
美 [trʌmp]英 [trʌmp]
  • v.胜过;出王牌赢(牌);出王牌压掉(他人的牌);打败
  • n.将牌;主牌花色
  • 网络特朗普;川普;喇叭

复数:trumps 现在分词:trumping 过去式:trumped



n. v.

1.[c](某些纸牌游戏的一张)王牌,主牌,将牌(in some card games) a card that belongs to the suit (= one of the four sets in a pack/deck of cards) that has been chosen for a particular game to have a higher value than the other three suits

2.[uspv](某些纸牌游戏的)王牌花色,主牌花色(in some card games) the suit that has been chosen for a particular game to have a higher value than the other three suits


come up/turn up trumps

打出王牌;做有助于获得(意外)成功的事to do what is necessary to make a particular situation successful, especially when this is sudden or unexpected


关于桥牌英语常用语_爱问知识人 ... 5. NOTRUMP: 无王 6. TRUMP王牌 8. MAJOR: 高花 ...


特朗普(Trump)集团是美国最大的房地产发展商之一,由美国房地产传奇人物唐纳德·特朗普一手创建。唐纳德·特朗普曾 两度竞 …


川普(Trump)公司是火车车皮(车厢)的初始建造者之一。事实上,川普的有盖底卸谷物货车车皮是这个行业中人人羡慕的对象, …


中国桥牌竞赛规则_百度百科 ... 奖分( PREMIUM POINTS) 将牌TRUMP) 叫牌( CALL) ...


美女上错身 S1E01 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... show: 展示 trump: 胜过 hot: 热的 ...


