
美 [ɡlɪmps]英 [ɡlɪmps]
  • v.瞥见;〔诗〕闪现
  • n.领悟;概况;见识;一睹
  • 网络一瞥;一瞥,一看;掠影

复数:glimpses 过去分词:glimpsed 现在分词:glimpsing

catch glimpse,get glimpse,give glimpse
brief glimpse,quick glimpse


n. v.

1.~ (of sb/sth).~ (at sb/sth)一瞥;一看a look at sb/sth for a very short time, when you do not see the person or thing completely

2.短暂的感受(或体验、领会)a short experience of sth that helps you to understand it


普特英语听力_百度文库 ... giant a. 巨大的 glimpse n. 一瞥,一看 glory n. 光荣,荣誉 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... glide 溜,滑行,滑动 glimpse 一瞥,瞥见 glitter 光辉,灿烂 v.闪耀 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... giant a. 巨大的 glimpse n. 一瞥,一看 677. glory n. 光荣,荣誉 678. ...


掠_百度百科 ... 掠视[ sweep one's eyes over] 掠影[ sketch;glimpse] 同本义[ plunder; seize] ...


新东方|英语六级绝密资料 - 豆丁网 ... peeping Tom 偷窥狂 glimpse 瞥了一眼 love at first glimpse scan 搜索,扫描 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... ellipse 椭圆(形) glimpse 瞥见,看一眼 hoarse 嘶哑的,粗嗄的 ...


生活大爆炸学习笔记(上) ... Carthage:n. 迦太基 glimpse:n. 闪光, 模糊的感觉 idiosyncrasy:n. 特质 ...

Viewers only got to see a glimpse of what was going on. 对于当中的过程观众只看见了一点。
But only long enough for her to look the other way, so I can once again catch a glimpse of magnificence. 一旦她把目光转向其他地方,我就抓住机会一睹她的绰约风姿。
And the cables provide a glimpse into how much politics inform relations between the world's two largest economies. 同时,从电文中对政治如何影响世界上最大的两个经济体之间的关系也可略见一斑。
It's an artistic expression on one hand, but it's a glimpse into how much rage she's still dealing with, which is pretty scary. 这是一种艺术的表达一方面,但这是一个了解多少怒气她还处理,这很可怕。
And the project's appeal is clear: Nalanda offers both a glimpse of a glorious past and a chance of a bit of neighbourly collaboration. 那烂陀项目诱人前景也十分明晰:能让人看到过去的辉煌,同时为邻近国家间的区域合作提供了机会。
I only caught a glimpse of him sitting in the car, so I can't tell exactly what he looked like. 我只瞥见他坐在车里,所以我无法确切说出他长得什么样。
It's nothing like the alleged predictive powers of Nostradamus, but we do get a glimpse of events one-tenth of a second before they occur. 不过这和诺查丹马斯据说拥有的预言能力毫无关系,但我们确实能在事情发生前十分之一秒窥见事件。
One day, as she brushed the hair back from her forehead, he caught a glimpse of gold under the glove on her right arm. 一天,因为她从她的前额掠过了头发,他瞥见了金子在她的右臂的手套之下。
A sea of faces sought a glimpse of him, but most of the time he stayed out of sight, sipping tea behind a parapet. 海洋般的面孔在期盼着他的一顾,但大部分时间里都看不到他,他在栏杆后面喝茶。
I was able to catch thus a meager glimpse of the world of drama, and I shall never forget the delight of that moment. 这样,我可以获得对梦幻世界微弱的一瞥。我将永志不忘那个时刻的愉快。
trying to get a glimpse of your body , that soon it felt like . . 就为了偷看一眼你的身体很快你就觉得。。
A far-fetched dream just a few weeks ago, it is now possible to glimpse the shape of a future political settlement. 不久前,自由还是一个荒唐的梦境,而现在看来,缅甸未来政策制定的雏形已然可见一斑。
I caught a glimpse of him as he walked past my window. 他走过我窗户的时候,我瞥见他一眼。
The company Friday provided the first public glimpse of a squat, cigar-shaped rocketship with several thrusters at the bottom. 上周五,蓝源首次让公众得以一窥这个底部装有几个推进器、外形类似雪茄的胖墩墩的火箭宇宙飞船。
Some students snapped photos of Mr. Paulson; others waited for a glimpse of him. 一些学生拍下了鲍尔森的照片,还有些学生等着一睹他的真容。
Caught off-guard, Pope slides out of the Taj Mahal room, careful that his wife doesn't catch a glimpse of her anniversary present-to-be. Pope没有料到她会来,他从制作泰姬陵模型的小间里快步走出,他不想让老婆在结婚纪念日前就看到这个礼物。
Maybe I was too ambitious to ask the best way to see a glimpse of Da Vinci's work in Venice from someone who didn't seem to care. 可能是因为我的高傲让我不齿于去问一个漠不关心的人那去看那些在威尼斯的达芬奇的作品的最好路线。
Even if it's not to fully understand (it), it's just an attempt to try and glimpse that world. 即便还不能彻底了解(它),但起码也是尝试和窥探这个世界的一步。
But it is possible to hire a boat and travel along the Yalu River to get a glimpse of ordinary life in the secretive socialist state. 但是租用一条小船沿着鸭绿江顺江而下对生活在该神秘国度的普通民众的生活进行概览还是可能的。
Visions of the future are shown as you see a glimpse of your journey through the desert. 通过沙漠后未来的一瞥出现在克瑞托斯的眼前。
December, as it always does, reminds us how fast a year has passed so quickly and our whole life can be a glimpse of the eye. 十二月又最是让人惊异一年的时间过得如此之快,真真感到人生如白驹过隙的月份。
There was one small barred window, too small to let very much air in or out, too high to afford more than a glimpse of the sky. 装有铁条的小窗户倒是有一扇,但小得空气都几乎无法进出,还高到让人只得瞥见一抹天光。
I could see Dannys mom watching from her front door to catch a glimpse of her handsome young man getting off the school bus. 我看见丹尼的妈妈站在门口,想看着她自己的漂亮的孩子下车。
I caught a glimpse of him climbing up the ladder towards an open window. 我看见他登上梯子朝一扇开着的窗户爬去。
Did you get a glimpse of her pleasant countenance or come close enough to her ear to sing in it the song she loves to hear? 你没有看见她那可爱的脸庞或偷偷靠近她把她平时最爱听的那支歌唱给她听吗?
The little war of the telegram had given me a glimpse of her love of mischief. 这场关于电报的战役让我看到了她对不幸的人们的爱。
But sometimes you want to understand something so badly that you'll risk going blind for just a glimpse of what it all might be about. 但是有时当你希望了解一些不好的东西,你会冒着变瞎的危险瞥一眼,看看到底是怎样的。
I knew not how it was - but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. 但是,不知怎么的--第一眼看见这幢房子,我的心就被一种令人难以忍受的阴郁气氛窒闷住了。
Intelligence officials knew there was an adult male in there, but they couldn't catch a glimpse. He never stepped in to view. 情报官员知道楼里住着一个成年男性,但始终无法见到他的身影,因为他从不露面。
The restaurant's handyman caught a glimpse of the shadowy figure peering at him from around a corner. 餐厅的工人也说在那看到有个身影直盯著他看。