write as

write aswrite as

write as

A writer ought to write as if he was going to die at the end of a book. 作家写作应如同他将在书完成之日即死去一般。
Actually, it was Smith that supported Judy for her college and asked her to write as reporting of her study and life in the college. 实际上,是史密斯资助朱迪上大学,并要求她写信当作汇报在大学里的学习和生活。
You use the command line just like any other command line; it executes all the JavaScript you write as if it were part of the page. 这种命令行的使用方式与其他命令行一样;它执行您编写的所有JavaScript代码,好像它们就是页面的一部分一样。
You write as if I disagreed with you. 好像我不认同你说的。
When writing to someone you know well, feel free to write as if you are speaking to the person. 如果写给你熟知的人,用语可以像平时说话一样。
Because my whole life is a long, long dream. . . . . . Today, though it has been a little late, I must start to write as well. 因为我整个的一生就是一个长长的梦。……今天,尽管为时已有些过晚,我也要开始写了。
But if you don't need a portable solution, this sort of measurement might be easier to write as a Xalan TraceListener. 但如果您不需要可移植的解决方案,那么作为XalanTraceListener这种衡量手段可能更容易编写。
The Demand Siders are brilliant, but they write as if changing fiscal policy were as easy as adjusting the knob on your stove. 需求方是明智之人,但是他们的口吻似乎是,改变财政政策就如同调节你炉子的旋钮一样轻而易举。
Main Idea: After you have read more then ten thousand volumes, you will find it easy to write as if God was there helping you. 格言大意:读书超过万卷以后,下笔写作时就像有神帮助一样了。
The nice thing about websites is, as a moonlighting thing, you can write as often as you want, on a whim. 在网站上发文章有一点好处,就像做兼职,你要突然有什么想法,随时都能写下来。
Finding the ideal working habits that will allow me to write as consistently as possible is always something I'm exploring as a writer. 寻找一种理想的工作习惯,让我能够尽可能始终如一地坚持写作,是我作为一个作家始终不断探索的领域。
write them down at the top of a sheet of paper, and then write as many answers to each one as you possibly can. 自上而下,将他们写在纸上,然后,尽你可能的回答这些问题,能写多少写多少。
There is only one way to defeat the enemy, and that is to write as well as one can. The best argument is an undeniably good book. 只有一个方法能击溃敌人,那就是写得尽可能的好。最好的辩解就是一本无法拒绝的好书。
Write frequently : Write as frequently as you can, may be even more than twice a day, but don't let quantity get in the way of quality. 频繁地写:尽可能频繁地写,也许一天写了多与两篇的文章,但不要为了数量而忽视了质量。
An old schoolmate and chum of mine, of ten years ago, wants me to read him all that I write as fast as I write it. 又有一位我十年前的老同学、老室友要我把我写的都念给他听,写得有多快就念多快。
"A bad book is as much of a labor to write as a good one" (Aldous Huxley). “写一本坏书需要的劳动量和写一本好书的一样多”(奥尔德斯·赫胥黎)。
Often a lead will take nearly as long to write as the rest of the feature, but that's fine. 通常,写导语所花的时间与写文章剩下的部分不相上下,这是很正常的。
So I want to write as a woman, I want to say the things that a woman wants to say, but all I've got to say it with is a man's sentence. 所以呢,作为一个女人我想写作,我想说妇女想说的话,但我又被迫得用男人的话说出来
It's easy to write, as Zenko does, that women suffer more from family balance pressures. 像曾科那样说明妇女在平衡家庭方面承受更大压力是很容易的。
A journalist learns to write as if she does not exist. 记者必须学着像自己不存在一样地去写作。
Write as you naturally do on a paper surface , using cursive style , printing, or a combination of both . 就像通常在纸张表面上一样,使用草书、印刷体或二者兼而有之地进行书写。
Open source solutions also enable you to assemble software applications quickly, because you don't need to write as much code anymore. 开源解决方案还可以帮助您迅速组装软件应用程序,因为您不再需要编写大量代码。
Moreover, the Demand Siders write as if everybody who disagrees with them is immoral or a moron. 此外,需要方的口吻似乎是,不赞同他们的人就是缺乏道德或是弱智。
David Write as if you're on deadline and have 500 words to make your point. Then do it again. And again. 假装是最后期限了,自己还有500字的内容没写。然后再次这样。再这样。
When I am in such a mood, Please leave me along and let me write as the pen dictates. 或是处于这样的心境时,请别管我,请让我信笔驰骋。
write as if with print; not cursive. 用印刷体印刷;非草书。
That may sound harsh, but I write as the father of a 19-month-old asthmatic. 像不像哮喘病人气管的声音?本文作者正是一位19个月大哮喘患儿的父亲。
This makes our sample code easier to write; as a general rule, an application should not depend on this setting. 这样编写示例代码就会更容易;但作为一般规则,应用程序不应该依赖此设置。
This, to me a topic to write as main business site for, the traffic has been impressive. 这对我一个以课题写作为主营业务的站点来说,这个访问量已经非常可观了。
Ferroelectric random access memory (FRAM) with a non-volatile, and can read and write as quickly as RAM. 铁电随机存储器(FRAM)具有非易失性,并且可以象RAM一样快速读写。