
美 [ʃʌt]英 [ʃʌt]
  • v.关闭;关上;关门;合上
  • adj.关闭;关门;停业;合拢
  • n.关闭;焊接缝;【语】闭锁音;【机】冷塞
  • 网络闭上;关着的

现在分词:shutting 第三人称单数:shuts

shut door,shut window,shut mouth,shut Gate


1.[t][i]~ (sth)关闭;关上;合上to make sth close; to become closed

2.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)停止营业,关门,打烊when a shop/store, restaurant, etc.shuts or when sbshuts it, it stops being open for business and you cannot go into it


shut your mouth/face!

(粗暴地要某人停止说话)住口,闭嘴a rude way of telling sb to be quiet or stop talking

shut up shop

停业;关张;倒闭;打烊to close a business permanently or to stop working for the day


人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... weekend n. 周末 " shut vt. &vi. 关上; 关闭 mix vt. &vi. 混合; 搅和 ...


人教版九年级英语课本单词表 - 豆丁网 ... (=con’ t)想象 shut 关上(门、 窗、 盖等) carry 搬运; 携带 ...


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... trousers( 长裤) 十五、(29-30) 1、 shut( 关门) 2、 bedroom( 卧室) 3、 ...


英语常用动词_百度文库 ... close v. 关, 关闭, 结束, shut v. 关上, 闭上, 关闭 pay n. 薪水, 工资 付款 ...


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... open( 开着的) 12、 shut( 关着的) 13、 light( 轻的) 14、 ...


仁爱九年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... disabled adj. 残疾的,残废的 shut v. 关上,封闭;禁闭;合拢 rope n. 绳子,绳索 ...

He came into the room to shut the windows while we were still in bed and I saw he looked ill. 他走进我们房间关窗户的时候,我们还未起来。我见他一副病容。
He is much fish still and I saw that the hook was in the corner of his mouth and he has kept his mouth tight shut. 这鱼依旧很厉害。我看见过钓钩挂在它的嘴角,它把嘴闭得紧紧的。
The woman shut up and quietly sat down as though in a daze. 妻子一时说不出话来,安静的坐了下来,一脸的茫然。
By the time I got there it was shut but went next door to Wat Pho to see the massive reclining Buddha who had some quite cool shoes on! 的时候我到了那里,它被关闭,但去了隔壁的卧佛寺看到巨大的卧佛,有一些相当酷的鞋!
From Europe to the Pacific, we have been a nation that has shut down torture chambers and replaced tyranny with the rule of law. 从欧洲直到太平洋地区,我们是一个关闭了刑讯室和以法治取代暴政的国家。
Preemptively trying to shut down the dialogue by shouting at the curious is the truly sensationalist move here. 要通过对好奇者叫嚣来先发制人结束对话,这样真的是彻彻底底的耸人听闻的举动。
So that her highborn kinsman came And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre In this kingdom by the sea. 于是她那些高贵的亲戚来到凡间把她从我的身边夺去,将她关进一座坟墓在这个滨海的国度里。
"I think the more attention you draw to it, the worse it becomes, so it's better just to shut up and swallow your pride, " he said. 我想你越是在意那些事,那只会让事情变得更糟,所以还是闭上嘴,咽下那口气吧。
But aside from trying to grab a little more shut-eye, what exactly can you do to try to improve your memory? 但除了试图争取多一点睡眠时间,你究竟可以怎么做,来提高记忆力呢?
But she said she did not believe some of Parliament's many bars should be shut down in a bid to make them more sober. 但她说,她坚信议会的许多酒吧根本不用关门停业,仅仅为了使它们更加清醒。
To which she held up one of heR arms in a threatening gesture, so I shut my mouth. 我一说这句话,妈妈就会举起一只胳臂,摆出再说就要打我的姿势,所以我马上闭上嘴。
When she approached the gate of the noisy town, Lizette shut her eyes and took off the hat long enough to put on the scarf. 当她靠近那个嘈杂的城市的城门的时候,莉莎特闭上了眼睛,把帽子拿掉好把围巾戴上。
US oil groups were all but shut out of Iraq as the country completed the biggest oil field auction in history at the weekend. 伊拉克在周末完成了该国历史上规模最大的油田开发招标活动,美国石油集团几乎全部出局。
Reduce rapid traverse and federate, and always be ready to shut down the machine immediately if necessary. 检查加工程序,应使用较小的快速移动速度和进给速度,必要时,时刻准备立即关闭机床
He said his weibo has been shut down at least twice by someone in authority who didn't approve of what he was writing. 他说他的微博已经被一些不赞成他所写的当局人士人关闭至少两次。
She groaned and shut her eyes as if she suffered a lot, her jaws clenched. 她闭着双眼,紧咬着牙关呻吟着,仿佛正在承受巨大的痛苦。
Shut them down and risk revolt; leave them alone and a growing number of wealthy traders could form a threatening constituency. 彻底关闭它,就会面临反抗的风险;置之不理,越来越多富裕起来的商人可能形成一群有威胁的选民。
That frugal business model has helped it deal with the fact that it has been shut out of some of the most lucrative routes in the nation. 这个节俭的商业模式帮助它面对已被全国最盈利的航线排斥在外的事实。
A couple of weeks ago I tried to broach the matter but he looked as if he was about to have a coronary, so I shut up. 几周前,我设法把这个问题提出来,但他看上去好像就要犯心脏病了,因此我闭上了嘴。
"Part of me wants to brick the door shut and never let anyone in here, " he said. "But the science has to happen. " “有时候我真想拿几块砖把门给堵上,不要任何人进来,”他说。“但那只是想想而已。”
However yesterday the 30-year-old seemed to shut the door on a possible transfer by pledging the rest of his career to Juve. 然而昨天,这位30岁的球员似乎关闭了转会巴萨的大门,因为他说希望在尤文结束足球生涯。
Like others, he says he might have to shut his company down, but he plans to look elsewhere for business opportunities. 如同其他放款人一样,他说他也许要关掉自己的公司了,但他会计划去别处寻找商机。
Colin covered his eyes with his hands until he was inside the four high walls, and the door was shut again. 柯林用手捂住眼睛,直到进了那四堵高大的围墙里才松开,门又被关上了。
"Ashamed of drinking! " The tippler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence. “惭愧自己喝酒!”酒鬼不再说话,陷入了深深的沉默。
"The U. S. has got to be careful it's not shut out, " said Keeler, now with the law firm of Mayer Brown LLP. 现在美亚博法律事务所(MayerBrownLLP)任职的基勒说:“美国必须谨慎行事,不要被排除在外。”
He seemed to be shut up in himself like a shellfish. 他看来像贝壳似地把自己关闭起来,一点也不作声。
"If you say so, sir, " the bartender says, "but Thursday night, you came in to ask how soon the police were planning to shut us down. " “如果您这么说,阁下,”男招待说“不过星期四晚上,你来问过关于警察打算什么时候来关闭我们这里的俱乐部。”
His lawyer sighed and, when he couldn't get Dennis to shut up, sat down in disgust. 他的律师叹了口气,既然不能让丹尼斯闭嘴,只好嫌恶地坐了下来。
When I was a poor man and had a solicitor once, he got shut of me as quick as he could. 当我是个穷人的时候,我也有一个律师,他甩掉我的时候想都没想。
"They like to stand out there in the sun and not to be shut up in an apron, " said her grandfather. “那是因为它们喜欢站在阳光下,而不喜欢被关在一个围裙里啊,”爷爷说。