
美 [tun]英 [tjuːn]
  • v.调整;(为乐器)调音;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调
  • n.曲子;曲调
  • 网络调子;和谐;调节

复数:tunes 现在分词:tuning 过去式:tuned

carry tune,Sing tune,whistle tune,write tune,compose tune
popular tune,simple tune,familiar tune


n. v.

1.[c]曲调;曲子a series of musical notes that are sung or played in a particular order to form a piece of music


be in/out of tune (with sb/sth)

(与…)协调╱不协调,一致╱不一致,融洽╱不融洽to be/not be in agreement with sb/sth; to have/not have the same opinions, feelings, interests, etc. as sb/sth

in/out of tune

音调正确╱不正确;演奏合调╱走调to be/not be singing or playing the correct musical notes to sound pleasant

to the tune of sth

(用于强调)总额达,总数为used to emphasize how much money sth has cost


曲字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 曲衷〖 heartfeltemotion〗 曲调tune;melody〗 曲高和寡〖 highbrowsongsfindfewsingers〗 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Tube 电子管,真空管 Tune 调谐,和谐,调音 Tuner 调谐器 ...


调字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 调值〖 tonepitch〗 调子tune〗 调转〖 turn〗 ...


-- 记录大学生活点滴 - zdl1016 ... syntactic PR: 句法模式识别 tune: 调谐,调整 dicision boundary: 判别边界 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Tube 电子管,真空管 Tune 调谐,和谐,调音 Tuner 调谐器 ...


调字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 调养〖 takegoodcareofoneself;nurse〗 调音tune〗 调匀〖 mixevenly;mixwell〗 ...


2008-10-18 -- 工业控制英语词汇大全 ... try 尝试 试图 努力 tune 调节 tuning 调谐 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... tuition n. 教学,学费 tune n. 曲调,旋律,协调,调动 tunnel n. 隧道,地道 ...

