the interview

  • 网络面试;采访;人物访谈

the interviewthe interview

the interview


英语诵读经典(附光盘大学下)-百道网 ... 3.Three Kinds of Love 三种爱 2.The Interview 面试 3.Orientation in Life 人生定位 ...


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愈忙愈要学英文简历_百度百科 ... Interview Formats( 面试程序) The Interview面试本身) The Questions( 面试问题) ...


4面谈(The Interview) :情境面谈--要求应徵者在模拟情境中作角色扮演 5背景调查(Background Investigations) 应徵者资料的审 …


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Demo: Microeconomics: Principles and... ... 1.The Interview访谈法) 3.Observation( 观察法) ...

Where on earth confirm the clothes easy to wear in advance, clear up the place of the interview. 事先确定好要穿的衣服,弄清楚面试的地点究竟在哪里。
Yesterday, a writer of the interview, people only buy books that a year spent 1, 2 million, how much do I have? 前日,看一作家访谈,人家只买书这一件一年就花1,2万,我才多少呢?
Then someone asked him a question, and he ended the interview session, smiling ruefully as he walked out the door. 之后某人问了他一个问题时,随即他便结束了新闻发布会,无奈地笑着走出了门。
I am sorry to tell you that I will not be able to attend the interview you had scheduled with me. 对不起,我要告诉你我将无法参加你跟我预定面试。
Prepare yourself for the interview ahead of time. It's easy to imagine the types of questions you'll likely be asked. 提前做好面试准备,其实要想象一下你可能被问到的问题并不难。
Secondly, you could go to the company perhaps a few days before the interview, talk to the receptionists, try to get a company newspaper. 第二,你需要在面试前的几天去一下那个公司,和前台攀谈,去拿一份公司报纸——你总是可以找到你所涉及的产品介绍。
In the interview were there signs that this job wouldn't be a good match for you, but you decided to overlook them? 在面试的时候,是否有迹象表明这项工作虽然不适合自己,但是据你判断是有前途的?
Before all that though, Petr sat down and spoke to Chelsea TV. There was only one question with which the interview could start. 在这之前,切赫坐下来接受了切尔西电视台的采访,只有一个问题可以作为采访的开始。
There's probably ways to find the top 20 most interesting brain teasers. But the point is to see how the interview subject thinks. 有可能有方法选出头脑反应最敏捷的前20个应聘者,但关键是要看面试中题目的思路是怎样的。
In addition to preparing for the interview, you'll also learn whether or not the company and its culture are a right fit for you. 出了能为面试做准备,你还能看看是否企业及其文化对你来说是合适的。
The young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad impression on the employer. 年轻人在面试中表现得很奇怪。给雇主留下不好的印象。
You can use it as sort of a cue card or "study sheet" - to remind yourself of important points you want to include in the interview. 你可以把它作为类似提示卡或者“学习表”来使用——以便提示你自己在面试中要注意的重点。
His own eight years of work experience unparalleled confidence, convinced that the interview would not have too much trouble. 他对自己八年的工作经验无比自信,坚信面试不会有太大的麻烦。
A: Back in the 'dress for success' 1980s, the interview suit -- dark and serious year round -- was a woman's trusty piece of armor. 答:在上世纪80年代“穿着得体”的风潮中,一年到头都是深色、严肃庄重的面试装就像女性可以信赖的一件盔甲。
Trying to make some money before entering university, the author applies for a teaching job. But the interview goes from bad to worse . 为了想在进大学前赚些钱,作者申请了一份教职。但面试情况却越来越糟……
He knew I did not understand what he meant to say to me: a break to talk about, not part of the interview. 他知道我没理解他的意思,就对我说:休息时谈的,不属于采访内容。
The interview is the selection tool what is often used in recruiting. 面试是雇用工作中最经常运用的选拔东西。
Pixar was the last one to call me, but told me they couldn't do the interview me for a whole month. Pixar是最后一个打电话给我的,但是告诉我他们一个月内都不能面试我。
Note: ORIGINAL documents must be brought to the interview. All documents should be accompanied by an English or French translation. 注:面试时必须带原始材料。所有材料都应有英文或法文的翻译文件。
You can email or mail the note just a few hours after the interview or the next day. 你可以在面试几个小时后甚至第二天再发。
During the interview for an administration specialist position, the HR manager asked me to clean up a desk in a conference room. 在我应聘行政专员的面试中,人事经理让我去清理会议室的桌子。
Please give me a chance, I will have to dazzle the eyes of your splendor. For the interview with you! 请给我一次机会,我必将还您以夺目的光彩,期盼与您的面谈!
In the interview, both Dr. Johnson and Dr. Armstrong, seem to suggest that the object idea was and is an important one. 在这次采访中,Johnson博士和Armstrong博士都表示,面向对象的思想在过去和现在都是非常重要的。
I from online to see talent recruitment information directly to the company, the interview. 我从人才网上看到的招聘信息,就直接来公司面试了。
He didn't even ask me related questions, and so as he was about to end the interview I suggested he take a look at my portfolio. 他甚至没有问我一些相关问题,当他准备结束面试时,我建议他看一下我的文件夹。
Jack lost heart when he was turned down in the interview by the company. 在面试中被那家公司拒绝以后,杰克丧失了信心。
The day before the interview, rehearsal about with friends, always ready to answer to the question mentioned, let friends make a suggestion. 面试前一天,与朋友彩排一下,准备好经常提及的问题的答案,让朋友提提意见。
Thank you for the interview Melody. It was a pleasure to meet you and we all hope to see you again in our next tournament. 谢谢你接受我的采访。很高兴能认识你。希望我们下一次的比赛你还会来参加。
n The fee must be paid and processed before the interview. Please bring your receipt with you to the interview. 费用必须在面谈之前支付。请在面谈时带着你的收据。
It is the wise move to do some notes once in a while at the time of the interview, don't only pretend to very have its thing. 面试时偶尔做一点笔记是明智之举,只不过不要装作煞有其事的样子。