
  • n.国际广播会议;铁结合力;国际广播公司
  • 网络国际广播中心(International Broadcast Center);国际广播电视中心;国际商业公司(International Business Company)



国际广播中心(International Broadcast Center)

国际广播中心IBC)和国家体育场“鸟巢”之间,有一座戒备森严、充满神秘感的高塔,这就是2008年北京奥运会的电视转播 …


关于国际广播电视中心(IBC)、公共信号和技术服务2010年04月08日11:34 英女子巨乳差点捂死男友 美战斗机突破音障瞬间

国际商业公司(International Business Company)

马绍尔群岛国际商业公司 (IBC) 可免交公司税、所得税、利润税、预扣税、资产税、印花税,并且无外汇管制。 马绍尔群岛国 …

炎性乳腺癌(inflammatory breast cancer)

疗治性炎性乳腺癌 (IBC) 拉 替尼疗示了良好疗效 帕 2008 年ASCO 疗告了 EGF103009 究初步疗果: 研 入疗 件: 疗疗和紫杉 …

英国剑桥国际传记中心(International Biographical Centre)

入选英国剑桥国际传记中心IBC)《国际名人录》第26版(1998) 开放分类: 人物 分享到:更多 w_ou , 庆云乐寿李保坤 , l…

国际广播会议(International Broadcasting Convention)

Sisvel 今天在国际广播会议 (IBC) 上宣布推出一项新的联合专利授权计划(或称专利池),旨在针对 DVB-T2的必要专利提供授 …

The IBC vocabulary is meant only to classify announcements, but could have easily been used to classify more node types. IBC词汇表只用来对公告进行分类,但是也可以轻松地用于对其他节点类型进行分类。
Because of its rarity, IBC is often misdiagnosed as mastitis or generalized dermatitis. 由于其稀有性,IBC被误诊为乳腺炎往往或全身性皮炎。
Finally, we weren't sure how much memory or disk was needed to support the IBC site. 最后,我们还不确定支持IBC站点需要多少内存或硬盘空间。
With the IBC site, we are working with a fairly technically savvy user base that, for the most part, uses up-to-date browsers. 对于IBC站点,我们面对的用户具有比较高的技术水平,他们中的大多数人使用最新的浏览器。
One of the requirements of the IBC site is to force users to authenticate before any content can be displayed. IBC站点的需求之一是要求对用户进行身份验证,然后才能显示内容。
Background &Objective: Inflammatory breast cancer(IBC)is a special form of rapidly progressive breast cancer with poor prognosis. 背景与目的:炎性乳腺癌是一种特殊类型的乳腺癌,病程进展快、预后差。
Some content on the IBC Web site has the potential of being quite wide, so we wanted to use as much of the browsers viewport as possible. IBCWeb站点上的某些内容可能相当宽,所以我们希望尽可能利用浏览器窗口的宽度。
Providing the resource requirements necessary to execute the IBC site is easy; a simple e-mail was all that was necessary. 提出执行IBC站点所需的资源需求很容易;一封电子邮件就够了。
It also gave us enough ideas for a low-fidelity prototype that we could use as a way to involve the IBC community in the design process. 它还帮助我们建立一个低真实度的原型,我们可以利用这个原型让IBC社区参与到设计过程中。
For the security need of the current electronic bidding, an Identity-based Cryptosystem(IBC) electronic bidding scheme is proposed. 针对当前电子招投标活动的安全性需求,提出一种基于身份密码体制(IBC)的电子招投标方案。
For the IBC site, this was the stage in our process where we asked the client to start entering real data. 对于IBC站点,在这个开发阶段,我们要求客户开始输入真实数据。
In this and the next article, you'll learn about our approach to constructing a custom theme for the IBC Web site. 在本文和下一篇文章中,您将了解我们如何为IBCWeb站点构造定制的主题。
This paper summarizes different religious and moral views on the "Declaration on Universal Norms on Bioethics" drafted by the IBC of UNESCO. 文章概述了对由IBC负责起草的“生命伦理学普适规范宣言”的不同的宗教和道德观点。
This section covers some of the common usage scenarios we encountered while developing the IBC site. 本节展示我们在开发IBC站点时遇到的一些常见的使用场景。
Goodpack has operation in Asia Pacific, Europe and the America and its returnable IBC system is currently used in more than 50 countries. 新加坡好运公司在亚太地区,欧洲和美国都设有代表处并在全球50多个国家中建立起自己的储运箱循环系统。
And then, users benefit from the simplicity and facility of IBC dispensing with the complicated processes of dealing with certificates. 这样,用户使用简单易用的IBC服务,摆脱了证书相关的复杂操作;
And I hope to provide a reference for the IBC's model specification and Empirical Study. 笔者期望以此为来源国形象方面的模型构建和实证研究提供参考。
Games-time operations centre for Host Broadcaster and Rights Holding Broadcasters. The IBC houses office space and technical areas. 奥运会期间东道主转播机构和转播商工作的地方,分办公区和技术区。
The following list shows examples of the modifications applied to the print style of the IBC site. 下面列出了对IBC站点的打印样式的几处修改。
Historically, IBC is a lethal disease with less than a 5% survival rate beyond 5 years when treated with surgery or radiation therapy. 从历史上看,国际生物伦理委员会是一个比一个超过5年5%的存活率,与手术或放射疗法治疗致命疾病少。
According to our records the Company does not maintain a register of mortgages and charges under the IBC Act. 依照于我们的档案公司不维护抵押记数器并且不充电在IBC行动之下。
If the current theme is named ibc, and we are theming the content announcement, then the theme function name would be ibc_announcement. 如果当前主题名为ibc,而且我们要对内容announcement进行主题化,那么这个主题函数名就是ibc_announcement。
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare and aggressive form of invasive breast cancer accounting for 2. 5% of all breast cancer cases. 炎性乳腺癌(IBC)的是一种罕见的侵袭性乳腺癌的会计和进取为2.5%,所有乳腺癌病例的形式。
We enable the IBC vocabulary and add it to the right sidebar block with a weight of -9. 启用IBC词汇表并将它添加到右边栏区块中,设置权值为-9。
Their accreditation in "E" category and allowed for the venus and the Main Press Centre. However, they are not allowed in the IBC. 以“E”在大会证件上表示,凭此证件可以进入场馆和主新闻中心,但不能进入IBC。
This section allows the announcement to be assigned to one or more terms from the IBC vocabulary. 这个部分允许为公告分派一个或多个来自IBC词汇表的词汇。
Equipment installation has been completed in International Broadcast Center (IBC) and Main Press Center (MPC). 国际广播电视中心、主新闻中心设备安装工作已经完成;
It is up to the commission to prove them wrong. 要证明它们错了,就看IBC的了。
To start our new theme, the team copied the Bluemarine directory inside the themes directory and renamed it ibc. 为了开始创建新的主题,团队复制了主题目录中的Bluemarine目录并将它重命名为ibc。
The description of the IBC vocabulary is also shown in Figure 3. IBC词汇表的描述见图3。