to do sth(通过行动)表现出(品质)to show a particular quality by your actions


5.~ sb/sth(表示关系)有used to show a particular relationship

可利用sth available

6.~ sth能用to be able to make use of sth because it is available


7.~ sth有责任(或义务)to be in a position where you ought to do sth

8.须要,有必要(做某事)to be in a position of needing to do sth


9.~ sb/sth + adv./prep.抓住;握着;支承to hold sb/sth in the way mentioned

放╱保持在某位置put/keep in a position

10.~ sth + adv./prep.使放在;使保持(在)to place or keep sth in a particular position


11.~ sth感到;想到to let a feeling or thought come into your mind


12.~ sth患病;得病;染病to suffer from an illness or a disease


13.~ sth经受;经历;经验to experience sth


14.~ sth组织;举办to organize or hold an event


15.~ sth吃;喝;吸(烟等)to eat, drink or smoke sth

做某事do sth

16.~ sth进行(活动)to perform a particular action

生give birth

17.~ sb/sth生;生产to give birth to sb/sth


18.~ sth产生(效果)to produce a particular effect


19.~ sth收到;接到to receive sth from sb

20.~ sth得到;接受;受到to be given sth; to have sth done to you

21.~ sth doing sth接受(某人行为的效果)to experience the effects of sb's actions

让某事做成have sth done

22.~ sth done蒙受(他人所为的后果)to suffer the effects of what sb else does to you

23.~ sth done让(他人)为你做(某事)to cause sth to be done for you by sb else

24.要(或安排)(某人)做(某事)to tell or arrange for sb to do sth for you


25.允许;容忍to allow sth; to accept sth without complaining

使处于某状况put sb/sth in a condition

26.使处于(某状态);使做出(某种反应)to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state; to make sb react in a particular way

辩论in argument

27.(informal)~ sb辩过;胜过to put sb at a disadvantage in an argument


28.~ sb同(某人)性交to have sex with sb


29.[usupass](informal)~ sb欺骗;蒙骗to trick or cheat sb


30.[nopass]~ sb/sth(尤指短期在自己家中)照料,照看to take care of sb/sth in your home, especially for a limited period

31.[nopass]~ sb + adv./prep.(在家中)招待,款待to entertain sb in your home

在一起be with

32.~ sb with you同(某人)在一起to be with sb

工作for a job

33.[nopass]~ sb as sth让,接受(某人承担任务)to take or accept sb for a particular role


大多数含 have 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 have your eye on sb 在词条 eye 的名词部分。Most idioms containinghave are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplehave your eye on sb is ateyen.

have done with sth

结束(不愉快的事)to finish sth unpleasant so that it does not continue

have had it

情形很糟;不能修复to be in a very bad condition; to be unable to be repaired

have it off/away (with sb)

同(某人)性交to have sex with sb

have it (that…)

称…属实;说…是真的to claim that it is a fact that…

have (got) it/that coming (to you)

活该;罪有应得to be likely to suffer the unpleasant effects of your actions and to deserve to do so

have it in for sb

跟某人过不去to not like sb and be unpleasant to them

have it in you (to do sth)

有能力(做某事)to be capable of doing sth

have (got) nothing on sb/sth

不如;比不上to be not nearly as good as sb/sth

not having any

不愿听,不愿相信(某事)not willing to listen to or believe sth

what have you

诸如此类的事物(或人等)other things, people, etc. of the same kind

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... desk n. 书桌;课桌 have v. soccer n. 英式足球 ...

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... pear n. 梨 have v. ;饮 oh interj. 啊;噢;呀(表示惊讶等) ...


is和have/has的区别_百度知道 ... is, 是,系动词,单数 have拥有,有,用於第一、第二人称 has, 有,用於第三人称 ...


异样具有(Have)这种特征,如许在防备湖人关键球时通常会捉襟见肘,懂得生活的人,会把日子过的有滋有味儿,不懂得生活的人, …


英语八个时态的构成_百度知道 ... 现在进行时: be+doing 现在完成时have+done 现在过去时: were+doing ...


七年级英语单词表 ... at home 在家 have 做;进行;从事 do some reading 读;阅读 ...

英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 57. happen 发生 58. have 有;吃;;进行 59. hear 听见;听说 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... at home 在家 have 做;进行;从事 do some reading 读;阅读 ...