sugar six money, flour paste 3 money, onions, ginger and a little bit of soy sauce mixed with a good opening tune. 糖六钱,面酱三钱,葱,姜,酱油一点点的良好开局调混合。
He took heR to the dance hall to dance heR favourite slow waltz to the tune of "auld Lang Syne" . 他带她到舞厅,伴随着“友谊地久天长”的曲调,跳她最爱跳的慢华尔兹。
On today's show, two beautiful ladies will share these interesting pet stories with you. Stay tune and do not miss it. 在今天的节目中,两位美丽的女士将与你分享这些有趣的故事,千万不要错过哦。
Listen to this, will you? It's a bit sad, but a fine tune for a night like this. 听听这首,好吗?有点伤感,可今晚正合适。
Every sort of trades would have their own melodic tune in hawking, people could identify them without stepping out to see. 他们各行各业有各自的呼唤声调,使人一听便知道是什么行业的人来了。
If any sexual behaviour is out of tune with the natural world, it is surely that of the priesthood. 如果有任何和这个自然界唱反调的性行为,那无疑就是这种天主教的僧侣生活。
Extra RAM is usually cost-effective when compared to the time you would spend trying to tune an underpowered system. 额外的随机存取储存器通常是有成本效益的当与当你会花费尝试调节一个动力不足的系统的时候相较。
THUS getting in contact and tune with your SOULS AND DIVINE WISDOM, might be the topic of the next one, my dear Son and Scribe? 因此,与你的灵魂和神圣的智慧,在接触和调整,可能是下一个,我亲爱的儿子和抄写的主题?
The server needs some fine tune for better performance and I will tell you how. The installation of the softwares is in Part II. 我后面会介绍服务器需要调优提高性能的位置。第二部分是软件的安装。
His hand on my waist is as guiding as it always was, and he hums the tune to himself in a steady, youthful way. 像往常一样他把手放在我的腰部引导着我,嘴里哼着曲子,显得沉着冷静,朝气蓬勃。
And while sometimes kids can drone on and on and become easy to tune out, you can't do it when they're trying to interact with you. 虽然有时候孩子们会很烦人,变得不听话,可你决不能在他们想和你交流的时候无视他们。
The Libyan intervention feels like a last reprise of that old tune, rather than a bold statement for a new age. 干预利比亚行动给人的感觉更像是这首老歌的最后一次回放,而非开创一个新时代的大胆宣言。
Finally there are four Tang dancers who seem to be swaying to a tune. Suddenly all the other figures seem static and mute. 最后是四个唐代的舞姬,她们似乎正随着一首乐曲摇曳身躯,霎那间让人放佛觉得其他所有的陶俑都变得静寂无声。
See for yourself: Tune an old analog TV to an empty channel. Much of that "snow" is from the cosmic microwave background. 自己看看:打开老式模拟电视,切换到一个空台,许多“雪花”就是宇宙微波背景辐射。
As you fine tune your memory of what it was that made you feel appreciation, you will find yourself feeling that emotion again. 当你很好的调整到让你感受到赞赏的记忆时,你会发现自己又一次感受到了那种感动。
She explained that it had simply gotten so out of tune that she could not stand to hear it any more. 当问到她关于钢琴的事时,她解释道,简单地说钢琴那时变得走调了,实在听不下去。
Measure the performance of the system, and where your entities do not meet expectations, try and tune the container to optimize the queries. 衡量系统的性能,以及测试您的实体不满足预期结果的地方,尝试调整容器以优化查询。
When Pippi opens her present, she's so excited that she jumps up and down. She plays the music box for a long time. It has a pretty tune. 皮皮打开礼物,兴奋地蹦蹦跳跳。她打开音乐盒,听了很长一段时间,好美的旋律。
His brutality and fraudulence have become so plain for all to see that neighbours who once defended him are changing their tune. 他的野蛮和欺诈已经清楚的表露出来,使得那些曾经支持他的邻国改变了态度。
A madman is not less a musician than you or myself; only the instrument on which he plays is a little out of tune. 疯子是个不亚于你我的乐师,只是他演奏的乐器有点走调。
It could also be used to fine-tune an electronic nose, if such a device were to be used at the site of a disaster. 如果在灾害现场利用电子鼻,这一结果也可用来调整其精确度。
Conversely, it may also be that individuals with MDD turn to happy music to "tune out" their negative moods or to elevate their moods. 相反,患有抑郁症的青少年转向愉快的音乐可以“撇开”消极情绪或消除他们的情绪。
Tune in to your body more often and start to recognize the patterns an when it's trying to tell you something. 收听到你的身体更加频繁,并开始认识到一个模式时,想告诉你一件事。
This paper has analyzed the dialogue nature of text words of A Person In Loneliness emphatically from complex tune novel theory of Pectin. 本文从巴赫金的复调小说理论出发,着重分析了《孤独者》文本话语的对话性特征。
Some of the waiting crowd began to dance when the sound system belted out a Michael Jackson tune. 当音响中传来迈克尔·杰克逊的歌曲时,等待的人群中有人跳起舞来。
Before a battle though I will practice up to 8 hours a day for a couple of weeks to tune my body up and push it to a higher level. 在有battle比赛之前,我会用两个星期时间,每天练习8个小时,调整身体,是自己达到一个最佳的状态。
But how much we tune into it, and how developed it is, depends on us. 但我们能否与它建立联系及把它开发则取决于我们。
They were in tune with one another, she was writing books in praise of Osama bin Laden. 他们相互之间也变得更为协调。她开始写颂扬本。拉登的书。
Such stretching is exactly what scientists say best keeps a brain in tune: get out of the comfort zone to push and nourish your brain. 这种扩张是精确的。科学家认为这是最好的保持大脑协调的途径。避开使你感到舒适的地带,推动以及养育你自己的大脑。
Tom always said he didn't want any children, but he's whistling a different tune since his wife gave birth to a son. 汤姆以前总是说他不要孩子。但是,自从他太太生了一个儿子后,他现在非常喜欢孩子。