上帝的一支喇叭(trump)吹响时,一切的吹号筒者就要到天堂外吹六小时,在基督里死了的人将先复活,我们这些生存的将要被 …


创普(Trump)都曾经坦白说过:「人们会将大量的金钱花在赌场里面,而这些钱原本可用在买一台冰箱或是一辆新车.. 全部>> 我来 …


他 们到纽约跟地产大亨唐普Trump)学徒,分成两组,每集由唐普安排一个经营 项目,两队伍中输了的一方由唐普裁决谁负 …

Even the Bush administration, trying to trump yet another Democratic election card, is now proposing more oversight for financial markets. 即使是布什政府试图王牌又一次民主选举卡,现在是提出更多的监督金融市场。
The right to freedom of speech and expression could not trump the constitutional right to dignity, said the judge, who happened to be white. 恰巧为白人的法官说,言论自由的权利是无法高于高贵的宪法权利。
True, a duller ex-governor of a Midwestern state would not have had a musical written about him, or appeared in Donald Trump's reality show. 诚然,作为中西部州的前州长要是经历再乏味一些的话,就不会有人为他树碑立传,他也就不会出现在唐纳德•特朗普的真人秀上了。
If Greece were to restructure its debt, it would not take long for greed to trump fear and for capital to start flowing again. 假如希腊真的重组了它的债务,那要不了多长时间,贪婪的本性就又会战胜恐慌,资本会再次顺畅地流动起来。
The economy ought to be the Democrats' trump card, just as security tends to be the Republicans'. 经济应该是民主党的王牌,就像安全是共和党的王牌一样。
After a political tease that's lasted several weeks, Donald Trump finally decided he was not ready to leave the private sector. 在持续几周的政治活动之后,唐纳德•特朗普(DonaldTrump)最终决定,他还没有做好离开私营部门的准备。
A man is not to be sneered at for having a trump card in his hand, he is only to be sneered at if he plays his trump card badly. 一个手头有王牌的人是不会被人嘲笑的,他若是把手上的王牌打得不好,那才应该被嘲笑。
Those jokers were wild cards, trump cards, and one was as good as half the cards of the opponent of him that had it. 大小王是百搭牌,是王牌,一张牌将和对方一半儿的牌一样好。
Zurich - South Africa played its Nelson Mandela trump card at the very last moment to let the message ring out loudly: give it to us. 苏黎世,南非在最后的关键时刻打出了王牌,纳尔逊曼德拉的出现相世界清晰的宣布,给我们世界杯。
Since the recession set in, the left has not been able to play what should have been its electoral trump card: "We told you so. " 直到经济开始衰退,左派都没能亮出本应属于他们的竞选王牌——“我们早就告诉过你们的。”
The noise of the hinge rang in his ears with something of the piercing and formidable sound of the trump of the Day of Judgment. 在他耳里门臼的响声就和末日审判的号角那样洪亮骇人。
However, Trump said he did not think that this person would in his company's long-term work. 不过,特朗普说,他不认为这个人会在他的公司长期工作。
Frankly, your resume was no better or worse than any of the other applicants. . . but your Trump hair put you over the top. 坦率的说,你的简历和其他申请人的没有差别。。。但是喇叭发型让你鹤立鸡群!
Donald Trump happens to own the building in which he both lives and works. Mr. Trump "commutes" to his office in a private elevator. 地产商唐纳·川普正巧拥有这栋办公楼,他可以在里面既生活又工作,他只要搭自己的私人电梯就可以去上班了。
And I read about Donald Trump, trying to find out how he negotiates and puts deals together. 我还阅读了有关唐纳德·特拉姆的书,试图发现他进行谈判和撮合交易的技巧。
I wanted to get Trump's response to all this, but his spokesman has not replied to a request for comment. 我想得到Trump对这一切的回应,但他的发言人没有回复我。
she took a dinner knife to her forearm one night in an effort to trump the psychic pain she was in. 一天晚上她拿着一把餐刀对着前臂试图结束自己精神上的痛苦。
But for now , recession risks are enough to trump the allure of cheaper money , at least as far as equity traders are concerned . 但就目前而言,衰退的风险足以胜过资金成本下降的吸引力,至少对股市交易员是如此。
While efficiency, creativity and credit availability are important, they cannot be allowed to trump safety and soundness. 效率、创造力和信贷可得性(creditavailability)固然重要,但不应凌驾在安全与稳健之上。
But Darwin also saw that interests at the two levels often conflict sharply. In those cases, he said, individual interests trump. 但同时达尔文也看出,这两种层面的利益也常常会激烈地冲突,他认为,在这些情况下,个人利益将会胜出。
In March of that year, he announced that he might miss his $43 million principal and interest payment on Trump Castle. 同年三月,他宣布,在特朗普城堡项目上,他可能会损失4300万美元的本金和利息。
With a close, supportive family and a manager who has dealt with the likes of O'Sullivan, it appears Trump is in safe hands. 拥有亲密的,全力支持他的家人,和一位跟过奥沙利文这类球员的经理人,特朗普貌似胜券在握了。
Trump added that had he decided to run, he is convinced he could have won the Republican Party nomination and the presidency next year. 川普补充说,假如他决定参选,他相信可以得到共和党的提名,并自认为能够在明年大选中夺得总统大位。
While getting ready for the hotel's grand opening, Donald Trump was involved already in his next deal, the biggest one so far. 在为酒店盛大的开张仪式做准备的时候,唐纳德•特朗普已经着手他的下一单房地产生意,也是目前为止最大的一单。
Its writ can trump that of national governments when the single market is thought to be at risk. 当欧盟这一统一市场被认为有危险之时,委员会的权力能胜过国家政府。
This means that men who do make it to their century must depend more on genetic trump cards to see them through. 这意味着那些熬过百岁的男性必须更依赖遗传王牌的呵护。
In Hubei province , Wudang Mountain is only listed in the World Culture Inheritance Name List and also is one of three big trump cards. 武当山是湖北省唯一被列入世界文化遗产的旅游景区,同时也是湖北省旅游三大王牌之一。
Under its present management, laments Mr Trump ( "our current president came out of nowhere" ), it is sorely disrespected. 在美国现有的管理下,Trump先生感叹道(“我们现在的总统先生出身无门”),这是十分不尊重的表现。
The backwash squeeze is a useful way of neutralizing enemy trumps that cannot be drawn. It may help to establish a trump coup, for instance. 回流挤牌是对付敌方难以清除的将牌的有力之道。它也能帮助建立起擒将谱,如下例。
Moreover, a renewed plunge into economic crisis could influence and ultimately trump the factors driving commodities markets at the moment. 而且,重陷经济危机可能会影响并最终打压目前推动大宗商品市场的因素。