good time

  • un.正常工作时间
  • 网络美好时光;繁荣时期;好时机

good timegood time

good time


美好时光good time),你即我爱(you are my love),丝丝享受(cecil enjoy)))5级诚信委员诚信委员会成员,全网仅有3000 …


医学翻译词汇八 ... goniotome 前房角切开刀 good time 正常工作时间 gorget 有槽导子,宽沟导器 ...


good的音标是什么?_教育问答 ... good health 身体健康 good time 好时机;繁荣时期 good service 好的服务;合法发球 ...


good的音标是什么?_教育问答 ... good health 身体健康 good time 好时机;繁荣时期 good service 好的服务;合法发球 ...


11. 日常交际用英语 | 英语大学 ... Hello/Hi. 你好。 Have a nice/good time祝你过得愉快。 Sorry./Pardon. 对不起。/请原 …


英语歌曲 / 听歌学英语_在线英语听力室 ... 听歌学英语:生活处处是美好 Good Time 听歌学英语:感人肺腑的浓郁唱腔 Because O…


PUB内美达利飞镖机操作方法 -... ... 1、 HOW TO( 如何基本操作) 5、 GOOD TIME美好时光玩法) 6、 PRACTICE( 练 …

If you'll permit a bit of personal sharing, right now is really not a good time for me. 如果你想来些个人分享,现在对我来说恐怕不是合适的时机。
Unless there's some huge market crash, the next couple years are going to be a good time for startups to raise money. 除非发生一些巨大的市场崩盘,否则接下来的几年对于创业者来说将是筹资的好时机。
The competition led some entrepreneurs and investors to say that it was a good time to sell the company. 考虑到这种竞争因素,一些企业家和投资者说现在是出售该公司的好时机。
However, the full truth will come out in good time, for your appreciation and understanding of the last century. 但是,所有的真相都会适时的呈现,让你们“鉴定”和“觉知”这个最后世纪。
And finally our last lesson. . . . Always smile. You never want her to think you're not having a good time, even though you may not be. 最后一课,总是微笑。不要让对方觉得你不喜欢你们在一起的时光,虽然事实上你可能真的觉得很没趣。
Sure, the relocation plan is attractive, but just look at the costs! And this just isn't good time to be spending that sort of money. 确实,迁址计划很吸引人,但是只是看费用就会发现现在不是投入这笔钱的好时机。
I wish I could have gone with you on the picnic, we would have had a good time. 我希望我能和你们一起去野餐,我们一定会玩得很高兴。
INVESTORS have had a pretty good time of it over the past four years. 投资者们在过去的4年中度过了相当美好的时光。
For investors who think the market is going to continue higher, now might be a good time to get back in at prices that are a bit lower. 对哪些认为市场就持续走高的投智者,现在也许是在相对低的价位上回归的适当时机。
If a mortgage payment would be just about as easy to make as a rent payment, it might be a good time to buy. 如果支付房贷和支付租金难度差不多的时候,就该是买房的时机到了。
Thought to see you soon, and I have a little bit of a tense. I hope you come to China that we can have a good time. 想着很快就能见到你了,我有一点点得紧张,希望你来中国我们能玩得愉快。
Above all things, I'm very pleased that I had a good time with my fans just as I dance with them in the club. 最重要的是,我能与歌迷们一起度过一段快乐的时光感到非常开心,这种感觉就像是我与她们在俱乐部里跳舞似的。
Once things got a bit relaxed against Oldham and we went 3-0 up, it was a good time to put him on. 我们3-0领先,比赛变得轻松了一些。所以是时候让他上去试试了。
Thank you so much for the lovely evening. My wife and I had such a good time. 非常感谢你是我们渡过了一个愉快的夜晚,我和妻子玩得非常开心。
So this seems like a good time to declare that the new conventional wisdom is all wrong. 但是,我不得不说这种观点是极其错误的。
He said: "The break could have come at a good time for us because we have a lot of injured players who cannot play. " 他说:“我认为这次国家队比赛周来得正当时,因为我们有不少伤员需要时间去恢复。”
Now is not a good time for Yam's superior to give that sort of chatter any more credibility. 作为任志刚的顶头上司,曾荫权在当前这个时候为这类猜测增添可信度可不是个好时机。
wish on the rainbow is all that I can do, dream of the good time that we never knew, no late nights I dream on. . . . . . 看那天边彩虹,希望寄于长空,梦想那未曾知晓的美好时光,那每一个不眠的夜,梦幻此般萦绕……
After all, the point of these activities is to have a good time. If you know you won't, there's no reason to play. 毕竟这些活动的目的是使自己开心,如果你认为你不会开心,那么没有理由去玩。
But I am enjoying it at Hull. I've just got to work hard and I've really had a good time here. 我必须承认我非常享受在赫尔城的这段时光。在这里我非常努力,也感到十分开心。
Excuse me, I've got to go now. Thank you for inviting me. I had a really good time. 我现在得走了。谢谢你请我来,我玩得很愉快。
EDWARD GREEN: I would like Mr. Smith to see the product and would like to talk to Mr. Smith direct. When is a good time to call? 爱德华.格林:我希望史密斯先生看一下产品,并且希望直接和他谈一谈。什么时候打电话合适?
When I met a man of pleasure, who did not try to improve his mind but devoted himself only to having a good time. 当我遇到一位爱享乐的人,见他只是沉湎于欢乐而不努力去加强自我修养。
They had just got their pancakes and my son decided it would be a good time to tell this child how much he loved and appreciated her. 他们刚刚得到他们的薄煎饼,我儿子觉得此时是一个很好的时机告诉他的女儿他有多爱她、欣赏她。
She'd never intended to be a model for more than a few years and she'd figured that this was a good time to quit. 她从没打算几年后还当模特,这是退出的好时机。
J. It's a good time to find a bargain, considering how much casinos are hurting these days. 考虑到如今博彩业遭到重创,这个时候去哪里拣点便宜倒是不错。
B: Well, a lot of the games were pretty silly. I don't know how much it helped us to be a better team, but i think everyone had a good time. 说实话,很多游戏太无聊了。我不知道对建立一支较好的队伍会有多大帮助,不过我想大家都玩得挺开心。
"I really should go back inside, " she thought. "Mother will be worried. But I'm having such a good time. I just can't pull myself away. " 她心想,「妈妈会担心的,不过,我玩得好开心,真的很难掉头就走。」
Did not accompany you around me, that good time Guodehao slow slow, and when you think that with time off Dehaokuai good fast. 没有你在身边陪着我,觉得时间过得好慢好慢,和你在一起的时候又觉得时间过得好快好快。
Under this circumstance, we could assign a good time to have a heart-to-heart talk with him trying to get rid of misunderstanding. 面对这样的情况,我们可以找个合适的时间和他进行心与心的交流,努力解除误解