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to heart


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声优人物G篇... ... 《Saint Beast 四圣兽》————朱雀 《To Heart [映像特典] 》——观众创 《Gate keeper (地球守护者)》 影 …

Under this circumstance, we could assign a good time to have a heart-to-heart talk with him trying to get rid of misunderstanding. 面对这样的情况,我们可以找个合适的时间和他进行心与心的交流,努力解除误解
Instead, he returned and went into his palace, and did not take even this to heart. 法老转身进宫,也不把这事放在心上。
We would be having a heart to heart discussion. I might speak from the bottom of my heart or say things honestly and truthfully. 我们将有心对心的交谈。我说话发自内心或诚实的真诚的说事情。
We often forget how much kids take parental criticisms to heart and how much these affect their feelings about themselves. 我们常常忽视孩子内心是多么在意家长的批评,忽视这些批评对他们的感情影响有多大。
Come on, friends, Do not Gerou, you and me, Heart linked to heart, Height to see the forest! 来吧,朋友,千万别割肉,我和你,心连心,高岗看森林。
The man took this advice to heart and returned after a month to say that he had learned to listen to every word his wife was saying. 男子真心诚意的接受了他的建议返回了。一个月后,他又回来对大师说,他已经学会了去听他妻子所说的每一句话。
I tried to have a heart to heart chat with him on this issue, but it didn't work. 我费了一番力气想与他坦诚沟通,但没有什么用。
When we have a chance again to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk, my love is still as ever, only that I will not let you know. 当我们再有机会坐下来,好好地谈一谈的时候,我的爱依旧,只是不想在让你知道了。
up to six mugs of the pick - me - up beverage a day will not in fact lead to heart or digestive damage in a healthy person , experts say. 专家指出,健康的人一天喝六杯这种提神饮料,实际上也不至于伤害心脏或消化道。
Don't take to heart every thing you hear. Don't spend all that you have. Don't sleep as long as you want. 不要把你听到的所有东西都记住,不要花掉你所有的钱,不要随心所欲地睡觉。
Regardless of what I said after what makes you sad. . . Please don't take it to heart. 真的……无论我说什么让你伤心之后…请不要把这事放在心上。
Countless people stand, to heart within the inviolability of their motherland, in the dark, in the stigma, struggle they shed blood. 无数仁人志士挺身而出、前仆后继,为了心中神圣不可侵犯的祖国,他们在黑暗中摸索,在屈辱中抗争他们抛头颅、撒热血。
The woman sank back to a sitting posture on the floor, and, covering her eyes with her hands, gave way to heart-broken sobs and wailings. 那女人往后一倒,坐到地板上,她把双手蒙着脸,不由得伤心痛哭起来。
If it were possible, I would prefer to be there with you at this moment, to sit with you and talk, face to face and heart to heart. 如果可能的话,我更愿意在这个时候陪着你,跟你坐在一起面对面地谈心。
She was one to be listened to, whose words were easy to take to heart. 她的话轻而易举地征服了人心,她正是我们要聆听的声音。
The women who went for medical help said the intensity or frequency of the symptoms made them feel they might be related to heart disease. 去寻求医疗求助的女性说这些症状的集中出现或者高频率出现使她们感到可能会与心脏的疾病有关。
Take George Eliot's declaration to heart: "It is never too late to be what you might have been. " 把乔治艾略特的宣言牢记在心:“去成为你本应该成为的人,任何时候都不算晚。”
How I wish I could have a heart-to-heart talk with you with no end even if I could not see the big smile on your face. 多想一直那样跟你倾心交谈着,哪怕不能见着你的脸,不能看着你的笑颜。
Party is not eating and drinking, but ready to fruit, snacks and candy, and teachers talking heart to heart. 联欢会不是吃饭喝酒,而是准备水果,点心和糖果,和老师聊天谈心。
I've had a sincere, heart-to-heart talk with her, and now she's come to see sense. 我同她真心真意讲了一番话,她就明白过来了。
The result of recent research suggests that stress, smoking and a lack of exercise are the main reasons that lead to heart diseases. 最近的研究成果表明,压力、抽烟、缺乏锻炼是导致心脏病的主要原因。
She writes melodies and songs by herself and she has written a book named Heart To Heart together with her mother. 她自己创作歌曲,她还与母亲合写了一部书《心灵对话》。
After the two met, have produced a feeling of love, heart to heart, parental consent, you ready to become husband and wife. 两人相遇后,纷纷产生了爱慕之情,心心相印,征得父母同意后,就准备结为夫妻。
Whether consciously or not, the Royal Academy of Engineering in Britain seems lately to have taken Shelley's fable to heart. 不知有意还是无意,英国皇家工程学会似乎最近才把雪莱的想法放在心间。
Yancy: You know that the World Heart Federation has an international goal to see a drop in death due to heart disease by 2020. 作为中国心血管学会的主席,我所确立的目标为降低脑卒中和心血管疾病死亡率。
Mr Obama seems to have taken their criticism to heart; on September 2nd he postponed a costly rule on ozone emissions (see article). 奥巴马貌似听进去了这些批评,9月2日,他推迟出台一项高价条款,是关于臭氧排放的(详见条款)。
I'm pleased to see that they taken my suggestions to heart and followed my advice. 我很高兴看到他们认真考虑并采纳了我的建议。
Mary would like to have a heart-to-heart conversation with her mother. 玛丽想和她母亲进行知心的谈话。
You ride at my carry on the back up, I take you to the islet up, let you eat to heart's content. 你骑在我的背上,我把你带到小岛上去,让你吃痛快。
Shake with your right hand then touch your hand to your heart, to indicate that you're taking the meeting to heart. 他们握你的右手,然后用你的手触碰你的心,来表示你用心体会这次见面。