south china

  • n.华南
  • 网络南华;华南地区;华南区

south chinasouth china

south china


中国分华东,华南等好几区,是怎么分的_百度知道 ... 华北[ north China] 华南[ south China] 华中[ central china] ...


亚洲优胜者杯_百度百科 ... 艾卡迪沙 Al-Qadisiya 南华 South China 横滨水手 Yokohama Marinos ...


莫斯科华盛国际物流有限公司 ... 华东地区 East China 华南地区 South China 新疆地区 Xinjiang Region ...


重庆大学土木工程学院 ... Southwest China 西南区 South China 华南区 East China 华东区 ...


巧嘴英语做导游... ... Unit 5 Southwest China 西南地区 Unit 6 South China 中南地区 Unit 8 At an Arts&Crafts Shop 工艺品店 ...


...自印度(India)及缅甸(Burma),后来者有南中国(South China)及印度支那(Indochina),是为马来人(Malays),据传移民前来的马来 …


你曾出生在下列现代人居住区附近 今中国南部South China) 距今大约 1225.年你的职业曾是 牧羊人, 马术师, 护林人.---------- …


...的情况出现在北中国陆块(North China)与南中国陆块(South China)自冈瓦那大陆(Gondwana)的「印度-澳洲」(India-Australi…

But all sides called it a hopeful sign toward a peaceful resolution to the overlapping claims in the South China Sea. 但各方都认为这将是各个国家和平解决中国南海重复区域主权问题的有效迹象。
And China has submitted a map that seems to assert ownership of a vast part of the South China sea. 中国提交的地图显示了该国对中国南海的一大片海域的主权的坚持。
He said the Philippines will abide by the code and is willing to promote joint development in the South China Sea. 他说,菲律宾会格守《南海各方行为宣言》,并且愿意就南海共同开发进行合作。
The formation, evolution and dynamic mechanism of South China Sea have always been a hot topic in geological study. 南海的形成、演化和动力学机制一直是地学界的研究热点之一。
This step-up in military coordination with Australia follows similar U. S. diplomatic forays around the South China Sea. 在这次与澳大利亚加强军事合作之前,美国曾围绕南中国海问题进行过类似的外交努力。
Lately China has exhibited symptoms of bipolar disorder in its approach to the thorny question of sovereignty over the South China Sea. 最近中国在应对南海主权这个棘手问题上出现了躁郁症的征兆。
First south China normal is a beautiful place, it clean campus, elegant environment harmonious atmosphere is all students to dream. 首先华南师范是一个美丽的地方,它整洁的校园,优雅的环境和谐的氛围是所有学生梦想的地方。
Row-lock cavity wall is a load-bearing structure and is often used in parts of south China, especially remote rural areas. 空斗墙作为一种承重结构,在南方部分地区,特别是偏远农村地区较为常见。
Look for it out in bookstores, or check the South China Morning Post interview with the author here. 可以在书店买到该字典,可以在这里找到南华早报对作者的访问报道。
Mr Lam said he wants to buy the Invincible through his South China company Sunway Yachts and move her to China for renovation. 他想通过名下的珠海绅斯威游艇公司买下无敌号航母并运回中国维修。
The South China Sea is scattered with many islands, reefs and submerged shoals to which the general name South China Sea Islands is given. 在中国的南海海面上,散布众多的岛礁暗沙,总称为南海诸岛。
China warned other countries to stay out of escalating disputes with its neighbors over the South China Sea, even as the U. 中国警告其他国家不要干预中国与其邻国在南中国海问题上不断升级的争端。
Free navigation in the South China Sea has never been affected by the disputes and is out of question. 南海地区的航行自由从未因争议受到影响,不存在任何问题。
It was the latest volley in an increasingly bitter exchange that began last week with a confrontation in the South China Sea. 这是自从上星期两国在南中国海对峙而导致双边关系日益紧张以来,双方最新的一次争执。
Mr Obama intends to raise the matter of territorial disputes in the South China Sea at the East Asia Summit in Bali at the weekend. 奥巴马想要在本周在巴厘岛召开的东亚峰会上提出南中国海的领土争端问题。
Navy 23, said the joint exercise program has long been established, with the current tensions in the South China Sea has nothing to do. 美国海军在23日表示,这次联合演习的计划早已确定,与目前南海的紧张局势无关。
"China holds a consistent stance that the South China Sea issue is not an issue between China and the ASEAN, " he said. 他说,“中国持有一贯的立场,认为中国南海问题不是中国与东盟之间的问题。”
The South China Sea presages a different form of conflict than the ones to which we have become accustomed. 南海将预示一场不同形式的冲突,将是世人从未见过的。
Others said the number of injured protesters was far higher, the South China Morning Post reported. 《南华早报》报道,受伤的示威者人数远远高于13人。
Instead, it was likely a message to other countries with which China has territorial disputes, particularly in the South China Sea. 相反,它更像是给外界传递了中国背负着主权争端的信息,特别是在中国南海。
He added that "the situation in the South China Sea is stable" and that it ought not to be discussed at the Hanoi summit. 他补充称,南海局势是稳定的,这不应该成为河内峰会的讨论议题。
The fossils date to a period when south China was a large island just north of the equator with a tropical climate . 化石的形成时间可以追溯到中国南方还是赤道附近的一个巨大岛屿的时候,那时中国属于热带海洋气候。
Tembin made landfall over the eastern coast of Luzon that evening and dissipated over the South China Sea the next day . 它于十一月十日早上增强为一热带风暴,傍晚在吕宋东岸登陆,翌日在南海消散。
This month saw an apparent attempt to engineer a low-level naval confrontation with an American spy ship in the South China Sea. 本月可见一个明显的意图,在南海制造一起低层面的、与美国间谍船对峙的事件。
Chinese kale is one of specialty vegetables in South China. In recent years, it has been introduced and cultivated in many other areas. 芥蓝为中国华南地区特产蔬菜,近些年,许多其它地区已引种栽培。
Last month, its navy planted a flag at the bottom of the South China Sea in a show of sovereignty. 上个月,中国海军在南中国海海底插入一面中国国旗,以宣示中国主权。
More significant than these talk-fests for China and the U. S. are the minor confrontations that have been occurring in the South China Sea. 对于中国和美国而言,比这些长期议而不决的会议更重要的是最近在南中国海发生的一些小摩擦。
Dumpling is now available in the north as well as south China and most people enjoy dumplings either as a staple food or as dim sum. 饺子,大江南北皆有的食物,无论以它作主食或点心,都令人们对它钟爱万分。
Navy says one of its surveillance ships was harassed by Chinese vessels in the international waters of the South China Sea. 美国海军说,美国的一艘监测船在南中国海的国际水域遭受中国船只的骚扰。
Qin Shi Huang unified Lingnan, set up in the South China Sea Lingnan County , Guilin and the county as the county . 秦始皇统一岭南后,在岭南设置南海郡、桂林郡和象郡。