good job

  • 网络做得好;干得好;干的好

good jobgood job

good job


我的博客 - 王者天下 - 网易博客 ... 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! ...


小学英语四年级单词(带音标)_百度文库 ... fridge 冰箱 good job 干得好 Chinese book 语文书 ...


英语单词音标(小学) ... good idea 好主意 good job 干的好 look at 看…… ...


美国教师怎样赞赏激励学生_一起去留学网 ... 32. how nice 多好啊 33. good job 干的出色 34. that‘s incredible 简直难以置信 ...


英雄联盟LOL美服注册方法_lol吧_百度贴吧 ... PLZ=please 请 GJ=good job 做的好 WTF=what the fukc 我靠 ...


超实用的英文短语缩写:G开头(图)_新东方网 ... GGP – Got to go pee 要去尿尿 GJ – Good job 干得不错 GL – Good luck 祝你 …


张天幕_新浪博客 ... 放轻松嘛 Take it easy 好样的 Good job 小心 Watch out ...


生活口语:表扬的话一箩筐 ... Great!( 太棒了!) Good job!( 真不错!) Way to go!( 好样的!) ...

If I said to most of the people who auditioned, 'Good job, awesome, well done, ' it would have made me actually look and feel ridiculous. 如果我对大多数参赛者说:“干的好,真棒”,那才会让我觉得和显得可笑。
Still, it is a "good" job with a steady paycheck, and I know millions of people would trade places with me in a heartbeat. 每个周末我都害怕周一的到来。这份工作其实可以算是一份收入稳定的“好”工作,我知道有数以百万计的人巴不得立刻跟我互换工作。
Youre doing a good job steering the boat. Just remember to keep sailing into the wind. 你船开得很好。记得保持顺风航行就对了。
'If I'm lucky, I can get a good job next semester and earn enough to visit you before I go back to Seoul with the proficiency certificate. ' 如果运气好的话,下个学期我就能找到一个好工作然后就有足够了钱在取得证书回首尔前来看你了
"Give it up, " he jeered at me. "You've got a good job here. Give it up. You'll never make it. " “放弃吧,”他嘲弄地对我说:“你在这儿得到了一份儿不错的工作。拉倒吧,你永远也别想做出什么好曲子。”
but I'm really comfortable with where I am in my life, as you know. I've got my lovely little garden flat, a good job. 但是,我对我现在的状况还是挺满意的,我有一套带着花园的公寓,有一份好工作。
It seems to me that the skills you need to get a job and the skills you need to do a good job five years later are sometimes not compatible. 我似乎觉得,你找工作时需要的能力和5年以后为了干好自己的工作所需要的能力,有时并不一致。
Talking about the weakness, point out the areas for improvement in a specific way. Don't say "I think you did not do a good job" . 至于缺点,明确指出演讲者可以改善的部份,千万别说:「我觉得你的演讲糟透了!」
Ready to do a good job, and I also found a ruler and scissors are a sparkling wrapping paper, I finally could begin. 准备工作做好了,我又找来了尺子和剪刀还有一张亮晶晶的包装纸,我总算可以开始了。
Good grades and a good job are easy to get. A good education is a different story. 好分数和好工作都不难获得,但接受良好的教育却是另一回事。
"I have no education or special skills and if I don't do a good job and work hard, I cannot improve my life, " she says. 我没有上过学,也没有一技之长,如果我不好好工作,就没法改善自己的生活。
Kit Malthouse, Deputy Mayor of London and Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said the police did a good job. 伦敦副市长和都会警察局主席KitMalthous说警察们做的不错。
He said he had just lost his son who had had a very good job and who would soon have become one of the directors of a large company. 他说他失去了儿子,他的儿子有个非常好的工作,本来很快就会成为一个大公司的董事之一。
The host always does a good job of having the experts explain any more complicated ideas, so it's fairly easy to follow along. 主持人总是能很好地引导专家将复杂的观点解释清楚,所以很容易跟得上。
But the truth is, an education is about more than getting into a good college. It's about more than getting a good job when you graduate. 事实是,教育不等于进入一所好的大学,不等于毕业后找到一份好工作。
The Club didn't talk to me about changing the style, they wanted me to do a good job and that's what I tried to do. 这家俱乐部没有和我谈到改变足球风格,他们希望我来阿森纳做好工作,这也是我一直尽力去做的。
You need someone to tell you that you're doing a good job, that you're on the right path, that you are as good as you think you are. 你需要某人告诉你你正在做对的事情,你正在正确的道路上,你就如你所认为的那么棒。
This is hard to get now is a society that many people first consider a good job, how much money or work for a decent choice. 这一点很难得。现在社会的很多人则是先考虑一个工作好不好,能赚多少钱,或是为了体面选择工作。
She had a good job near home after university. Several years later her mother died of overwork. Since then gardenia was never received. 大学毕业后,她在家附件找了份合意的工作。几年后,妈妈操劳过度逝世。从此以后,栀子花再没收到过。
Well, you may not have to solve for X to get a good job or to be a good parent. 也许你不必因为能求得X的值才能找到一份好工作,或者做一个好父(母)亲,但你必须认真思索困难的问题。
I guess with the arm you could say that since she stitched herself up she must have done a good job without scar, but what about the back. 我猜对于手臂,你可以说因为她缝合了,她自己必须做的非常好没有疤痕,但是背部呢?
If you dislike the ethos of your company, youcan still do a good job; but, feel you are doing it for your benefitand not the company's. 就算你不喜欢单位的风气也没关系,一样可以把工作做好;你只要告诉自己这种努力是为了自己的利益而不是为了公司就可以。
Formerly resident in New York, with a recently-lost good job and rented house in London, he now plans to move back to Texas. 他以前住在纽约,曾经有一份好工作,在伦敦租有一处房子,现在他计划搬回德克萨斯。
I found a good job after college, paid off my loan, and won another scholarship for a master's degree. 从大学毕业后我找到了一个好工作,还清了我的贷款,还赢得了另一份供我攻读硕士的奖学金。
That was news to me; I thought I was doing a good job at the committee, but as he said, I had other things on my mind. 这倒让我觉得很新鲜;我还以为自己在委员会干得不错,但正如他说的,我脑子里还装着其它事情。
re going to need a good education for every single one of those careers. You cannot drop out of school and just drop into a good job. 你必须接受良好的教育,才能从事上述任何一种职业。你不能指望辍学后能碰上个好工作。
It tells him that he is doing a good job and is going to get a reward if he continues to do what you expect. 还会告诉它们,它们干的很棒,如果它们继续做出你期待的动作就会得到一份奖励。
However, in our actual life, which seems to be simple to do a good job of shaking hands is not so easy. 但是在我们的实际生活中,要把看似简单的握手做好,并不是这么容易的事。
You will see that it is not as difficult as you might think it is to do a "pretty good" job of mining data. 您会发现要想出色地完成挖掘数据的任务并不像您想象地那么困难。
To experience conflict is not to deal with an aberration, but a permanent fact of life we often do a good job of conveniently ignoring. 感受矛盾并不是为了对付某个反常现象,而是一个永恒的人生现实——我们往往为了省事而忽视这个现实。