And so there have been a couple of papers suggesting or calling into question whether or not the measurements are as accurate as they seem. 一直以来,已经有过几篇论文,建议或质疑他们的测量是否准确。
Practically every teacher of old seems to have condemned it, especially sexual desire, saying that it must be controlled, subjugated. 实际上每一个年长的导师好像都谴责它,尤其是性欲,他们说它必须被控制。
Though information on the Danish plot is limited, reports suggest the police halted what could have been a serious and imminent attack. 虽然对丹麦情节信息是有限的,报告建议警方停止什么可能是一个严重和迫在眉睫的攻击。
Yes, I'd like to have to lemonade. And put just a little bit of port wine in it, please. 是的,我想喝柠檬水,请加一点点酒。
I had angioplasty of my veins performed in the United States by a reputable physician at a reputable hospital and have had good results. 我在美国进行了静脉手术,采用angioplasty技术,主刀大夫是一名有声望的医院的有声望的内科医生,并且,效果很好。
Most countries have got at least somewhere on this, chiefly in what might be called i-government: the provision of information. 许多国家在这方面至少有了一些进展,主要在被称为信息政府(i-government)的信息提供方面。
They may have chosen to be in the public eye , but that does not give the public the right to know everything about them. 他们可能选择公开露面或上传播媒体,但那并不表示大众有权知道他们的一切。
Each window displays an application, allowing you to to have more than one application visible, and work on more than one task at a time. 每个窗口显示一个应用。允许你去有更多比单应用可见,和工作在更多比单任务在同一时间。
Fairy jump to the prime culprit fortune for a GuiYu should be to have to LiMengLou encase Broadway hotel room at the door, he hit on. 仙人跳的主犯以至不测地供出了应桂玉曾经到李梦露包住的百老汇大饭店的房间门口偷听,被他撞到。
How I wish I could have a heart-to-heart talk with you with no end even if I could not see the big smile on your face. 多想一直那样跟你倾心交谈着,哪怕不能见着你的脸,不能看着你的笑颜。
He paused to look at me for a long time before answering. "I might have seen him. " 他停下来,久久看着我,然后开口说:“兴许我见过他。”
At the tea-house, you could feel totally at such ease that you could hardly have at home, not to speak in other's house. 其身心的放松,别说是在他人的家中,就是在自家屋里恐怕也是绝难做到的。
There's a study some of you think you know about, but very few people have ever read the story. 有一项研究,你们其中一些人可能以为自己知道,但极少数人读过这个故事。
Perhaps, he might have seen something that you need or knew that you would love to have, why wait for a special day to buy it for you? 或许他看到某件东西是您缺着或知道是您喜欢的,不是什么特别日子也买来送您,很好吧?
Two years, we have not had red face, monmouth, there was no worry about the University before any unhappy things. 两年里,我们没有红过脸,没有吵过嘴,没有发生上大学前所担心的任何不开心的事情。
Drones have always been a delicate and difficult issue for the U. S. and Pakistan. 无人驾驶飞机一直是美国和巴基斯坦的一个微妙和困难的问题。
He breaks down in tears. "Up to 500 have been killed, " he says, including his parents, wife, and two children. 他泪流满面。“最多有500人死亡,”他说,包括他的父母、妻子和两个孩子。
I have seen him in the next month wandering, sing sing, chang feng blow to open his hair ribbon, robes elegant appearance like immortals. 我曾见他在月下徘徊、高歌吟唱,长风吹开他的发带,长袍飘逸宛如仙人模样。
In general, the children are healthier than the past, and have been a good education. 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都要健康,受到了良好的教育。
None of these options have yet been taken up and the company says little interest has been expressed the acquiring a multirole J-11. 而上述方案都没有被采纳,并且该公司称解放军空军对期望获得多用途J-11并没有表露太多兴趣。
"I find it beautiful, " I said. "A man can never have too many ties. " "And a woman can't have too many hats, " she answered. “这条领带很漂亮,”我说道。“男人的领带愈多愈好。”“女人的帽子也是愈多愈好啊,”她答道。
Demonstrations and strikes have shaken authorities and they're beginning to crack down on those companies who don't follow the rules. 工人的抗议示威和罢工使当局受到了震动,他们开始对那些不按规定行事的公司采取严厉措施。
So I said I wanted my own office in the next place. But then, in the end, we have one big room. 所以我说过希望自己的办公室与他分开,但最终的结果还是俩人共用一间大办公室。
Linda: Yes, but we've got to do it. You'll have to break the bad news to her. 琳达:是啊,但我们还是得这样做。你必须把这坏消息告诉她。
Outstanding employees have a feel for the issues and concerns of those around them and step up to ask questions others are hesitant. 杰出员工往往能了解周围人的话题和担忧,并代他们提出心中的疑惑。
If he seems to have no time to waste, no wonder. He does not only have a huge company to run, but he is also reshaping it. 如果他看似分秒必争,这也在情理之中:他不仅要运作一巨型公司,现阶段还在重塑这个公司。
She understood and I had this paragraph, here is no longer a haven for her, she might have been the woman left. 她明白有过和我的这一段,这里已不再是她的天堂,她可能一直都是剩女。
I think you may have understood. What I meant was that I accept your suggestion completely. 我想你们可能误解了,我的意思是我完全接受你们的建议。
You will have Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, soon to crown you celestial favorite of the zodiac in January for a year's stay. 木星会为你带来礼物和幸运,二零一零年的你将会成为宇宙的宠儿。前所未有的一年即将到来。
every chicken nearly have no wool just as one which have opened up the stomach pulled out the wool a chicken type. 每个鸡身上根本没有毛,就象我们见到的已经开膛破肚拔完毛之后的鸡一个样!