dots and lines

  • 网络曲名

dots and linesdots and lines

dots and lines


曲名 (dots and lines) 完整歌曲官网 (自订大小 x 256x144 40% 384x216 60% 512x288 80% 640x360

and learned about the connection between dots and lines through placing little beans on the clay. 并用小豆豆等等练习点与线的关连性。
Qu Fengguo records his life track by abstract dots and lines on his painting. 曲丰国,在绘画中借抽象的点和线来记录生命的轨迹。
We are what we're supposed to be Illusions of your fantasy All dots and lines that speak and say What we do is what you wish to do 我们就要做自己整天做着白日梦点点线线就是我们的语言我们任你们摆布
Cross Detecting Algorithms Based on Compound Characteristic in Dots and Lines 基于点线复合特征的图像十字架检测算法研究