the day after

  • 网络后来;翌日;第二天

the day afterthe day after

the day after


李闰珉_百度百科 ... 05. Kiss The Rain 雨的印记 06. The Day After 后来 07. Sometimes... Someone 你在哪里... ...


这是美国电影《翌日》(The Day After)描绘的核战争可怖后果,这一幕被科学家卡尔·萨根用“核冬天”来概括。ABC电视台198…


人教版高三全册重要词组和句型复习 ... all day off 放一天假 the day after 第二天 do sb good 对某人有好处 ...


@movies【开眼电影】 ... 色 彩: color 那天之后 The Day After 出 品 国: Korea ...


您的位置:首页 >> 电影 >> 剧情 >> 《之后的一天》(The Day After )[DVDRip] 《之后的一天》(The Day After )[DVDRip] 下面 …


...页是模特模特Trish Goff摄影系列,主题为“次日(The Day After)”,内容涵盖了模特及其诱人的一面,异常的性感与奔放并让人 …


时代周刊:电视史百大经典佳作 – Mtime时光网 ... 一家之主, King of the Hill 洗劫后, The Day After 死木, Deadwood ...

The day after I won the title, a China Central TV reporter told me that all copies of every major Beijing newspaper had sold out. 得了冠军第二天,我们CCTV一个记者告诉我,昨天的北京各大报纸被抢购一空。
A year to the day after the ball, a timid knock sounded upon the door of Rachael's parents' home. 一年后的一天,雷切尔父母的家门上响起一阵颤颤巍巍的敲门声。
The day after his death all the ladies prepared to call at the house and offer condolence and aid, as is our custom. 她父亲死后的第二天,所有的妇女们都准备到她家拜望,表示哀悼和愿意接济的心意,这是我们的习俗。
When fellow initiates visited the farmers a few days later, they learned that the seeds had been sown the day after they were received. 几天后,同修造访那些农人,得知他们在拿到种子的隔天即已播种。
Could come to my home to help me with my Physics the day after tomorrow. 后天你能来我家帮助我的物理吗?
The existence of the sun god of the culture of that day have become the personification of the sun the day after the birth. 而存在太阳神的文化,这一天都成为了太阳被拟人化后诞生的日子。
Anglia TV made a statement the day after the program that it had been intended as a joke. 英吉利电视台在节目播出后发表声明称它是一场有意制造的玩笑。
The day after the operation the doctors told her to walk a fiew steps already and she did not have problems. 术后第一天医生已经让她走了几步,她没有问题。
"I wrote the day after DSK's arrest that most likely he was set-up. The latest news now prove that. Who put the money in her bank account? " 我在卡恩被捕后第二天写道,他极有可能是被陷害了。现在的最新消息证明了这一点。是谁把资金打入了她的银行账户?
On the day after his first performance in London, all the newspapers sang the praise of this new young actor. 他在伦敦首场演出后的第二天,所有的报纸都热情地称颂着这位年轻的新秀。
When he wasn't there the next day and the day after that, we started wondering if he was sick or -- hopefully -- on holiday somewhere. 当第二天和以后的日子里查理都没有出现的时候,我们禁不住去想:他是不是病了或者我们更希望他在某个地方度假呢。
Lapan said Gates spoke to the Egyptian military council chairman, Field Marshal Mohammed Tantawi, on Saturday, the day after he took power. 拉潘说,盖茨星期六在埃及军事委员会主席坦塔维就职后和他进行了谈话。
As you know, not one is born fat belly bulge there, it must be formed the day after tomorrow! 大家知道,并不是人一生下来就有胖胖的小肚子的,这一定是后天形成的!
The next day, fisher got the carp once again. And that pink woman came once again. The day after that, this also happened! 第二天,渔夫又钓到了那条鲤鱼。那个粉红色的女人又出现了。第三天,同样的事情又发生了!
If the last day of a time period falls on a Sunday or an official holiday, the day after the holiday shall be taken as the last day. 期间的最后一天是星期日或者其他法定休假日的,以休假日的次日为期间的最后一天。
I had bought them the day after he left for the war and I was not going to waste them on any other man. 在他从军参战的第二天我就买了这对戒指,我可不想把戒指浪费在任何其他男人身上。
The day after tomorrow is still someone's birthday , I send my blessing to him in advance . 那天以后的那天是某人的生日,我提前寄出了我的祝福。
The day after her birthday , he phoned his mother , "what did you think of the bird , Mother ? " 在她生日的第二天,他给母亲打电话,“你觉得这只鸟怎么样啊,妈妈?”
There is, dare I say it, a third way. Simply wait and see whether anything is clearer tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. 我敢说,还有第三条路,就是再等等,看看明天、后天、或大后天,事情是否会更明了一些。
for he easily borrowed six dollars of me on a promise to return to the boat and pay it back to me the day after we should arrive. 他很轻松地就从我这里借走了六个美元,并且他还保证将在我们船到达的那一天回到船上来把钱还给我。
The day after she died, my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. 在它死后,我年仅四岁的女儿梅瑞迪斯哭得很伤心,她说她很想很想艾比。
The day after his mother's birthday, he phoned her: "Well, mother, how do you think of the bird? " 第二天,John打电话问道:“妈妈,你觉得那只鸟怎么样啊?”
The day after the La Raza affair there was another gathering in NY, to which Latinos came out. 在拉拉扎会议的第二天,又有一拨人拉丁裔人聚到纽约。
She had not thought of good, how have survived the day after. 她还没有想好,死里逃生后的日子怎么过。
Things that really worries me is all of the economic problems that led to these crises are all going to be there the day after. 真正让我担心的是所有导致这些危机的经济问题都将是在随后发生。
Billy: No way. It's my mom's birthday the day after yours and I would have forgotten if you had not reminded me. 比利:才不呢!你的生日的天是我妈妈的生日,你提醒我,我全忘了!
When she began to tell him that all this had happened the day after her father's funeral, her voice trembled . 当她开始讲到这一切是发生在父亲下葬的第二天时,她的声音颤抖了。
And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. 过不了多时,有古卷作次日耶稣往一座城去,这城名叫拿因,他的门徒和极多的人与他同行。
Mr. Obama noted that he had gone to the Rose Garden the day after the attack to say "this was an act of terror. " 奥巴马指出,袭击后的第二天,他就去白宫玫瑰园发表了讲话,说明了“这是一起恐怖行为”。
The day after that, we took Bingting to OXFORD STREET, one of the famous shopping street in London. 第二天我们就带冰婷逛了伦敦非常出名的逛街地点牛津街拉。