the boys

  • na.家中的男子
  • 网络少女时代;男孩们;那些男孩

the boysthe boys

the boys


少女时代(THE Boys)组图(25p) ...《 详全文》 回应 (0) 引用 (0) 正妹主播吴依洁 (23p) ...《 详全文》 南韩车模 宋智娜 (组图) 回 …


Strangeland - Strangeland的乐评 ... 14. Run With Me / 跟著我逃跑 15. The Boys / 男孩们 16. It's Not True / 绝非如此 ...


霸气的yy好友分组设计_做一个你信任的人... ... The girls 那些女孩 The boys 那些男孩 the church I grew up 教会我成长 ...


《营艺》-野外露营必备手册-童军参考书目 ... 童子军运动的要素 essentials of scouting 男孩子 the boys 童子军理想 scout ideals…


... Laying underneath the palm trees 还可以躺在那些椰子树下 The boys 而男孩们 Break their necks 只为了偷看我们那几眼 ...


英文爱藏系列·用幽默雕琢智慧_百度百科 ... 款待 Treat 两个男孩 The Boys 情书 Love Letters ...


死神之舞:风靡全球的赛车音乐_百度百科... ... 01 Mass 弥撒 02 The Boys 男孩子们 03 Pop Pop Pop 流行 ...


高二英语下册期末复习教学案... ... that... 既然...... The boys ____________________________. 孩子们要帮助那位老妇

Charles Halloway feels old, although he is only fifty-four, and he is tormented by an urge to be young and run like the boys. 查尔斯Halloway感觉岁,尽管他只有54,他是痛苦的呼吁是年轻人和运行像男孩。
After all, this is not a serious affair, the boys were young, high-spirited, and one of them is the son of a powerful politician. 毕竟,这不是一件严重的事情,那男孩年轻,精力充沛,而且他们中的一个是一个有势力的政客的儿子。
At worst, some of the boys who acted for him thought he might be a spy for the occupation. 最糟的是,一些为他演戏的孩子认为他可能是为占领者服务的间谍。
Although do not know is true or false, but the boys so praise I kinda feel shy smile scratches his head. 虽然不知道是真的还是假的,可是被男生这么称赞道我有点不好意思的笑着挠挠头。
Having been a tailor in his youth, he couldn't bear to see a woman patching at his clothes, or at the boys'. 做过裁缝,在他的青年,他不忍看到一个女人在他的衣服,或在修补的男孩。
He turned his eyes to the boys with the boats, as if the request were of little importance. 他的目光转向玩船的孩子们,好像在提一项小要求。
But he said a custodial sentence would be "counterproductive" and not in the best interests of the boys. 但是,他表示判处监禁可能会”适得其反“,并不是对这些孩子最好的引导方式。
So he forced himself to wait until he would be close enough to leap off and grab the boys. 所以,他强迫自己等待,等到离孩子足够近的时候,他再一跃而下—把将他们抓住。
There is a winter, the boys wake up the middle of the night, also saw his mother bent over a lamp in the body under the matchbox paste. 有个冬天,男孩半夜醒来,看到母亲还躬着身子在油灯下糊火柴盒。
The stillness, the solemnity that brooded in the woods, and the sense of loneliness, began to tell upon the spirits of the boys. 周遭的寂静、森林中的肃穆以及孤独感,慢慢地对这几个孩子的情绪发生了作用。
If he was able to get their endorsement, it would make a difference to the boys and give him the necessary boost. 如果他能获得这些人的支持,那们对那些孩子们来说就会起到作用,并给自己那必须的一次鼓励。
The boys and girls danced behind him in a gigantic swirling mass as they headed toward Main Street. 男女孩子们也都一窝蜂跳着舞跟在他后面,朝着大街的方向走去。
But when the door frame was being taken away, one of the boys leaped onto the train, embraced the girl in his arms. 可就在车门架快要收起的时候,其中的一位飞身跃上了火车,把女孩拥在怀里。
Some use it as an opportunity to help the boys understand what Memorial Day is all about. 有的人说可以借这个机会帮助我们的孩子们了解将士阵亡日的真正意义。
The boys have been lighting fires in the garden. So they're AT it again, are they? 那些男孩一直在花园里点火堆。他们又在搞这名堂了,是不是?
When I finished and handed him the verses next day, he took me to the highest class and made me stand before the boys. 当第二天我把写好的诗交给他的时候,他把我带到最高年级的班上去,让我站在学生们面前。
Mr. Branch sent regards. "The boys were the soul of this house, " he said. "And you were the glue that held us all together. " 布朗奇先生向孩子们表示关心。“孩子们是这座房子的灵魂,”他说,“他们是把我们联系到一起的粘合剂。”
George was planning on going out with "The Boys" when his wife told him that he wasn't leaving the house. 乔治计划和“兄弟们”一起出去,他妻子告诉他别想离开这所房子。
When the boys arrived, they were housed in separate cabins and, for the first week, did not know about the existence of the other group. 当孩子们到达的时候,他们住进了单独的小屋里。而且在第一个星期中,他们并不知道还有另外一组人的存在。
"Good-nature, " returned the manager. "Like to see the boys, you know. " “我是好心好意来的,”经理回答说,“想看看这里的朋友,你知道。”
I shall cross and cross back from bank to bank, and all the boys and girls of the village will wonder at me while they are bathing. 我要自此岸至彼岸,渡过来,渡过去,所有村中正在那儿沐浴的男孩女孩,都要诧
the bowls never needed washing , as the boys cleaned them with their spoons , trying to eat every bit of soup. 粥碗从来用不着洗,因为孩子们非用汤匙将它们刮得重又明光铮亮了才住手,试图吃掉每一点粥。
One of the boys spoke, with quivering lips, and with his head down. 其中一个男孩嘴唇颤抖,低着头在说话。
There's the bit of bragging with the boys, the fine head of the buck hung high up on the wall - sure, there's a thrill in all of it. 可以在男孩面前炫耀,伟大的战利品公鹿头可以高悬在墙上-确实,这一切都令人激动。
It's been great back in training with the boys again, I've got a week behind me now. 而我,回到队中和大家一起训练感觉很好,我的恢复几乎快了一星期。
The boys at the top of the form were marked down, as the gap between them and the rest did not reflect their true merits. 该年级名列前茅的几个学生的分数已压低了,因为他们同其他学生之间的分数差距并不反映他们的真正成绩。
As the sun began to steal in upon the boys, drowsiness came over them, and they went out on the sandbar and lay down to sleep. 62太阳渐渐升起来,照在孩子们的身上,他们感到困倦难耐,就从林子里走出来,到沙滩上躺下来睡觉。
" Now try, " he said . The boys broke the sticks easily in their hands. “现在,”他说。这个男孩打碎了棍子很容易在自己手中。
Out of all the boys in the class, he was perhaps the only one who knew calligraphy. He was basically what you would call a renaissance man. 他的字也写的非常漂亮,在我们班的男生中,恐怕只有他会书法,基本上属于十项全能型的人。
The boys had been quiet for so long that we began to wonder if they WERE UP TO something. 这些孩子好久没动静了,我们开始怀疑他们也许在搞什么鬼。