day by day

  • na.“day after day”的变体
  • 网络逐日;每一天;只往好处想

day by dayday by day

day by day


【资源】英语常用短语 ... day and night 一天到晚 day by day 逐日 deal in 经营 ...


荷东_百度百科 ... │ 06 Ole Ole Ole 凯歌 │ 07 Day by Day 每一天 │ 08 New Attitude 新风格 ...


1. 只往好处想DAY BY DAY) .少女时代歌曲在线收听[引用日期2012-08-11].玖伍≮∵≯... 版本 编辑本段定义 韩国组合“少 …


初中英语介词有哪些_爱问知识人 ... by train 乘火车 day by day 日复一日
one by one 一个接一个


初二下册英语单词表_百度文库 ... bright 明亮的 day by day 一天天地 believe 认为;相信 ...


day by day 和day after day的区别_百度知道 ... day by day 是一天又一天 day by day 一天又一天(事物,人发生额变化) ...


2010-02-24 少女时代 二辑里《只想起好事情(Day By Day)》是几个人唱的? 9 2011-12-22 day by day (只想起好事情)少女时 …

"The toll tax is increasing day by day and there is no mechanism to check how the toll tax is levied, " he said. 高速公路收取的通行费天天都在上涨,而且没有任何机制来检查这些通行费到底是怎么征收的。
It just shows how sinful my heart is and how much I need you to show me where I am wrong, day by day and week by week. 主啊,我错了。刚才我说的话,正显出我的内心充满了恶念,我何等需要你每天指出我的错处。
Although it had such an insignificant beginning, the rumour had grown and increased in detail and importance day by day. 尽管谣言的起因是如此不足为凭,但东传西传便渐渐加油添醋,增加了重要的内容。
Zheng's health is deteriorating day by day, and his mother said she hopes she will be able to find the criminals who disabled her son. 小郑的健康状况正逐日恶化,他母亲说希望能找到使其儿子致残的(失去健康)那些犯罪分子。
Just as you know, our promotion is really popular, and so the stock is dropping off day by day. 正如您所了解的那样,我们的促销产品非常受欢迎,因此其库存也日益减少。
I always think there is nothing to be worth writing. The time repeats day by day without change. And work goes on in its own way. 总觉得没什么可写的,日子总是那么过,时间又总是那么一天又一天的重复着,而工作依然是那么好有规律的进行。
Personally yes, it's not easy to adapt to this time difference, but it's something that goes gradually, day by day. 我个人觉得有点影响,要适应时差不是很容易的,不过这也是个逐渐的过程,一天天的就好了。
as she spake to Joseph day by day, that he hearkened not unto her, to lie by her, or to be with her. 后来她天天和约瑟说,约瑟却不听从她,不与她同寝,也不和她在一处。
It seems to be a fat cat after having so much fish day by day. 每天都吃这么多鱼,这只猫以后可能要长成一只大肥猫。
I grow up day by day, but do not know why, the mother warm smile is no longer common, often severe instead on faces. 我一天天地在长大,但不知道为什么,母亲那亲切的笑容已不再多见,取而代之地常常是严厉的面孔。
And he made his point even as, day by day, he raised Christ's body at his church on the lower East Side of Manhattan. 他日复一日地在曼哈顿东部卑下的贫民区,高诵基督的经文,如此证明了自己的观点。
She watched him grow and develop day by day and it was a never-ending wonder as he began to walk and talk and reason. 她看着他一天天的成长,发展,从他开始走路,到讲话,到思考,这是一个无尽的奇迹。
Day by day our captain had taken his instruments and, looking up to the sky, had fixed his course by the sun. 我们的船主每天拿著他的测量器,望著天,藉著太阳来规定他的行程。
Ticket agent said frankly that this month, some routes are close to the ticket prices "up day by day, " the. 机票代理商坦言,本月开始,部分航线的机票价格已经接近“一天一涨”了。
"Public morals are declining day by day. " Such is the correct exposure of the dark side of our society. “公共道德日渐堕落。”这就是对我们社会阴暗面的准确揭露。
Let me sing for you, develop with you day by day. 我为你歌唱,见证你一天天成长。
Day by day its color is faded just like an old letter paper bald-headed pen rusty door lock closed iron house. 沉沉的日子泛起闷黄的颜色,一如用久的信纸、秃头的钢笔、锈迹斑斑的门锁、密不透风的铁屋。
Day passes day by day, though the time that we know is not long, I find that has already fallen in love with you deeply by oneself. 日子一天一天地过,虽然我们认识的时间不长,但我却发现自己已深深地爱上了你。
It is Only by struggling in such a way that mankind will see a world getting more glorious day by day. 只有通过这种方式的竞争,人类才能拥有一个日益辉煌的世界。
Information is generally recorded day by day, for up to a month, at intervals that you specify. 通常以天、月或您指定的时间间隔为单位来记录相应的信息。
Time passes, we grow up day by day, ideas gradually become rational, strong and mature for the concept of time, it should be the case! 时间流逝,我们在一天天长大,思想逐渐变得理智、坚强和成熟,对于时间的概念,也应是如此!
Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, said: "A day-by-day financial transactions tax is not something we are prepared to support. " 美国财长蒂姆-盖特纳(TimGeithner)表示:“逐日征收的金融交易税不是我们准备支持的东西。”
As we grow up day by day, we ought not always to count on our parents, which means we have to be independent. 随着我们渐渐成长,我们不应该总是依靠父母,我们应该学会独立。
Since I returned to Amoy, my mood had come cool day by day. Anyway, life was on her go. 回到厦门后,我的心情渐渐平静下来,无论如何,生活还是要继续的。
And Lisa, that good sport, did seem to adjust, day by day, as the house filled up with the dusty feeling of impending abandonment. 至于丽莎,这个运动好手,似乎一天天地在改变,家里弥漫着即将成为弃妇的凄凉感,死气沉沉的。
I would really like to go on the train. I think that it would be great to spend three days watching the landscape change day by day. 确实挺想坐火车去的,我想花三天时间,一天一天看着风景变化感觉肯定特好。
I am pleased to see the children grow up day by day, recognize the alphabet, will be reading, and write a sentence. 我欣喜地看着孩子们一天天成长,认识拼音了,会读书了,会写句子了。
In order to satisfy the citizen day by day aggregate demand, starts to let loose the citizen to leave country gradually the traveling. 为了满足公民日益增长的需求,开始逐渐放开公民出境旅游。
Day by day the king of Babylon gave Jehoiachin a regular allowance as long as he lived, till the day of his death. 巴比伦王赐他所需用的食物,日日赐他一分,终身是这样,直到他死的日子。
Our Education Philosophy: Cherish the children most dearly, and carefully observe their growth day by day. 幼儿园的教育理念:亲情呵护,关注孩子的每一天。