the top

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the topthe top

the top


◎☆阳明上‧屋顶上(The Top)~景观餐厅 by Emily*Sha回应文章 | 检举 | Posted by Steven at August 9,2010 18:18 | 检举 | Posted...


More Shenzhen - Venue - For Complete Food... ... Grissini House Grissini 意大利餐厅 The Top 顶部 LSD 迷幻剂 ...


...何对目标进行预期的:它通过使用climax来表示“顶端the top)”,而实际上,单词climax只是一个帮助人们到达顶端的工具 …


强烈推荐屋顶上餐厅The Top)屋顶上餐厅为峇里岛风格餐厅,坐落在阳明山山顶,是台湾人气超高的阳明山景观餐厅,所以 …


闪电侠 - 搜搜百科 ... 回力棒队长( Captain Boomerang) 尖峰人( The Top) 艾伯‧卡迪巴( Abra Kadabra) ...

三一口语1级单词_百度文库 ... head 头顶: the top (: )of the head 发: ...


我喜欢的乐队之-the cure(转自网络) ... JAPANESE WHISPERS 日本悄悄话 THE TOP 顶点 CONCERT 音乐会 ...

No matter where you are in the organization, ultimately your job is to help the top honcho move the company forward. 无论你处于一个团体的什么位置,你工作的最终目的是协助你的老板使公司向前发展。
when leaves at the end of the meeting or in the middle, please place the receiver on the top of a table or deliver to the conference staff! 会议结束或中途离场,请将接收耳机放置于桌面或交予会议工作人员!
A crystaline stackable principle in the center on the top, which I am trying to turn into a concert hall in Iceland. 利用水晶结晶在顶部推砌的原理我想把它作成冰岛的一个音乐厅。
At the top of the stairs he drew from his pocket another key, with which he opened another door. 到了楼梯顶上,他又从衣袋里取出另外一把钥匙,用来开另一扇门。
I wanted to be an ambassador, and my mentors, my heroes, people who got to the top of my profession, and here I was throwing it all away. 我希望成为一名大使,我的导师们,我心目中的英雄们,那些到达事业的顶峰的人们,我现在却要舍弃这一切。
If you will pull a dollar bill out and take a look at it, you will notice that it says "Federal Reserve Note" at the top. 假如你拿出一张美元,注意看上面的字,你会发现最上面写着“联邦储备银行券”。
Gets the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. 获取控件下边缘与其容器的工作区上边缘之间的距离(以像素为单位)。
Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. 从前,有一群小青蛙组织了一场跑步比赛,目标是登上一座非常高的塔的顶端。
Brian finished the "H-vac" programme in 2007 at the top of his class, but he landed in an economy already beginning to teeter. 2007年,布赖恩以全班前几名的成绩完成了H-vac课程,但此时美国经济已开始步履蹒跚。
He was swept up into the center of them and my link with him was broken as I was carried up to the top of a high building nearby. 他被卷入到这群车队中去了,而我却被带到附近一座高层建筑的顶部,于是我同他的联系也就中断了。
Never pass another car on a curve or near the top of a hill; obey the signs you see along the road. 切勿在弯路或近山顶之处超越它车,要遵守沿途看见的交通标志。
Goalkeeper Julio Cesar is at the top of his game, with Internazionale's Lucio and Roma's Juan in front of him. 守门员塞萨尔正值巅峰,在他身前,是国际米兰的卢西奥和罗马队的胡安。
And then, from there, he climbed directly up the bark until he got to the top of the tree. 接着,从那里他直接从树皮爬了上去直到他到了树顶。
AIDS is no longer one of the Top 10 American killers, but the same cannot be said for many countries. 艾滋病不再是美国的十大杀手之一,但许多国家的情况并非如此。
The little muscles on the top of your shoulders work too hard and become inflamed, causing "weight lifter's shoulder, " she said. 你肩膀上部的小肌肉运动强度太大了,会发炎的,并且引起“举重肩膀”(即负荷过重)。
And while two years out of the past decade are in the top 10 on this measure since 1965, four show up in the bottom 10. 而且虽然在过去十年中有两年跻身1965年以来的表现十佳年份之列,但也有四年被扫入了倒数十名的队伍。
The roughest road is often the one that leads you to the top. 往往是那些最困难的路让你到达顶峰。
Narcissus Unlike most flowers, it is known as the "Ivy Ling Po Fairy, " is one of the top ten flowers. 水仙花不同于一般的花,它被称为“凌波仙子”,是十大名花之一。
The top portion of the shoe, or the upper, is usually made of leather, synthetic leather, or a combination of materials. 鞋的顶端部分就是鞋面,通常由皮革、合成革或者是材料的组合。
The official website of the X3 movie which contains a wealth of content and interactivity, all wrapped up in an over-the-top experience. 该电影的X3其中包含了丰富的内容和交互性的官方网站,都包裹在一个过度的顶经验。
Driving a convertible with the top down could expose you to dangerous noise levels on a par with a building site, claims a new study. 最新的研究告诉我们,驾驶敞篷车会使你暴露在危险的噪音下,几乎跟处于嘈杂的建筑工地一样。
In a minute he returned carrying a little black wand with a red berry on the top of it. 过了一会,他带着一根顶端有红莓的黑色小魔杖进来。
And the Sunshine State seems to take its summer reading seriously: Florida was the only state to have three cities in the top 20. 而阳光州看起来把暑期阅读看起很认真:佛罗里达州是前20名中唯一一个有三个城市的州。
A humpback whale breathes air at the surface of the water through two blowholes which are located near the top of the head. 驼背鲸呼吸空气的方式是在水的表面,利用它头上面附近的二个通风孔。
Hawthorne Avenue turns uphill, over the top, and downhill to a length of a thousand feet. 霍索恩大街总长有1000英尺,由上坡段和下坡段组成。
Starting as a clerk in a shop which peddles rags, he rips through the garment jungle to reach the top of his outwardly glamorous profession. 他以一个卖旧衣服的小店伙计起家,在服装界闯荡,终于达到了他看来很吸引人的事业的顶峰。
However, a vertical line sitting perpendicular to the top and bottom of the canvas has more of a tendency to convey a sense of height. 然而,与画布顶端和底端垂直的竖线往往更适于传递高度之感。
Use the top of the brush in an up and down movement to clean the back of the front teeth. 用牙刷的顶端上下移动来清洁门牙的背面。
said he wanted reform of the international monetary system to be at the top of the agenda at the group's November summit in Seoul. 他指出,在汉城十一月份的高级会议上,他希望把国际货币体系改革放在议程的首位。
In April Liu Mingkang, the top banking regulator, said he had asked the banks to submit "comprehensive" reviews of their loan books by June. 4月份银行业的最高监管者刘明康表示,他已经要求各银行6月份前提交“全面”的贷款账目报告。