
美 [dremt]英 [dremt]
  • n.梦;梦想;理想;愿望;梦想;空想;理想;美景
  • v.梦想;做梦;梦见;想象;梦想;想像;做梦;梦见
  • 网络作梦;戴姆特

单数:dream 复数:dreams 过去式:dreamed 过去式:dreamt dreamed 现在分词:dreaming

dream come,realize dream,fulfill dream,achieve dream,fulfil dream
bad dream,beautiful dream,strange dream,wonderful dream,rosy dream


n. v.

1.[c]梦;睡梦a series of images, events and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep

2.[c]梦想;理想;愿望a wish to have or be sth, especially one that seems difficult to achieve

3.[sing]梦幻状态;恍惚;出神a state of mind or a situation in which things do not seem real or part of normal life

4.[sing](informal)梦一般美妙的人(或事物);极美好的人(或事物)a beautiful or wonderful person or thing


go/work like a dream

性能极佳;十分有效to work very well

in your dreams

你妄想;你在做梦used to tell sb that sth they are hoping for is not likely to happen

like a bad dream

噩梦般令人难以置信so unpleasant that you cannot believe it is true


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(42) ... dreamscape 幻景 dreamt 梦想 dreamworld 梦样世界 ...


Dreamer是什么? - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... dreamful 多梦的 做梦 dreamt 做面包 panification ...


高中英语不规则动词分类速记 - 豆丁网 ... (挖)→ dug→dug dream (梦见)→ dreamt→dreamt feed (喂养)→ fed→fed fee…


这句话是什麽意思?→I dreamt of you -... ... of= 所有的,.....之中,....数量的,以...制的,关於 dreamt= 梦见,作梦 you= 你 ...


Irregular Verbs List&nb... ... Catch /caught/ caught 接住, 抓住 dream/dreamed,dreamt / dreamed,dreamt 梦想,


