美 [dəˈmestɪk]英 [də'mestɪk]
  • n.佣人;家佣;家庭纠纷;家庭矛盾
  • adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的


domestic demand,domestic market,domestic animal,domestic use,domestic competition


1.[ubn]本国的;国内的of or inside a particular country; not foreign or international

2.[obn]家用的;家庭的;家务的used in the home; connected with the home or family

3.喜爱家庭生活的;享受家庭乐趣的;乐于操持家务的liking home life; enjoying or good at cooking, cleaning the house, etc.

International capital is typically much more volatile than domestic capital and its mobility is often the trigger for financial instability. 国际资金一般都远较本地资金波动,其四处流窜的特性往往成为触发金融不稳定的原因。
Start with its oil consumption. Domestic crude production is rising only slowly, so imports are growing by more than 30% a year. 我们可以从石油消耗说起,中国国内原油产量上升缓慢,每年多于30%的原油是依赖于进口的。
Like international trade, domestic trade in farm produce is often highly distorted. 像国际贸易一样,国内农产品贸易往往受到严重扭曲。
It must also manage liquidity in the bubble-prone domestic economy while trying to micromanage lending in the state-owned banking sector. 它还必须在努力对国有银行部门的放贷行为进行微观管理的同时,管理易于产生泡沫的国内经济中的流动性。
Our dilemma was that we were constrained by domestic pressures from choosing either of the two options that made strategic sense. 难办的是,囿于国内压力,我们无法在两个具有战略意义的方案中作出选择。
One of a breed of American domestic fowl having gray, barred plumage, yellow legs, and a rose - colored comb. 多米尼加鸡;芦花纹鸡一种羽毛灰色有花斑、腿黄、冠玫瑰色的美国家禽。
The property sector is still in a slump, and domestic consumer spending isn't making up for the slowing of both these areas. 房地产业依然低迷,而国内消费开支却未能弥补这两个领域的放缓。
Between them, these two things have created a virtuous circle in which rising exports are balanced by a growing domestic market. 在它们之间,这两个原因已经造成了一个良好的循环,一个增长中的出口与成长中的内部事成所平衡。
Combination of fundamentals, continued to fall, driven by the external disk, cannot be immune from the domestic sugar price. 结合基本面,在外盘持续下跌带动下,国内糖价不能独善其身。
An inward remittance is where a foreign bank sends funds to a domestic bank with an instruction for the bank to pay the funds to the payee. 汇进是指外国银行将资金汇到国内银行并指令该银行付款给收款人的汇款。
Gross domestic product rose at half the rate of slow-growing France and a third that of the US. 其国内生产总值的增长速度只有本已增长缓慢的法国的一半,美国的三分之一。
If it helps, you can think of a process as its own sovereign nation, with borders, resources, and gross domestic product. 为了便于理解,您可以把一个进程想像成一个独立的国家,有边界、资源,还有国民生产总值。
The aim is for the company in North America to be able to break even in a domestic market with annual sales of 10m vehicles. 公司在北美的目标是在国内打破年销量1千万辆的指标。
said: "The strong domestic economic demand, the import increase and a slow world's economic recovery do little help to our export. " 联邦银行经济师布莱思说:「国内经济需求增强,进口也因此大增因,而全球经济复苏太过温和,对我们出口助益不大。」
Both the United States and China are entering a period when domestic political concerns are beginning to loom large. 美中两国都将进入一个政治敏感时期,本国的政治顾虑将逐渐增加。
Ms. Hu said that China was making strides towards rebalancing its own economy by trying to stimulate domestic consumption. 胡晓炼指出,中国通过刺激国内消费,在实现本国经济的再平衡方面正取得长足进步。
Domestic airlines had steeply discounted regional flights in June as the much-touted Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail line prepared to open. 6月,由于大力宣扬的京沪高铁线路即将开通,国内航空公司的支线航班票价纷纷大打折扣。
It is often packed with domestic visitors at peak season, but is less well-known to foreign travellers. 每到旅游旺季,国内的游人如织,然而外国游客对西湖却较为陌生。
In terms of prestige and kudos, the League Cup is almost like the poor relation of the domestic Cup competitions. 就名气与荣誉来说,联赛杯似乎是一个在国内没有分量的杯赛。
But with the internationalization of the domestic market competition intensifies, really developed into a strong brand is extremely limited. 但随着国内市场国际化竞争的加剧,真正发展成强势品牌的极其有限。
The President must now decide how much horse-trading he's willing to engage in on his top domestic priority. 总统现在必须决定他愿意在自己最重要的国内优先目标上接受多大程度的讨价还价。
Domestic banks will no doubt roll over the small amounts of short-term treasury bills maturing in coming months. 希腊国内银行无疑将对未来几个月内到期的短期国债进行展期。
Meanwhile, the paper investigates several other meaningful benchmark distributions which haven't been used in domestic research. 同时,讨论了几种国内研究尚未使用过的比较有意义的基准分布形式。
But cups are very special in this country and it was the only domestic trophy we haven't won in the last two years. 但是杯赛在这个国家有特殊的意义。这是我们过去两年内惟一没有获得的国内奖项。
Let us ask ourselves the question: If Chinese exports were to weaken, could domestic demand make up the difference? [font=Verdana]首先要问一个问题:如果中国的出口趋于疲软,国内需求能否弥补其影响?
Retail interest in QDII funds is being driven by an overpriced domestic stock market and a lack of investment options at home. 散户投资者对QDII基金兴趣浓厚,原因在于内地股市估值过高,且投资者在国内缺乏投资选择。
Such a comparison partly reflects the fact that much of China's vast domestic savings is kept in the bank. 这种对比结果,一定程度上反映了这样的事实:即中国规模庞大的国内储蓄,大部分都被放在了银行里。
The HSBC reading was the lowest in a year, reflecting relatively lacklustre demand in domestic and foreign markets. 汇丰中国制造业PMI为一年内最低,反映出国内外市场需求相对疲弱。
"Domestic titles are very important but to win the Champions League you are saying we are the best team in Europe, " he said. “联赛冠军非常重要,但是只有获得欧冠你才能说我们是欧洲最好的球队,”他说。
But to unleash the ECB or to embrace eurobonds could precipitate a domestic crisis that would be almost as catastrophic. 但是放松对欧洲央行的限制或者同意欧洲债券将促成几乎同样灾难性的国内危机。