
美 [wi:ks]英 [wi:ks]
  • n.“week”的复数;威克斯
  • 网络周;星期;爱你九周半



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配置 Nginx - 服务器应用 - ChinaUnix.net - ... d:Days( 天) w:Weeks( 星期) ms:Milliseconds( 毫秒) ...


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1914年,在威克斯weeks)诉合众国一案中,联邦最高法院运用该规则否定不合理的搜查和扣押。六年后,联邦最高法院在 …


告示牌百强单曲榜 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 歌手( Singer) 周数( Weeks) 顺序( Order) ...


美国原装BabyPlus胎教系... ... 1 hour in evening 晚上一个小时 15 weeks 15 个星期 First sound reaction( 第一次对声音反应): ...


“有得放矢”“因地制宜”本轮法甲例行在安歇一周后(Weeks),先导倒数第二轮的赛事,人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚 …

A few weeks earlier he had sold me a ring and a gun; it turned out that the ring belonged to the victim and the gun was the murder weapon. 几个星期之前,他卖给我一枚戒指和一把枪,后来证明戒指是受害者的,而这把枪是作案工具。
Six to eight weeks later, the bladder is ready to be put into the patient. 六到八周之后,膀胱就已经成熟,可以被植入到病人体内了。
Companies can no longer afford to have executives out on trips for weeks at a time. 公司无法再承受让高管一次在外出差几个星期。
The only problem is that such an enterprise has never been attempted in deep water, and it would take at least two weeks to be put in place. 但唯一的问题是,这种大胆的设想从没有在深海试验过,而且这么做至少得花上两个星期。
After we shipwrecked my team continued to search for the transmission source. It was weeks before we found the radio tower. 在我们的船只失事后,我的队伍继续搜寻着电波的来源。
Seltsovsky attributes this, in part, to the heat, fires and dangerous smog that were in the air of and on for the last eight weeks. Seltsovsky解释到,说在过去的八周,部分地区还遭受到高温、大火和空气中的危险有毒烟雾影响。
'A few weeks or months of negative earnings will not mean much to the value of these businesses in the long run. ' 几周或几个月的亏损对这些公司的长远价值不会造成太大影响。
But as soon as they were born at Elgin Maternity Hospital five weeks ago, she and husband Barry knew that it wasn't going to be a problem. 但五周前,当这对双胞胎在埃尔金产科医院出生后,她和丈夫巴里就知道这不是个问题了。
I think we should go for two weeks. We could spend a week in Sydney and a week at the Great Barrier Reef, including a few days on the beach. 我想我们应该去两个礼拜.在悉尼玩一个礼拜.去大堡礁玩一个礼拜.这样可以在沙滩上放松几天。
Fonterra could have gone public nearly six weeks earlier but Mr Ferrier insists that the wiser course was to work within the system. 恒天然本可以提前近6周将此事公之于众,但费里尔坚持表示,更明智的方法是在体系内部解决。
It would often be better, she thinks, not to try so hard to eke out a few more hours or weeks but to concentrate on quality of life. 她认为很多情况下,竭尽全力使病人多活区区几小时或几周不如将精力花在提高他们的生活质量上。
If it doesn't rain within the next few weeks, the crops will have to be watered if they are to survive. 如果在近几个星期不下雨的话,要使庄稼生长下去就要给它浇灌了。
In the last three-and-a-bit weeks, there should be eight more, which gives us something to look forward to every few days. 而在最后的三个多星期,我们要跑过八个州,我们每隔几天就会有了新盼头。
He will have intensive treatment over the next couple of weeks but it is too early to say if he will be fit for the game against Everton. 未来两周他将接受集中治疗,但现在就断言他是否能在对埃弗顿的比赛前康复还为时过早。
After several weeks of scandal and fury, Nashi seems to have been called off by its masters, at least for now. 丑闻和暴动发生后的几个星期,Nashi的活动看来被其首脑叫停,最起码暂时是这样的。
"I am going to be out for a few weeks but once I get back, it will hopefully be for some important games, " Owen said. “我将缺阵几周,但一旦我回来就希望参加重要的比赛,”欧文说。
But a few weeks ago, he asked if I had ever thought about taking it beyond a fantasy and actually having a threesome. 但就在几周之前,他问我说,是否曾想过将想象具体化成一场真正的三人行。
And within weeks, they forced the German forces to leave Sicily for the Italian mainland. 而在数星期内,他们被迫离开了德国队的意大利西西里岛大陆。
Jacob recommends that you give a new product at least 6 weeks to produce a change in your complexion. 雅各布博士指出,一款新产品至少要花6周的时间才能显效。
Stay away from people places and situations which might tempt you to smoke at least for few weeks after quitting . 在戒严的首几个星期避免接触会引诱你再次吸烟的人场所和情况。
I had no pleasing food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, and I put no oil on my body till three full weeks were ended. 美味我没有吃、酒肉没有入我的口、也没有用油抹我的身、直到满了三个七日。
in the car prior to observe the four weeks to see if there is no doubt that person, if there is, then the car should be careful. 在上车之前,注意观察四周,看看有没有怀疑之人,如果有,那上车时应该当心。
Oh, in a few weeks. I'm only away for a short time. I'll be back in Beijing soon - around the end of the month. B噢,几个星期以后。我只离开一小段时间。我很快就回北京来——大约在月底的时候。
Mr Merckle is thought to have lost some euro400m ($550m), an amount he had been trying to raise in recent weeks from a consortium of banks. 据信默克尔先生损失了40亿欧元(折合55亿美元),最近几周他在银行财团间奔走筹集这笔巨款。
What I've done over the past four weeks tells me that's the case and I've got total confidence in it. 我最近四个星期的情况告诉我这一点并且给了我十足的信心。
How much dose it cost if I stay there for two weeks? 我如果在那儿待两周要多少钱?
Ms. Chua wrote most of the book in eight weeks, yet struggled with the end, she said, reflecting the East-West tug on her parenting. 这本书的大部分是蔡女士在八周内写就的,但她对结尾有些纠结,她说,用东西方不同视角来看肯定会有不同的情感。
Just a few weeks ago, polls showed Mr Tedisco with a double-digit lead over Mr Murphy. 就在几周前,民调票数显示泰迪斯科领先于墨菲两位数。
On top of that Tracy McGrady will supposedly be shut down again, this time for at least two weeks, to rest his troublesome knee. 最重要的是麦蒂理应被关闭了,这个时候至少两个星期,他的麻烦休息膝盖。
Some companies expect you to give two weeks notice, others will want you out the door by the end of the day or even immediately. 公司希望你提前两周发出通知,希望你当天下班就离开公司,甚至希望你马上就走。