back to bed

  • 网络梦游者

back to bedback to bed

back to bed


解谜 - 云端软件宝库 ... 寂静之夜:钢琴家( Silent Nights: The Pianist) 梦游者( Back to Bed) 外星人越狱记 汉化版( WARP) ...

Once you get over that initial period, the temptation to go back to bed is usually gone. 一旦你度过这10分钟,想再躺回床上的欲望一般也就随之而去了。
Don't tell me what I can and can't do, Potter. Now get back to bed, all of you. I've never been more ashamed of Gryffindor students. 不用你来告诉我说我能做什么,不能做什么,波特。好了,你们都上床去吧。我从未像现在这样为格兰芬多的学生感到脸红。
True wisdom gives the only possible answer at any given moment, and that night, going back to bed was the only possible answer. 真正的智慧,无论何时仅提供唯一可能的答案,而那天晚上,回床上去是唯一可能的答案。
You still look a little sick. You ought to go back to bed. 你的脸色还是不太好。你应该回家睡觉去。
He could do nothing but go sadly back to bed. 他只好垂头丧气地回家睡觉。
As you get sleepy, go back to bed and use a relaxation technique to fall asleep. 当你想睡觉的时候,回到床上,放松着入睡。
Before the baby was born, you could afford to ignore night-time shrieks from the toddler, or unceremoniously bundle her back to bed. 在小女儿出生前,你可以忽略大女儿夜里的尖叫,或者随便地把她赶回床上去。
The owner was so furious, he slammed down the receiver and went back to bed. 店主非常气愤,砰地一声挂上电话又上床去睡。
Bed gravity is an irresistible force that draws you back to bed, or toward any mattress, couch, or other soft horizontal surface. 床重力是一股让你难以抵抗的力量,能将你拉回床、床垫、沙发或者其他一切软的可以平躺的物件上。
You wake up in the morning, think about your day, and want to go right back to bed. 早晨你醒来,想想一天要干的事情,就想借这回到床上去。
He found a bit of potato, chewed it carefully, swallowed it, and walked back to bed. 它慢慢的咀嚼它,再吞下去,然后走回去睡觉了。
Then I usually go back to bed. This is something of a ritual: At the time of writing, I've composed 2, 006 posts. 这样做已经成了一种习惯:在写博客的这段日子里,我已经发了2,006篇文章。
If it happens to be Bruno, I let him in without a word and then jog back to bed, the roar of the invisible crowd ringing in my ears. 如果来人是布鲁诺,我会无声地让他进来后自己慢走回床上,而在我的耳中就会响起那些隐形的人们群情激动的欢呼声。
I groaned, got up, issued some wine, a corkscrew, some glasses and an ashtray and went back to bed. 我呻吟着起身,拿出一些酒,一个开瓶器,几个酒杯和一个烟灰缸,又回到床上接着睡觉。
I almost decided to go back to bed, convinced I must be dreaming. 看完后,我差点决定回床睡觉,好让自己相信这一定是在做梦。
I got the news last night about 3 in the morning, and I don't think I even went back to bed. 我昨天凌晨3点钟得到这个消息,甚至之后我就觉得再没睡着过。
Samson went back to bed, not much hair left on his head. He ate a slice of wonder bread, and went right back to bed. 大力士又回到床上,没有太多的头发留在他的人头。他吃了一块奇怪的面包,然后又转身回去睡觉。
It's too late to go into that. You heard your father. Go back to bed immediately. 现在已不早了,你们听见父亲的话了,快回床上去。
Iris: Go back to bed. I can't believe you woke me up to tell me that. 艾瑞丝:快去睡吧。真不敢相信你把我吵醒就为了要告诉我这件事。
He let me in and went back to bed. 他让我进门后,就回到了床上。
Mother told me. She quicklyhurried me back to bed, and we waited for the next day to come. 妈妈跟我说,不一会而就把我匆匆带上床去睡了,我们都在等明天到来,这样或许能好一些。
He told his wife to go back to bed, gave the reporter a comment and was snoozing minutes later. 他叫妻子回去睡,向该记者发表一段评论,几分钟后又进入梦乡。
Samson went back to bed, told me that my hair was red. He told me I was beautiful, and came into my bed. 大力士又回到床上,告诉我说,我的头发是红色的。他说我很漂亮。并来到了我的床上。
Redundant levels of hardware brought the system back to status quo ante, and I went back to bed. 后备的多余硬件将系统脱离停工期重回正轨,然后我就重新躺床上睡觉去了。
Today I woke up with voices in my head. . . . and all of them were saying go back to bed. Onwards to work. . . the day beckons. 今天我醒来,脑子们盘旋着各种声音…他们都在对我说,回到床上,再睡会儿。工作在前方召唤。
Get up and do something you find relaxing until you feel sleepy again - then go back to bed. 起来,做一些放松,直到你找到你感到困倦再次-然后回去睡觉。
If you haven't gotten your allotted hours yet, go back to bed and try to fall asleep again! 如果你没有睡够分配好的小时数,回到床上,努力再入睡!
Shocked, he could only watch as I turned and started back to bed. 震惊了的他竟只能呆呆地看着我转身回到病床上。
Then I went back to bed and closed my eyes, but having drunk so much water I soon had to get up again to urinate. 然后我回到床上,闭上眼睛,可由于喝了那么多水,我不一会儿又得起床去解手。
DO NOT dilly dally in the lobby or the night manager will eyeball you until you go back to bed. 不要在大厅随便晃荡,不然晚班经理会一直盯着你,直到你回屋睡觉。