time will tell

  • 网络时间会证明的;时间会证明一切;时间能说明问题

time will telltime will tell

time will tell


人际沟通100句流行语 ... Think it over.( 仔细考虑一下。) Time will tell.( 时间会证明的。) Zip your fly!( 闭嘴!) ...


英语日常用语锦集 ... No doubt it. 毫无疑问。 Time will tell. 时间会证明一切。 Just relax. 放松一下。 ...


关于时间的谚语英文 -... ... Time tries truth. 时间校验真理。 Time will tell. 时间能说明问题。 Time has wings. 光阴去如飞 ...


实用英语短句 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... This is how. 这样才是. Time will tell. 时间会证明一切的. Under the knife. 开刀. ...


Life—谚语-专题集锦-中国教育文摘 ... Time will tell. 时间将说明一切。 It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。 ...


惊蛰校友录 ... Time will tell时间将告诉一切)-端粒和端粒酶发现历程的启示 ),Johns Hopkins University( 约翰霍普金斯 ...


有关cascada 的 miracle 歌词翻译_百度知道 ... Ready for love ... 迎接爱 Time will tell 时间将会证明 ...

Time will tell, of course, whether the $50 billion valuation on the social networker implied by the deal turns out to be a good investment. 根据这笔交易推算,Facebook的估值达到500亿美元。当然,时间会告诉我们对这家社交网站的投资是否物有所值。
But Mr. McMillon said that he did not expect the FCPA inquiry to hinder expansion. " Only time will tell, " he said. 但是,董明伦说,他并不认为《反海外腐败法》合规调查将会减缓扩张速度。他说,“只有时间会给出答案。”
Now you're in despair, you hate me, nothing could I say to you, including the word "sorry" , whether it's good or not, time will tell us. 现在你绝望了,你讨厌我了,而我什么也不能对你说,包括“对不起”。这是对还是错,时间会告诉我们。
Only time will tell, but fans on each side will no doubt have their minds made up in the mean time. 只有时间才能告诉我们,但球迷一边一国无疑将对他们的头脑中取得的平均时间。
Time will tell whether 'our house upon a rock' will, as the White House hopes, define this president's economic strategy. 随着时间的推移,也许,我们将看到“岩石上的房屋”像白宫希望的那样,成为奥巴马经济政策的代名词。
Only time will tell, but it seems like an open invitation to develop third-party applications is a wise and logical next step. 只有时间能作出证明,但看起来接下来的明智之举是公开邀请第三方应用开发者吧。
Only time will tell if I really did figure it out. 只有时间才能告诉我们,如果我真的弄明白。
Tadesse: I didn't get a genius vibe from her, but I don't know. Time will tell. 我可没听说她是个天才的传闻,但我不清楚,时间会见证一切的。
Time will tell, but this could be the moment that Barack Obama finally found his inner realist when it comes to China strategy. 时间将说明一切,但奥巴马在中国政策上是应该采取现实主义态度了。
Only time will tell as to which, if any, of the predictions mentioned above prove accurate. 即便要,也只有时间能够判断,以上所提到的哪个预测会被证明是准确的。
You can't believe what I said, but time will tell. 你可能不相信我说的话,但时间会证明一切。
He responded with, "We believe that the democratic process is better than us deciding on our own but only time will tell. " 他回应说,“我们相信民主的方法比我们自己决定要好,但是只有时间会证明这点。”
Only time will tell if it endures as well as some of Fincher's previous efforts. 只有时间更够证明它是否能像芬奇以前成就的杰作那样经久不衰。
The dissenters in Garcia predicted a rapid demise for that case, however, so only time will tell whether League of Cities is gone forever. 对“加西亚”一案持异议者预言,此案会很快消亡。然而,只有时间才能证明“城市联盟”一案是否会永远消失。
So I like the philosophy that he's put in but only time will tell how much I will appreciate it. 所以我喜欢他在投入,但只有时间会告诉我是多么的会明白的哲学。
Only time will tell if it's a real challenger to the laptop and notebook . 至于它是否会对笔记本电脑和上网本构成真正的挑战,只有时间才能告诉我们答案。
Only time will tell if it's a real challenger to the laptop and netbook. ' 只有时间才能证明它对笔记本电脑和上网本是否是一种真正的挑战。
For now, countless treasures of the Yangtze await their fate. Whether the race to save them can still be won, only time will tell. 现在,无数的长江珍宝正在等待着命运的安排,到底这场保护赛是否仍可胜出,只有时间才知道。
Now I just have to improve with every game and time will tell [if I can fill the striker's role]. 现在我只需要在每场比赛累计经验,不断进步。时间可以说明一切。
Actually need a woman who I can call mine but i believe time will tell us more. 实际上我需要一个我能呼叫的女人,但是i相信次将会告诉我们更多。
In fact, China may have the largest number of English learners. Will Chinese English develop its own identity? Only time will tell. 事实上,中国学英语的人数是最多的。中式英语会形成自己的特点吗?只有时间能说明一切。
Whether I'm going to be as successful, or lucky, in business as I was in competitive gaming, only time will tell. 无论将来是否顺利或者幸运,我会和在游戏中一样在商海中搏击,时间会证明一切。
I tried to forge the middle ground, and time will tell if I succeeded. 为什么必须在东西方之间选择?我努力开拓中间的,时间会证明我是否正确。
Only time will tell how Jacques's prophecies pan out, but I suspect his book will long be remembered for its foresight and insight. 时间会告诉我们杰克的预言将如何成真。但是我认为这本书会因其远见卓识和真知灼见而源远流长。
Only time will tell, as Morocco's new political officers settle into their positions and its bloggers continue to analyze their governance. 唯有时间能证明结果如何,摩洛哥新政治领袖即将上任,博客也会持续针砭治理表现。
Oh be misunderstood normal, not too concerned, as long as he is right, on the other non-malicious, man knows, time will tell! 呵呵被别人误解正常,不要太在意了,只要自己是对的,对别人无恶意,路遥知马力,日久见人心!
Only time will tell how effective a sex strike will be if it moves forward, but it will sure be fascinating to find out. 如果它推进,只有时间才能告诉性爱罢工会有多大效果,不过搞出它来确实有些迷人。
While I might be tempted to wonder at how useful these tips might be, only time will tell. 尽管我可能对这些贴士的实用性心存怀疑,但只有时间能说明一切。
Nissan hopes, as Scion also once hoped, that it will become a centerpiece to the lifestyle of Gen-Yers, but only time will tell. 日产公司希望,作为接穗也曾经希望,这将成为核心的生活方式根Yers,但只有时间才能告诉我们。
As always in the World Cup, there can only be one winner and only time will tell whether this time round it's the octopus or the parakeet. 所有的世界杯比赛,只有一个冠军,那么就让时间来证明,这场比赛的预测到底谁会赢,章鱼还是鹦鹉呢。