broken heart

  • n.破碎的心;哀恸
  • 网络失恋;心碎;伤心

broken heartbroken heart

broken heart


1.破碎的心;哀恸a feeling of great sadness, especially when sb you love has died or left you


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太空堡垒_百度百科 ... 凯龙复仇 Khyron's Revenge 破碎的心 Broken Heart 雨夜 A Rainy Night ...


急急急急急急急_百度知道 ... 你让我心碎。 You are breaking my heart. 心碎 broken heart 令人心碎 break sb.'s heartstrings ...


Have a heart-英语点津 ... heart is in one's mouth: 十分紧张,焦急万分 broken heart伤心,绝望 hard-hearted: 无情的 ...


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Believe me, Marianne, had I not been bound to silence, I could produce a grief of broken heart even for you. 相信我,玛丽安,如果不是被迫保持沉默,即使对你,我也能表现得悲痛欲绝。
Anita Mui is always like this: with an aroma of generosity and style of a man, she performs a female with a lonely and broken heart. 梅艳芳总是这样,用男人一样的大气与豪情,演绎着女人的寂寞与心碎。
Think of your broken heart just as if it were your arm that is broken instead. 把你破碎的心看做是你的折断了的胳膊。
stands not a hundred yards away, Luz shook my hand had--and it wasn't a fake "smile with a broken heart" sort of grip, either. 尽管希特勒就在不足一百码以外的看台上瞪着我们,卢茨紧紧握着我的手--而且还不是“内心沮丧、强额为笑”的那种虚情假意的握手。
What I know is what I said, what I saw and what I've done. And I'm with a broken heart. 我所知道的是我说过什么,见过什么,做过什么和我破碎的心。
If I were to guess, your daughter's biggest risk right now is of a broken heart. 要我猜的话,目前你女儿最大的风险是伤心。
You were my real love, I never knew love till there was you, from the bottom of my broken heart. 在我破碎的心灵深处,我深切的知道如果没有遇到你,我不会懂得爱,是你让我看到了爱的真蒂。
Be kidding, you know, for a short period of time after we departed, I had a broken heart like you but I managed to make things go on. 开玩笑,你知道吧,在分手后相当短的一段时间时,我像你一样觉得心都要碎了,但我设法让一切如常进行。
he pours out his broken heart in his works that shall bring tears of sacred sympathy from his readers. 他把自己破碎的心全盘呈现在自己的作品中,会从神圣的读者那里赎回同情的泪水。
'Pneumonia, following a chill on the chest' was what the doctor said, but I think it was an old fashioned broken heart. 医生说是‘肺炎,胸部着凉造成的’,但我认为这是典型的伤心过度。
Been cheated once so I know a lot of love, is silly to be all right, or, your broken heart to understand, and thank you for your deception. 已被骗过一次,所以我知道有很多爱,是愚蠢的所有权利,或者,你的心都碎了理解,并感谢你的欺骗。
G. Campbell Morgan put it this way: "Unbelief is an act of the will, while doubt is born out of a troubled mind and a broken heart. " 传道人坎伯摩根这样说道:“不信仰是意志力的产物,而怀疑孕育于烦扰的思绪和一颗破碎的心。”
Sunk in the misery of my eleventh broken heart (I'm a bit of a slow learner), it took me a while to wrap my head around it. 沉浸在我第十一个破碎的心的伤痛中,好一会儿才晃过神。
Mrs Helstone was hardly under the sod when rumours began to be rife in the neighbourhood that she had died of a broken heart. 赫尔斯通太太几乎还未入土,谣言就已传遍邻里,说她是因伤心而死的。
It's not easy to get over a broken heart, but if you believe that you are strong enough and keep yourself occupied, time does the rest. 我们知道,让破碎的心复原并不容易,不过如果你相信自己足够坚强并且保持充实自己,时间会治愈一切。
Victoria: She's suffering from a broken heart. Her boyfriend broke up with her over the weekend. They had been together for two years. 维多利亚:她心碎了。周末,她和男朋友分手了。他们在一起已经两年了。
In order to see it every time I speak broken heart, my heart is really very sad, do not know how to express my love to you. 每次看见你们为了我,操碎了心,我的心真的很难过,不知道如何表达我对你们的爱。
As a young woman with a broken heart, she was reluctant to confide in him, thinking he could not help. She was wrong. 一个心已破碎的年轻女子,她不愿意相信她的父亲,认为他不能给她帮助,可是她错了。
Say that finish TianYuHuang smile a closed his eyes to the sky, Chen with a broken heart. 说完田玉黄笑容着闭上了眼睛,陈顶天的心都碎了。
Everything let me feel sad, i am unhappy and broken heart. i do not like my seat, do not like the place so near to computer & printer. 现在任何事情都让我很不开心和很受伤,我不喜欢我得位子,不喜欢离电脑和打印机这么近。
Fish and birds to leave each other a blessing, each with a broken heart to a distant dream. 鱼和鸟相互祝福着离开了,各自带着破碎的心去远方寻梦了。
Yet another part of me is so weary from carrying the burden of a broken heart. 而我的另一部分承受着心碎的负荷,是那么的疲倦。
After a breakup, life can seem miserable, but a good friend brings light and joy into a broken heart. Be the light in your friend's life. 分手后,生活看起来很痛苦,但是好友会给受伤的心新带来光明和欢乐。点亮你朋友的生活吧。
In contrast, the heart muscle in broken-heart-syndrome patients is stunned in the adrenaline surge and appears to go into hibernation. 与之相反,伤心综合症患者的心脏肌肉受到肾上腺素骤升的刺激,似乎进入了休眠状态。
Thirteen, I wish I could have told you not to chase some boy. I wish I could have held you when you had a broken heart. 十三岁,我希望我可以告诉你不要去惹一些坏男孩。我希望我可以再你伤心难过的时候拥抱你。
Mary would have taken her, all guilty and erring, to her bosom, and tried to bind up the broken heart. 否则,虽然那人犯了罪过,玛丽一定会拖住了她,尽量去安慰那颗已经破碎的心。
I wish I'm still a kid. No broken heart, no painful tears. Only a wounded knee but a kiss from mom makes everything okay. 我希望自己依旧还是个孩子,没有破碎的心,没有痛苦的眼泪。只有一个摔破的膝盖,但妈妈的一个吻,就会让一切都完美如初。
He never considered the risk of a broken heart. 他从来没考虑过自己有会绝望的可能。
So they pull down the statue of the Happy Prince. They melt the statue in a furnace . But the broken heart does not melt. 于是,他们拆除了快乐王子的雕像,把雕像放在一个熔炉里熔化。但是,那颗破裂的心却无法熔化。
Some things, like broken TV would be repaired. And others, like broken heart, are a little more complicated. 有些东西,譬如坏掉的录影机,还有机会修复;但有些东西,像是破碎的心,就比较复杂了。