戴姆特(DREAMT)地暖中国网站全新上线2012-05-08无锡和熙科技有限公司2012-05-08 选择地板做地热采暖—比选用地砖好处 …

It is vital to understand that this third finale is not a nightmare dreamt up by editorial writers. 最后一种结局并不是本刊社论作者臆想出的梦魇。理解这点至关紧要。
He dreamt of a serpent coiling around his throat, and when he strove to grasp it the slimy thing glided away from his clutch. 他梦想着蛇卷取围绕他的喉咙,当他力求把握它slimy事手拙远离他的离合器。Thenhisdreamwasclamor。然后,他的梦想是热闹。
There was no fashion when I was a little girl, so I never dreamt about anything having to do with it. 我小的时候,还没有时装这一说,因此从来没有想过和时装有关的任何事情。
This is just as a different character might have dreamt of making a dramatic century. 这就象一个局外人梦想创造一个打满百分的戏剧般的奇迹一样。
For three consecutive nights, the maid had dreamt of Master conversing with her and knew that She had come to bless her. 后来女佣连续三晚都梦到师父和她谈话,她开心地得知那是师父在加持她。
He dreamt an old dream of a hovel by the sea, three dogs whimpering, a woman's tears. 他梦到一个曾经做过的梦:海边的旅馆,三只狗在呜咽,一个女人在流泪。
No one would have dreamt of there being such a fine place. 谁也没有想到会有这样的一个好地方。
One night, he dreamt that God appeared to him. Tearfully, he begged God to forgive him for his foolishness. 一天晚上,陶工又梦见了上帝,他眼泪汪汪地祈求上帝原谅他的愚蠢无知。
Wrote the article "I dreamt of you again last night" and caused some to be very curious who that "you" is. . . 写了一篇“昨夜又梦见了你”,导致好一些人很好奇这个“你”到底是谁…
The problem is none of the mechanisms dreamt up to ensure that company leaders serve shareholder interests has worked. 为确保公司领导层能够维护股东利益所设计的那些机制,无一奏效。
He was someone I watched as a kid and I never dreamt I would be breaking any of his records. 他是我从小的偶像,我从来没想过我能打破他的任何一项纪录。
As you release all your karma ahead of time then the gathering can flow as you and earth dreamt it to be. 当你提前解除了所有相关的业力,那么那次聚会就会朝着你和地球所梦想的方向流动。
Is China's car industry at a turning point, poised to launch out on the great global venture Beijing has always dreamt of? 中国汽车工业是否正处于一个转折点,即将开始打造中国政府一直梦寐以求的全球巨擘?
One friend says she dreamt she was having such a passionate affair with a colleague she decided to leave her husband for him. 一位朋友说,她梦到与一位同事产生了这亲密关系,决定离开自己的丈夫和他在一起。
Had I seen you, I would have come out, Severus, really. It was such a long time; I started to believe I had dreamt it all. 如果我看见你的话我一定会出来的,真的,西弗勒斯。真是隔了太长时间了,我都开始怀疑自己是不是在做梦了。
He dreamt of that man and half a dozen times he awakened just as he thought a kriss was being drawn across his throat. 他老是梦见那个人,他有六、七次都觉得有人在用马来短剑割他的脖子而惊醒了。
Then a few nights ago, I dreamt I was on an old ship. There was a terrible storm. 然而前几晚,我梦到了在一艘古老的船上。那里有恶劣的暴风雨。
Maybe people think I was out of my mind. If that was the case, you would make a mistake. I mean it. I really dreamt all that last night. 或许有人认为我疯了。如果真是这样,是错误的。我是认真的,我真的在昨晚梦见了这一切。
When they handed him over to be brought up largely by his grandmother they cannot have dreamt that that name would prove so apt. 小刘翔是由奶奶带大的,那个时候,谁都没有想到,这个名字的美好意愿竟是如此灵验。
And if she had been dissolved into earth, or worse, what would you have dreamt of then? ' I said. “要是她已经化入泥土,或是更糟;那你还会梦见什么呢?”我说。
He dreamt of a prairie gift that would "pay for itself in quality-of-life dollars, " as he was fond of telling supporters. 就像他喜欢对支持者说的那样,他幻想得到一个“带来生活品质改善”的草原礼物。
You are not poor just because your dreams did not come true; really poor is only he who never dreamt. 你的梦想没有实现并不表示你是穷人。真正的穷人是永远不做梦的人。
It was a very religious era, and everyone dreamt of a Garden of Eden. The plants and spices were proof that such paradise existed. 那还是一个宗教主宰的时代,人人都向往着伊甸园,而那些植物和香料就是这个天堂真的存在的证明。
"It's provided publicity we couldn't have dreamt of, " he said. In Australia, the film now had a cinema release "previously unthinkable" . “我们没想到他对电影的宣传提供了条件,”他说,在澳大利亚,电影在电影院放映的效果是“以前没有想过的”。
Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of. 他也没有让这种疾病阻止他过自己一直梦想的生活。
We were no longer sure that we wanted to live in London and bring up our child there and we dreamt of escaping to a less hectic life. 我们已不再相信梦想,我们曾那么希望生活在伦敦,我们的梦想是摆脱忙碌的生活。
"I've certainly dreamt of lifting the World Cup - it's what dreams are made of, " he said. 他说:“我确实梦见过手举大力神杯——这些就是梦的组成”。
If I hadn't dreamt of being a soldier or a newspaper boy. I wouldn't have learned to swim, to dive, to climb trees or to ride a bicycle. 如果我没有梦想着成为军人和邮差,我就不会学会游泳、潜水、爬树还骑车。
While she slept she had a dream. She dreamt that the Neverland had come too near and that a strange boy had broken through from it. 达林太太睡着以后做了一个梦,她梦见永无乡离得很近很近,一个陌生的男孩从那里钻了出来。
When people dreamt his or her eyes blind, it symbolizes he or she can't trust anybody, even the relatives and friends. 当人梦见他(或她)的眼睛瞎了,这就象征着他(或她)不能信任任何人,甚至包括他(或她)的亲朋好友。